School Uniform


We have a very smart school uniform which consists of:

* Dark trousers/skirt

* White polo shirt or white shirt

* Black school sweatshirt or plain black sweatshirt

* School Fleece/waterproof jacket

* Sensible shoes

We are now ordering our school uniform through the online Tesco Uniform Embroidery Service. Follow the link below to browse our Lochside School shop to get free delivery direct to your house, you will also receive clubcard points on all purchases made and an with added bonus that the school will also receives a 5% cash donation on all orders placed which will go into our school fund.

Lochside School Shop:

Buy Your Lochside Primary Uniform here


N.B. The school would be pleased to receive any sweatshirts/fleeces which your child may have outgrown but are still in good condition. These can then be passed to anyone who wishes to purchase them at a fraction of the cost.


Weather permitting, children are expected to spend most of their intervals outdoors. Parents must ensure that children are sent to school suitably dressed for the prevailing weather conditions.

P.E. and Games Clothing

* Shorts/tracksuit bottoms

* Training shoes

*  T-shirt

Your child will be asked to remove any jewellery during P.E. This is for safety reasons.


A long sleeved overall or old shirt should be provided for art work.

Names on Your Child’s Clothes

All school uniform, P.E. kit and clothing should have your child’s name on them. Lost property is kept in the Hall, but items all look very similar!

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