IDIOM Workshops

On Thursday the 7th of February, three High School Students came in to work with classes. Their names were Megan, Morven and Lyle. They came in to talk to us about their new business called IDIOM. These three students wrote and produced a book, cards and are going on to make gift cards. Their business focuses around Bonnie the Beltie. Bonnie the Beltie is a cow from Scotland. We were all taught about how to make a business, branding, budgeting and marketing.

We did a little activity as well and it was incredibly fun but also really hard. Our task was:

  • We got £60 to budget and spend
  • We had to pay £10 for one sheet of paper
  •  We had to pay £10 for one glue stick
  • We had to pay £10 for one pair of scissors
  • Luckily the pens were free
  • We had to come up with a product
  • Name our product
  • Name our business
  • Decide how much our product was going to cost
  • Decide how much we were going to sell the product for
  • You had to have a product that had something to do with Bonnie the Beltie
  • Some groups did bracelets, pillows, phone cases, shoes etc.
  • You then had to perform a two minute presentation to the class to explain/tell all of the above featuring your product

Primary 6/7 and Primary 7 thought this was a great workshop and the High School pupils delivered this well. They learnt a lot about starting up a new business and creating a new product.

Primary 4’s had a slightly different activity. They had to make a Storyboard about Bonnie the Beltie. They had to go into groups of four or five. They had to choose an adventure for Bonnie. The Primary 4’s found their activity very fun! Once they had finished they got to read them out to the class. Some of the students from P4 said they used a lot of communication skills and they really enjoyed colouring the storyboard in. The pupils said that the High School students were very nice, kind and caring. The pupils would absolutely love to take part in something like this again!

This was a lot of fun and everyone enjoyed having the experience of making their own product to show to the class.

IDIOM have worked really hard on their enterprise and if you would like to support them please visit


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