All posts by Miss Cruickshanks

Newsletter- Monday 16th March 2020

Coronavirus (Covid 19) and School Measures

We all need to take precautions to protect ourselves against Coronavirus (Covid 19).  I have been trying to take a ‘common sense’ approach and follow D&G advice.  Please can I remind you that if you or your children have a cough or fever then you should be taking NHS advice and self-isolating for seven days.


I have decided to cancel all gatherings between now and Easter. The following gatherings have been cancelled:

  • Lockerbie Manor Information Evening (for current P5s and P6s) tonight
  • Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 18th March
  • School Shows
  • Easter Services
  • School assemblies
  • After school activities


We are now limiting visitors in school and ask that all parents do not enter the school building unless it is an emergency.  Unfortunately, this includes our valuable parental helpers too.  (We have removed the ‘sign in’ book and Clerical staff will sign essential visitors in to school instead.)


Other measures that we are taking include:

  • We continue to remind everyone to wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds when entering the building and before eating/ drinking in addition to after using the toilet.
  • Limiting the times that pupils gather together by having staggered lunches and no longer having weekly assemblies.
  • After schools clubs are cancelled from today.
  • I have contacted the Local Authority for clarification about the Galloway Activity Centre P6/7 trip planned for 18th and 19th
  • UPDATED at 2.10pm – All sporting events out with school (including P4 swimming tomorrow for Crossmichael Primary) are cancelled.
  • We are propping open internal doors (risk assessed against fire safety regulations) to minimise the amount of times people touch them.
  • We will wipe down surfaces, computers and door handles with anti-bacterial wipes at regular intervals throughout the day.
  • We will not be providing play dough, water play or sand.


I know that this is an uncertain time for us all but at the heart of all of this are our children.  We need to keep them safe and reduce their worries.  We will do whatever we can to support each other over the next few weeks.  As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you wish to discuss anything further.


On an upbeat note… WE HAVE TONS OF TOILET ROLLS!!! If all else fails we could sell it and make a profit for the schools!   Our new Enterprise project?!!!




Best wishes,

Mary Lidstone-Scott


Newsletter- Monday 9th March 2020

Parental Engagement – A Quick Survey!

Thank you to everyone who has responded to our short survey about parental engagement.  We will have the results to share with you soon.  If you haven’t yet completed the survey then the link is below:


Coronavirus Advice from the Local Authority

Please see the previous post for advice from our Local Authority.  We continue to remind pupils to wash hands thoroughly and schools are being provided with antibacterial soap and hand sanitiser.


Primary 4 Curricular Swimming

Primary 4 pupils continue to attend swimming lessons every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 25th February until 12th March.  Transport is provided.


What’s On This Week:

Monday 9th March  – Curling for P6 pupils

Tuesday 10th March  – P4 swimming and Headteacher out all day

Wednesday 11th March –  P4 swimming and Headteacher out all day

Thursday 12th March-  P4 swimming, Parents’ Evening from 3.30pm – 5.30pm


Diary Dates:

Thursday 12th March



Monday 16th March at 6.30pm

Parents Evening



Lockerbie Manor Information Evening at Crossmichael Primary School for our current P5s and P6s who will be in P6 and P7 in Feb 2021.

Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Thursday 2nd April at 6.30pm School Show – ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’
Friday 3rd April at 2pm Easter Service in Village Hall


Photos will be uploaded shortly…


Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


Newsletter- Monday 2nd March 2020

Parental Engagement – A Quick Survey!

We are continuing to try and improve our engagement with parents and the wider school community and I am hoping you can take a few minutes to complete this short questionnaire in order for the school to find the best way forward.  Please choose the option most appropriate to your needs.  Thank you to those of you who have completed the survey already!


Coronavirus Advice from the Local Authority

Please see the advice below issued by the Local Authority:

Coronavirus Advice


 Primary 4 Curricular Swimming

Primary 4 pupils continue to attend swimming lessons every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 25th February until 12th March.  Transport is provided.


Primary 7 Gateway Evening – Monday 2nd March

P7 pupils from Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools are invited to an information evening on Monday 2nd March at 6.30pm in Crossmichael Primary School.  This will be presented by Mrs A Cook, Depute Headteacher at Castle Douglas High School.  Please see the letter below:

Gateway Letter to Parents 2020


World Book Day – Thursday 5th March

Please can all pupils bring a potato in to school so that we can decorate it for World Book Day?


Wallets Marts Food and Farming Day – Friday 6th March

Our P6 pupils will be attending this event with Miss Reid and separate correspondence has been sent to P6 pupils.  Please see the letter below for more information.  In particular, please ensure that pupils wear layers of clothing as it can be extremely cold!

200225 Wallets Mart Letter Home 6


Diary Dates:

Thursday 12th March


Parents Evening
Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Thursday 2nd April at 6.30pm School Show – ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’
Friday 3rd April at 2pm Easter Service in Village Hall


Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


Newsletter – Monday 24th February 2020

Parental Engagement – A Quick Survey!

We are continuing to try and improve our engagement with parents and the wider school community and I am hoping you can take a few minutes to complete this short questionnaire in order for the school to find the best way forward.  Please choose the option most appropriate to your needs.


Certificate of Recognition for Mrs Fenwick

We are delighted to announce that Mrs Fenwick was presented with a Certificate of Recognition from DG First for all of the additional work she does to raise the profile of the school within the community.  Last year, she ran ‘Big Cook, Little Cook’ workshops to encourage Dads to cook with their children.  She has encouraged parents to join us for school dinners at events such as our Sponsored Autumn Walk and has cooked the Burns Supper in the village Hall.  She is always thinking of ways to involve the community in the school and, in the past, has introduced ‘Fishy Fridays’ where villagers were invited in to school for a meal.  CONGRATULATIONS MRS FENWICK!!


Rotary Quiz Results

We are delighted to announce that our team came fourth in the recent Rotary Quiz event held at Castle Douglas Primary School on 6th February.  The competition was fierce and we are proud of our pupils.  Well done!!


Primary 4 Curricular Swimming

Primary 4 pupils will be attending swimming lessons every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 25th February until 12th March.  Transport is provided.



Primary 7 Gateway Evening – Monday 2nd March

P7 pupils from Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools are invited to an information evening on Monday 2nd March at 6.30pm in Crossmichael Primary School.  This will be presented by Mrs A Cook, Depute Headteacher at Castle Douglas High School.  Please see the letter below:


Gateway Letter to Parents 2020


Diary Dates:

Thursday 12th March


Parents Evening
Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Thursday 2nd April at 6.30pm School Show – ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’
Friday 3rd April at 2pm Easter Service in Village Hall


Other School News:

We are very proud of Milly who won three trophies at the D&G Burns Association Regional Burns Competition on Saturday 15th February.  She won the P6/7 bagpiping section in the instrumental class, was crowned best primary school bagpiper and won the Hugh Sloan Trophy for P6/7 bagpiping.  We are so proud of you, Milly!  Well done!

Pupils in P1-7 have been involved in an ‘enterprise’ project where they had to work together to create and advertise bird boxes to sell in school.  This project was a great success and pupils enjoyed the experience.


Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


Newsletter – Monday 10th February 2020

Positive Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy 2020

This year, one of the targets on our School Improvement Plan is to develop a Positive Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy.  Several members of staff have met from schools in Castle Douglas High School Cluster to create a draft copy of what this might look like.  I now wish to share this with staff, parents and pupils across the partnership schools and to seek your feedback.

In particular, I would like to know what you think we should include to ensure effective partnerships between home and school.  I would also like to know if you would like further information on what is meant by ‘restorative approaches’.

Please see the link below and email the school office with your feedback at .

Castle Douglas Cluster Better Relationships Policy 2019 DRAFT


School Holiday Dates

Please remember that schools will be closed next week for pupils.  Staff will attend training days on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st February.


P4 Swimming Lessons

P4 pupils will be engaging in nine swimming lessons at Castle Douglas swimming pool every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 25th February until 12th March from 10:30-11:30.  Transport will be provided.  Please ensure that your child brings their swimming kit on those days.


Diary Dates

Monday 17th – Friday 21st February School holidays

(Teacher training days on 20th and 21st )

Thursday 12th March


Parents Evening
Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Thursday 2nd April at 6.30pm School Show – ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’
Friday 3rd April at 2pm Easter Service in Village Hall



Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott



Newsletter – Monday 3rd February 2020

Burns Poetry Competition Winners

Last week Mr and Mrs Cathro listened to pupils as they recited their Scottish poems.  We are delighted to announce that the winners were:

P1 – Kali

P2 – Niall

P3 – Kyla

P4 – Zosia

P5 – Freddie

P6 – Alexa

P7 – Graham

Well done to all pupils for taking part.


Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society (RSCDS) Bronze Award

Each year our pupils participate in Scottish Country Dancing as part of our curriculum.  We also put forward teams to participate in the Stewartry ‘Day of Dance’ event.  This year it was called ‘Jigs and Reels’ and we entered a mixed team of pupils from Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools.


Lousie Coupar, our Active Schools and Community Support Officer, has been in touch to say that the Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society (RSCDS) wish to recognise the effort of all pupils within the school.  Therefore, they are awarding us with an accreditation.  This means that our school will receive a BRONZE award and each pupil will receive a pin badge to recognise their achievements.


Transport Costs and Attendance at Events out of School

We always try to involve pupils in as many events out with school as possible so that they receive a variety of learning experiences.   Sometimes this is not possible due to the costs associated with transporting pupils.  We are fortunate to have so many supportive parents who offer to transport pupils when we have a handful of pupils attending an event.


I now wish to share the information that will be going into the Dumfries and Galloway Volunteer Policy. This is still in draft form but the information below has been included in conjunction with our legal team:


“(*A parent volunteer can transport their own child to a school event, and other parents can make private arrangements between themselves about transporting children to school events.  The school may act as a facilitator for communication between parent volunteers to coordinate transport however, they must ensure that parents understand that this is a private arrangement between themselves, and it is for parents to satisfy themselves as to the adequacy of such arrangements.  This is because Dumfries and Galloway Council has no control over the existence of appropriate insurance or the whether the vehicle in question is adequately maintained.  In addition, the volunteer’s driving credentials, and existence of previous driving convictions will not have been checked.)  Schools should draw attention to the above (* ) in all correspondence re trips where these private arrangements apply. School children should only be transported on school related trips by a contracted company such as a bus or taxi firm, or by a teacher using a DGC pool car, or their own vehicle where appropriate business insurance is in place, a current MOT in is in place, the teacher’s driving licence has been registered and checked with the Council’s fleet management service and all of these matters have been verified in advance by the Headteacher of the School. 

Castle Douglas Junior Golf Development Programme

Here is a note from Wayne Blackburn, the CDGC Junior Convener:


“Leading junior golfers of Castle Douglas Primary & surrounding schools to the golfers of tomorrow

Encourage your child to get involved in golf with the Castle Douglas Golf Club Junior Development programme for children ages 5-16. With fun coaching sessions mixing games and practice, we teach boys & girls the value of golf and vital foundation skills that they can spend their golfing lives building upon. Monitoring progress is part of these programmes, which aim to get juniors confident and playing on the course as soon as possible. Junior sessions are available in term time on selected days after school and some weekends.

The programme will be run by Hugh & Ailsa Brannock & Alan Learmonth and a team of volunteers.

We will be having a family fun open day in the Easter holidays with lots of activities.

Dates for above sessions & fun day tbc.”



Gelston Diary Dates

Monday 17th – Friday 20th February School holidays

(Teacher training days on 19th and 20th)

Thursday 12th March


Parents Evening
Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Thursday 2nd April at 6.30pm School Show – ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’
Friday 3rd April at 2pm Easter Service in Village Hall



Gelston Bloggers

P4-7 pupils are learning to sew using cross stitches and running stitches.

They are also programming Lego robotics toys using coding.  Oscar and Andrew programmed a racing car and Chloe and Macy programmed a helicopter.

Gelston Newsletter – Monday 27th January 2020

Communication – Text Messages

Thank you for your patience as we try to sort out the problem with the GroupCall text messaging system.  We are aware of several parents who are unable to respond via text.  We are trying to rectify the problem.


I would like to thank you for using the school website and blog as this has had a huge positive impact on printing costs and administration time.



Burns Supper – Friday 24th January

Our Burns Supper was huge success on Friday night.


I was extremely proud of our pupils for reciting their poetry and performing their Scottish songs.  Milly did a wonderful job of piping in the haggis too.


Thank you to Mrs Fenwick for being our chef on the night and to our Parent Council for organising this event.  Thank you to Mr Swalwell for providing the bar.  Also, thank you to our staff for helping pupils to prepare, for writing the programmes and for helping our on the night.



Active Schools’ ‘Jigs and Reels’ Event – Monday 27th January

Active Schools organised a morning of traditional Scottish Dancing for pupils in P5-7 on Monday 27th January at Dalbeattie Learning Campus.  Our team performed their dances then enjoyed learning some new ones.  Thank you to Mrs Stevens for accompanying them.



School Dinner – Burns Lunch on 27th January

Pupils had their Burns Dinner in school today.  Milly piped in the haggis and our P7s recited the ‘Address to the Haggis’.  Theo said ‘The Selkirk Grace’.  Please see our photos.



Scottish Poetry Competition

Mr and Mrs Cathro are coming into school on Tuesday to judge our Scottish Poetry.  Our pupils are very well prepared and the standard will be high.  We look forward to hearing how everyone gets on.


Creative Scotland Youth Music Initiative Music Workshops – ‘Singing Games and Rhymes’

Mrs Picken will be coming in to school to work with pupils in P1-3 on Wednesday for 30 minutes.  This will be the first of three sessions where pupils will be engaged in singing games and rhymes.  The other sessions will be on Monday 3rd February and Monday 10th February.


Dog Fouling

Last week several pupils had trodden in dog dirt in our playground.  We contacted the council and leaflets will be distributed through doors to remind owners to pick up after their dogs.  We hope that this will help to remind dog owners to be responsible for their pets.


Gelston Diary Dates


Monday 27th January Burns School Dinner

 Please see details in main body of the newsletter.

Monday 17th – Friday 20th February School holidays

(Teacher training days on 19th and 20th)

Thursday 12th March


Parents Evening
Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Thursday 2nd April at 6.30pm School Show – ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’
Friday 3rd April at 2pm Easter Service in Village Hall


Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott



Some Photos from Burns Night:


Newsletter – Monday 20th January 2020

Communication – Text Messages

It has been brought to our attention that some parents have not been receiving text messages via the school’s GroupCall system.  Also, some parents have been unable to reply to our text messages.  Today we will send out a text message at 3pm.  Please reply via text.  If you do not receive this message, or if you are unable to reply, then please email the school office on .  We are trying to rectify the problem.


Meanwhile, please contact us via telephone, via email to the school office or via messages on the school blog.  Alternatively, if you have an urgent message then please contact me directly on my school mobile: 07741 686730.


Gelston parents also have a Facebook page but this is not linked to the school so if you have any queries then please contact us directly.


I would like to thank you for using the school website and blog as this has had a huge positive impact on printing costs and administration time.



Burns Supper – Friday 24th January at 6.30pm in the Village Hall

A message from the Parent Council:

“We are delighted to confirm that the Burns Night is a “sell out”. Unfortunately, however, due to the level of demand, it has not been possible to accommodate all requests for tickets. This is due to restrictions set to comply with fire regulations and insurance provisions and is completely outwith our control. You will find a slip in your child’s bag today confirming the number of tickets your family has been allocated. If for any reason you are not able to use all or part of your ticket allocation please let the school know as soon as possible as there is a waiting list for tickets.

It will be a great night and we look forward to see you there.

PC Council Committee”


The key arrangements are:

  • Pupils are included in your ticket allocations.
  • Please provide donations for our Scottish Hamper by this Wednesday. It will be raffled at Burns’ Night.
  • Parents are helping to set up in the Village Hall at 3pm on Friday 24th January.
  • Pupils will be performing poems and songs on the night.
  • Donations of desserts should be brought with you.
  • Please bring your own crockery (plates and bowls), cutlery and glasses with you so that you can take them home to wash afterwards.
  • There will be a bar provided by Mr Swalwell.
  • Mrs Fenwick will be our chef for the evening.

I wish to thank our Parent Council for organising this event.



Active Schools’ ‘Jigs and Reels’ Event – Monday 27th January

Active Schools have organised a morning of traditional Scottish Dancing for pupils in P5-7 on Monday 27th January at Dalbeattie Learning Campus.  We have arranged for a Crossmichael – Gelston team to attend and parents have been informed.  Mrs Stevens will accompany the children.  (Those pupils who are attending are encouraged to bring bottled water and a snack with them.)



School Dinner – Burns Lunch on 27th January

Please remember that we are having our school Burns Dinner on 27th January.  Pupils have already chosen whether they are having haggis, vegetarian haggis, kilted sausages or are bringing their own packed lunch.


Gelston Diary Dates


Friday 24th January at 6.30pm Burns Supper

Please see details in the main body of the newsletter.

Monday 27th January Burns School Dinner

 Please see details in main body of the newsletter.

Monday 17th – Friday 20th February School holidays

(Teacher training days on 19th and 20th)

Thursday 12th March


Parents Evening
Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Thursday 2nd April at 6.30pm School Show – ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’
Friday 3rd April at 2pm Easter Service in Village Hall


Best wishes,

Mary E. Lidstone-Scott


Newsletter – Monday 13th January 2020

Parent Council Meeting – TONIGHT-  Monday 13th January 

Please come along to help finalise arrangements for the Burns Supper that we are having in Gelston Village Hall on Friday 24th January.


Class Newsletters

Soon teachers will be sending home class newsletters to let you know what learning we are focusing on this term.  We will also let you know about PE days, etc. so that you are aware of what is happening and when.  If you are interested in any of our topics and would like to contribute to learning through sharing your experiences or talents then please get in touch with your child’s teacher.  We would welcome your input.


Scottish Poems

Pupils are learning Scottish Poetry as part of the curriculum.  Please help your child to practise their poem and learn it off by heart.  We are focusing on fluency, expression and actions to make our performances even better.  Pupils will perform their poems at our Burns Supper.


Gelston Diary Dates:


Friday 24th January at 6.30pm Burns Supper

In the Village Hall.  Please email, text or telephone the school office if you require tickets (up to 4 per family).

Monday 27th January Burns School Dinner


Monday 17th – Friday 20th February School holidays

(Teacher training days on 19th and 20th)

Thursday 12th March


Parents Evening
Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Thursday 2nd April at 6.30pm School Show – ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’
Friday 3rd April at 2pm Easter Service in Village Hall