What’s happening in P5/6 in term 2?

In P5/6 with Mrs Little they have been doing lots of exciting activities.

In P.E they have been doing gymnastics with Mr Sharp on a Wednesday.They have been doing routines and partner routines.  Here are some photos:


They have also been doing social dancing with Mrs little on Thursday first thing.

They have also been doing things in maths like, working on square numbers, working on prime numbers and doing cube numbers. They have also been doing work on bank accounts.

In art they have been doing work about Wonder. They did pictures of animals that are different on the outside, pictures of precepts and some with a character in the middle and their personality on the outside. Here is some of the artwork they did:












They have also been doing work with light. Here they are:

As you can see they have done lots. Keep going P5/6!




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