Additional Support Needs (ASN)

Additional support needs (ASN) can impact on school attendance in Scotland.  Addressing additional support needs effectively is crucial for ensuring regular attendance and fostering an inclusive learning environment.


Impact of Additional Support Needs on School Attendance


Variety of Needs

Learning Disabilities: Conditions like dyslexia, dyscalculia and autism spectrum disorder can make the school environment challenging, leading to absences.

Physical Disabilities: Mobility issues or chronic health conditions might require frequent medical appointments or make it difficult to navigate the school premises.

Emotional and Behavioural Disorders: Conditions such as ADHD, anxiety or depression can cause school avoidance or inconsistent attendance.


Accessibility Challenges

Inadequate Facilities: Lack of accessible infrastructure can make attending school difficult for children and young people with physical disabilities.

Resourcing: Schools may lack the necessary resources or trained staff to support children and young people with ASN effectively, leading to frustration and absenteeism.


Social and Emotional Factors

Isolation and Bullying: Children and young people with ASN may face social isolation or bullying, making them reluctant to attend school.

Low Self-Esteem: Struggling academically or socially can affect self-esteem, leading to avoidance behaviours.


Family Dynamics

Parental Support: Parents of children and young people with ASN may struggle to balance support with encouraging independence, affecting attendance.

Socio-Economic Factors: Families with limited resources might face additional challenges in supporting their child’s education and attendance.


Strategies to Support Students with Additional Support Needs


Individualised Education Plans (IEPs)

Tailored Learning: Developing IEPs for pupils with ASN to address their specific needs and outline accommodations and support strategies.

Regular Reviews: Frequently reviewing and updating IEPs to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

A Guide to Supporting Learners through an IEP August 2022 (1)

Support for Learners – Dumfries and Galloway Council (


Inclusive Practices

Nurture: Implementing Nurture to create a flexible learning environment that accommodates diverse learning styles and needs.

Applying nurture as a whole school approach – A framework to support self-evaluation | Resources | National Improvement Hub (

Nurture, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma informed practice: Making the links between these approaches | Resources | National Improvement Hub (

Assistive Technology: Providing access to assistive technologies that support learning and participation.

CALL Scotland: The use of inclusive digital technologies to raise attainment for learners who require additional support (Additional Support Needs) | Resources | National Improvement Hub (


Professional Development for Staff

Professional Learning: Offering professional learning for teachers and staff on how to support students with ASN effectively, including strategies for inclusive teaching and behaviour management.

Inclusion, Wellbeing and Equalities Professional Learning Framework | Leading professional learning | Professional Learning | Education Scotland

Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between specialist staff and classroom teachers to integrate support throughout the school day.


Support Services

Counselling and Therapy: Providing access to counselling, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and other relevant services within the school setting.

Mental Health Support in Schools – Dumfries and Galloway Council (

Learning Assistants: Utilising learning assistants  to support students with ASN in the classroom and throughout the school day.

Pupil support staff framework | Self-directed professional learning | Professional Learning | Education Scotland


Parental and Community Engagement

Family Learning: Offering workshops and resources to help parents/carers  support their child’s education and well-being.

Community Resources: Partnering with local organisations to provide additional support and resources for families.

Lifelong Learning – Dumfries and Galloway Council (

Youth Work – Dumfries and Galloway Council (

Community Based Youth Work – Dumfries and Galloway Council (


Creating a Positive School Environment

Respectful Relationship Policies: Implementing and enforcing strong respectful relationship policies to protect students with ASN.

#respectmeans – A learning resource that examines how developing respectful relationships can prevent bullying | Resources | National Improvement Hub (


Flexible Learning Options

Home Learning: Providing instruction at home for students who are temporarily unable to attend school due to medical or other reasons.

Blended Learning: Utilising online learning platforms to offer a combination of in-person and remote learning tailored to individual needs.

Flexible Learning Pathways Case Study – Sanderson High School | Resources | National Improvement Hub (

Blended learning | Learning at home | Parentzone Scotland | Parentzone Scotland (


Early Intervention and Monitoring

Regular Assessments: Conducting regular assessments to identify and address emerging needs promptly.

Attendance Tracking: Monitoring attendance closely and intervening early when patterns of absenteeism emerge.