Sports day
Edinburgh Zoo
Leswalt pupils go to see Olympic torch
Diamond Jubilee teas
Primary 1 on tour
Big Pedal 2012 – WINNERS!!!!
Rainforests open afternoon
Leswalt Primary recently concluded a highly successful and engaging whole school topic on “The Rainforest” with an open afternoon.
All parents, friends and relatives of the school were invited in to come and see the learning that had taken place, to take part in some interactive activities and listen to the children entertain by singing some rainforest songs.
The Big Pedal begins!
Leswalt Primary pupils, parents and staff have all been arriving at school on 2 wheels, instead of 4. As part of the National “Big Pedal” competition, we have been aiming to increase the ratio of cyclists and scooters arriving at school. Check out for details, and you will see on Thursday 8th March 2012, Leswalt Primary had the highest ratio of cyclists in the whole of the UK!Woodland walk
Pupils at Leswalt Primary school have all recently been learning about “The Rainforest”. As part of this topic, the children all went to their local forest, Aldouran Glen, to compare with the habitat of the rainforest.
As the school is currently competing in “The Big Pedal”, pupils and staff travelled to the Aldouran wetlands on their bikes or scooters. PC Kevin Wyllie came out to ensure the traffic was aware of the whole school cycling through the village of Leswalt.
Once at the woods, the school all met in the bird hide and the different types of trees apparent were discussed. Pupils were then divided up into pairs who had to complete a scavenger hunt. There were 15 items on the list for pupils to try and find. Amongst the items were a couple of red herrings, including a pineapple.
Eilidh and Emma were the first pair to find all of the items, with an imaginative interpretation of many of the trickier clues.
Pupils all enjoyed their outdoor learning afternoon, and pedalled back to school energised by the fresh air and excited by what they had found.