Borgue news 20.11.20
More hard work here in Borgue with P1-3 creating teddies and tractors in art with Ms McLeman.
P4-7 have finished their Wonder inspired ” how to radiate kindness” pictures, based on the novel we are reading.
Borgue Assembly 20.11.20
We had another two very deserving award winners this week, Arthur and Eli, for efforts in orienteering and Maths. Well done boys!
Brighouse points winners: Michael and Morann
Ross points winners: Arthur and Samson.
Excellent effort everyone!
If anyone has any wider achievements, please send in a photo to Mrs Graham for the school blog . We can also share this at assembly.
Auchencairn P1-3 Link park visit
On the last day of Term 1, P1-3 met with Phoebe and Naomi at the Link Park. We played some games, walked along the nature path, made a food web using plant/animal pictures and chalk , and then made our own bird feeders! A busy , fun day!
Auchencairn Assembly 13.11.20
Borgue assembly and achievements 13.11.20
Well done to our fantastic award winners Caitlyn and Samson, for super effort in Science and excellent ruler work when a drawing a Victorian school.
Brighouse points winners: Michael and Arthur S
Ross points winners: Jake and Morann.
Good job everyone!
Well done also to Morann for achieving her first two Blue Peter badges , one for music and one for sports! Amazing!
Borgue Primary weekly news 13.11.20
It’s been a busy week here in Borgue, with lots of hard work going on.
P4-7 have started their Victorians topic and learned all about the life of the Queen. Have a look at their super portraits and information.
P1-3 have also started their topic and Mrs Harrison has put up the class information wall.
Amy Niven also came to visit and did some fitness circuits with P4-7 outdoors!
With Mrs Kirk, the pupils have been doing science experiments with volcanoes , observing the chemical changes . Lots of fun!
With Mrs Graham P4-7 used existing text to create blackout Remembrance inspired poetry.
The whole school also visited the War Memorial , and laid a wreath created with Mrs James. A few of our older pupils recited some poetry and we all took part in a 2 minute silence. Inside the school the pupils have made a fantastic display of poppies.
Week 2 Auchencairn assembly
Well done to Iona, Pupil of the Week in the big class !
Borgue fireworks art and poetry display
Have a look at these super firework collages and poems from P1-3, well done everyone!
Week 2 Borgue assembly
It’s been another busy week in Borgue Primary!
Our Pupils of the Week were Michael, Lily and D. Super learning everyone!
House points winners this week for Brighouse were D. and Benjamin!
House points winners this week for Ross were Kester and Arthur, well done to these brothers!
Elijah also shared a super poem about fireworks which he read out to the school.
And Arthur M brought in a Victorian invention to show everyone, a Jack in the Box!
And last but not least, we said a farewell to the McClunes who are leaving us on Wednesday- this was their last assembly. We will miss you boys! Good luck in your new home and school, you’ll be fab!