Primary 4/5 Term 2

In Primary 4/5 they have been doing lots of different work on maths. In maths they have been doing Multiplication. The times table they have been working on is the 9 times table. They are all working really hard on this and are really happy with their progress. In maths they have also done some dividing.


In literacy Primary 4/5 have been working really hard on taking notes. They have been taking notes to then go on and write summaries of different contents.

In Physical Education P4/5 have been doing gymnastics and their Jigs and Reels.

Image result for gymnastics keep calm

They are currently doing some work on The Festivals of Light. The class got a special visit along with the other upper classes. The people from the Jewish community came and talked to them about Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a festival that celebrates the freedom of the Maccabees from the king of the Greeks as he forced them to worship the Greek Gods.

Image result for hanukkah

Primary 4/5 have also been learning about the Advent. The advent is a Christian way of counting down to the day Jesus was born. Jesus was born on the 25th of December and this is a big time of year for a lot of people because… IT’S CHRISTMAS!! When we all celebrate Christmas we really need to remember its not about the presents it is about the birth of Jesus. Advent is usually an Advent Wreath. Christians usually light a candle every Sunday up to Christmas.

Image result for advent wreath


In Literacy P4/5 have been working on Speech Marks and where to use them. In sentences you have to use speech marks if it is the showing of what a person or animal has said. Primary 4/5 have been doing a lot of work on this and can’t wait to use it when they are writing some really good descriptive stories.

See the source image

During art the class have been working on Scottish Landscapes. The Scottish Landscapes they are drawing are all over any country side you see. The have been using different arrangements of colours during it all and they can’t wait to work on even more shading and use of colour techniques.

Image result for scottish landscapes


Primary 4/5 constantly work hard on all of their work and really do hope you enjoy reading about what they have been taught and learnt during the 2nd Term of their Primary 4 or 5 year!

If you would like to tell us what you think why don’t you put a comment in the box below !


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