Coronavirus (Covid 19) and School Measures
We all need to take precautions to protect ourselves against Coronavirus (Covid 19). I have been trying to take a ‘common sense’ approach and follow D&G advice. Please can I remind you that if you or your children have a cough or fever then you should be taking NHS advice and self-isolating for seven days.
I have decided to cancel all gatherings between now and Easter. The following gatherings have been cancelled:
- Lockerbie Manor Information Evening (for current P5s and P6s) tonight
- Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 18th March
- School Shows
- Easter Services
- School assemblies
- After school activities
We are now limiting visitors in school and ask that all parents do not enter the school building unless it is an emergency. Unfortunately, this includes our valuable parental helpers too. (We have removed the ‘sign in’ book and Clerical staff will sign essential visitors in to school instead.)
Other measures that we are taking include:
- We continue to remind everyone to wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds when entering the building and before eating/ drinking in addition to after using the toilet.
- Limiting the times that pupils gather together by having staggered lunches and no longer having weekly assemblies.
- After schools clubs are cancelled from today.
- I have contacted the Local Authority for clarification about the Galloway Activity Centre P6/7 trip planned for 18th and 19th
- UPDATED at 2.10pm – All sporting events out with school (including P4 swimming tomorrow for Crossmichael Primary) are cancelled.
- We are propping open internal doors (risk assessed against fire safety regulations) to minimise the amount of times people touch them.
- We will wipe down surfaces, computers and door handles with anti-bacterial wipes at regular intervals throughout the day.
- We will not be providing play dough, water play or sand.
I know that this is an uncertain time for us all but at the heart of all of this are our children. We need to keep them safe and reduce their worries. We will do whatever we can to support each other over the next few weeks. As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you wish to discuss anything further.
On an upbeat note… WE HAVE TONS OF TOILET ROLLS!!! If all else fails we could sell it and make a profit for the schools! Our new Enterprise project?!!!
Best wishes,
Mary Lidstone-Scott