As part of P5/6/7’s topic work; looking at the similarities and differences between Scotland and Brazil, today we were helped by Mrs Farquhar, the Secondary Home Economics Teacher to make and taste test traditional foods from both cultures.
Many of the children were less than keen at first. Some were concerned about actually preparing the food for themselves and their peers to eat. Others were concerned about trying new tastes and textures.
By the end of the session, however, ALL the children agreed that they had enjoyed the experience a lot more than they thought they would and that the were pleased that they had challenged themselves to taste things they thought they might not like! In fact most children even admitted that they quite liked the new flavours…watch out adults, you’ll be being asked for Bean Enchiladas, Brigaderios, Cranachan, Haggis and Turnip parcels and Strawberry Shortbread next week for tea!
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