Culture & Ethos

The culture and ethos of a school are central to improving attendance.  A positive school culture and ethos fosters a sense of belonging, respect and motivation among learners which can significantly impact on their willingness to attend regularly.

Impacts of Culture and Ethos on Attendance


Sense of Belonging

A school culture and ethos that promotes inclusivity ensures all children and young people feel accepted and valued, reducing feelings of alienation and absenteeism.  When children and young people feel part of a supportive community they are more likely to attend regularly to be part of that positive environment.


Respectful Relationships

A culture and ethos that emphasises respect and positive relationships between staff and pupils encourages attendance, as children and young people feel understood and supported.  Furthermore, Strong peer relationships and a collaborative atmosphere can help children and young people feel connected and less likely to miss school.


Motivation and Engagement

An ethos that prioritises engaging and relevant learning experiences is more likely to keep children and young people interested and motivated to attend.  Furthermore, celebrating achievements, both academic and extracurricular, fosters a culture of success and encourages regular attendance.



A culture that prioritises physical and emotional safety supports children and young people feel secure and more likely to attend school.  Similarly, schools that emphasise wellbeing through mental health support, HWB curriculum and wellbeing programs help pupils feel cared for and supported.


Partnership Working

Schools that foster strong connections with parents/carers and the wider community can create a supportive network that values and promotes regular attendance.

Partnership working with local organisations can enhance the school’s culture and provide additional resources and support for children and young people.


Strategies to Cultivate a Positive School Culture and Ethos


Leadership and Vision

Establish a clear vision and set of values that prioritise respect, inclusivity, and student wellbeing.  School leaders should model the behaviours and attitudes they wish to see, promoting a culture of respect and positivity.


Student-Centred Policies

Implement policies that are supportive rather than punitive, focusing on understanding and addressing the root causes of absenteeism.

Involve students in decision-making processes, ensuring their voices are heard and valued in shaping the school’s culture.


Professional Learning

Provide ongoing professional learning opportunities for staff on building positive relationships, cultural competency and pupil engagement strategies.

Encourage collaborative practices among staff to share successful strategies and support each other in creating a positive school culture.

Professional learning programmes, webinars and events | Professional Learning | Education Scotland

Self-directed professional learning | Professional Learning | Education Scotland


Engaging Learning Environment

Develop a curriculum that is relevant to children and young peoples’ lives and future aspirations, making learning more engaging and meaningful.

Promote active learning strategies that involve students in hands-on, collaborative and experiential learning activities.

Curriculum Design Toolkit | Resources | National Improvement Hub (


Celebrate Success

Regularly celebrate and recognise pupils  achievements in academics, attendance, behaviour, and extracurricular activities.

Implement incentive programs that reward good attendance and positive behaviour, motivating children and young people to maintain regular attendance.


Targeted Supports

Establish mentor programs where children and young people receive guidance and support from staff or older students.

Provide accessible counselling and mental health services to support students’ emotional and psychological wellbeing.

Mental Health Support in Schools – Dumfries and Galloway Council (

Educational Psychology Service – Dumfries and Galloway Council (


Partnership Working

Maintain regular and positive communication with parents about their child’s progress and the importance of attendance.

Engage community organizations and resources to support school initiatives and provide additional opportunities for students.

Creating a school ethos that nurtures and supports children and their families at Muirkirk Primary School | Primary | Promoting improvement through sharing highly effective practice | Inspection and review | Education Scotland