Here is the preview of Dalry Nursery, Primary and Secondary’s anniversary tea towel. We think it’s fantastic, hope you do too!
£5 each
£4.50 each for multiple orders (2 or more)
Pre orders are available by filling out the order form given to pupils on Friday, or they can be purchased at the Primary Christmas Fayre on Tuesday 20th 10-11.30am. If you have lost the order form, please contact the school for a replacement.
Please note, the tea towels are printed in royal blue.
A fantastic Christmas pressie for family members and friends!
All profit goes straight to FoDS, benefiting ALL our pupils from Nursery to Secondary.
Hope everyone has noticed and enjoyed the new sparkly tree and lights outside the Community Centre recently. There’s a VERY good reason why they’re there…
Everyone is most welcome to attend Dalry’s new, exciting and FREE community event:
Saturday 17th December 5.30-6.30pm at Dalry’s Community Centre
There will be Christmas songs, carols and music, hot drinks and even a special visit from SANTA!
Santa will be doing his rounds on his sleigh beforehand, so keep your eyes and ears peeled for him!
Hope to see you there for some good old community and Christmas spirit!
This afternoon P3,4,5 visited Natural Power to find out how a business in the ‘real world’ works. We were lucky enough to visit the different zones within the office, looking around and visiting people at their desks. We interviewed lots of employees to find out what they do for a job and realised that there were lots of people doing different jobs within the Natural Power Team. We even had a visit into the Control Room, where the team monitor and control the wind turbines, we couldn’t believe the amount of screens on the wall…amazing!
Kalen was promoted to Managing Director after Mr Sainsbury heard how successful his Dragons’ Den project business was going! Here he is with Mr Sainsbury’s tie and car keys!
At the end of the visit we were lucky to have a Q&A session with Mr Sainsbury, a Director at Natural Power. He was very impressed with the questions that we asked about his business and even handed out sweeties to us!
Thank you very much to Natural Power for having us visit, particularly to Kate and Fiona for organising. We hope that we can come back soon!
Calum Murray our local RSPB Community Liaison Officer visit our school garden today during Friday Fun Time to advise the gardeners on how to improve their pond that is currently overgrown with weeds. He suggested ways to maintain the pond and things that we could do to encourage wildlife of all kinds to settle in. He was also VERY impressed with the gardeners’ bug hotel that they made a couple of weeks ago.
We will be using Calum’s ideas next session, focusing mainly on animal habitats…watch this space for signs of our new neighbours!
We hope you continue to enjoy our articles in the Glenkens Gazette, our most recent addition being about the Outdoor Learning opportunities that we regularly provide for our pupils.
All classes will continue to utilise our fantastic outdoor spaces throughout the winter months. Please send your child to school fully prepared; with a warm waterproof coat, wellies or waterproof boots, hat, gloves and scarf. This ensures that they can comfortably participate in all outdoor activities, regardless of the colder weather.
Our participation in the Daily Mile will also continue, unless the weather conditions deem it to be unsafe.
Why the Daily Mile is great:
Within 4 weeks, children who do The Daily Mile become fit.
The 15 minute break from lessons is invigorating and leaves children (and teachers!) more focused and ready to learn.
The time spent outside, in all weathers, helps children become better engaged with the outdoors and aware of their surroundings.
The Daily Mile is non-competitive, fully inclusive, and the children have fun!
The Daily Mile is also a social occasion, and improves relationships, giving children the opportunity to talk to their peers and teachers in a way they might not in the classroom.
The Daily Mile builds teamwork and leadership skills, with children helping and encouraging their peers.
Children bring the benefits home, eating and sleeping better and encouraging their families to get active together.
The Daily Mile builds self-esteem and confidence, improving children’s perception of exercise for life.
The Daily Mile is critical to reducing childhood inactivity and obesity. Children are getting fatter, younger, and we need to stop this in its tracks. Early scientific studies show that the level of obesity at the pilot school is around 45% less than the national average.
Further reading on the Daily Mile:
On Monday 28th November, we all boarded the Glenkens Bus to go and visit the New Galloway Fire Station. We were all very excited and we couldn’t wait to get there.
When we arrived, we were met by Fire Fighter Carson. He showed us his uniform and explained all about it. He then showed us the fire engine. All the children had a go sitting in the driving seat and turning on the lights and siren. That was really good fun, if a bit noisy.
All the children then got a chance to use one of the water hoses. Fire Fighter Carson had to hold onto the children because the water jet was very strong.
We had a good look around the fire engine and learned about all the jobs fire fighters do, as well as put out fires.
Before we left, the children were given a fire safety book and a pencil. What a great visit and I wonder where we will go next time!
We decided to make the most of the beautifully sunny but frosty morning. We wrapped up warm, in our outdoor outfits, gloves and hats. The path was all glittery and a bit slippy. We held hands and made our way through the village, towards the wobbly bridge and the riverside. It was very cold and we found lots of patches of ice. When we got to the riverside, we ran around the field and threw stones into the water. We also tried to climb some trees, before we made our way back to Nursery. What a beautiful morning!
M & M Productions are visiting the school on the afternoon of Tuesday 6th December to perform ‘Cinderella’ and not ‘The Wizard of Oz’ as stated in the newsletter a couple of weeks ago. Apologies for the mistake.