Risk Taking Behaviour

Risk-taking behaviour can significantly impact school attendance in various ways.


Substance Misuse: Young people engaging in alcohol and/or drug use may face health issues, disciplinary actions or legal problems, leading to missed school days.


Mental Health Issues: Risk-taking behaviours, such as self-harm, unprotected sexual activity, can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues that affect school attendance.


Peer Influence and Bullying: Engaging in risky behaviours often involves peer groups that encourage truancy or create environments where bullying is prevalent. Victims or participants in such groups might truant school to avoid these negative interactions.


Criminality: Young people involved in criminal activities may face arrests, juvenile detention or court appearances which directly impact their ability to attend school regularly.


Family Dynamics: Risk-taking behaviours can strain family relationships leading to instability at home. This instability can result in irregular school attendance as young people deal with the fallout from their actions.


Academic Performance: Poor academic performance often accompanies risk-taking behaviour. Children and young people who are falling behind may miss school to avoid embarrassment or because they feel disengaged from the educational process.


Health Risks: Engaging in physical risks such as dangerous sports or reckless driving, can lead to injuries that prevent young people from attending school.



Strategies to Support Children & Young People Engaging in Risk Taking Behaviour

To address the impact of risk taking behaviour schools and communities in Dumfries and Galloway can implement various strategies:


Counselling Services: Providing robust mental health and counselling services can help children and young people manage the underlying issues driving their risk-taking behaviour.

Mental Health Support in Schools – Dumfries and Galloway Council (dumgal.gov.uk)

Educational Psychology Service – Dumfries and Galloway Council (dumgal.gov.uk)


Parental Involvement: Encouraging greater parental involvement in children and young peoples’ lives can create a support system that discourages risky behaviours.

Support your Childs Attendance in Dumfries & Galloway | Website for parents/carers in Dumfries and Galloway to support attendance and late coming (glowscotland.org.uk)

Risk-Taking Behaviour in Teenagers | Children 1st

Understanding Children’s Behaviour – Advice for Parents | Children 1st


Health & Wellbeing Curriculum: Implementing comprehensive health and wellbeing curriculum can inform children and young people about the dangers of risky behaviours and promote healthier choices.

Health & Wellbeing in Dumfries and Galloway (glowscotland.org.uk)

Home – RSHP

I Am Me Scotland | Resources | National Improvement Hub (education.gov.scot)

Mentors in violence prevention (MVP) | Resources | Education Scotland


Extracurricular Activities: Offering a wide range of extracurricular activities can engage children and young people in positive ways, reducing the allure of risk-taking behaviours.

Active Schools – Dumfries and Galloway Council (dumgal.gov.uk)


Early Intervention: Identifying at-risk children and young people early and providing targeted interventions can prevent the escalation of risk-taking behaviours.

Wellbeing Profile: Glasgow Motivation and Wellbeing Profile (GMWP) | Resources | Education Scotland

D&G Handbook GMWP