This week the “Randomiser” was used to allow pupils to select what activities they tried.
Mrs Mc Knight and her group made beautiful buttonholes and corsages. As Chloe was heading off to a wedding at night they kindly made her a lovely pink corsage to go with her pretty pink dress : )
Have a look at the photographs of the fun that was had!
Leswalt Primary has started a their regular Friday afternoon Wider Achievement activity afternoons. This allows pupils to select an activity which they would like to further develop skills in and/or extend their experiences in. It also allowed pupils to work together in different social and age groups. Have a look at some of the fun that was on offer!
The pupil council of Leswalt Primary recently asked if they could do something to help the children of Nepal, following the recent Earthquake. Merryn in Primary 7 had sent away money from her piggy bank to help the disaster appeal, and this had prompted others to see if they could also assist. The pupil council decided to have a non-uniform day and combined with face painting and a bake sale they raised the grand total of £135.70 for Nepal, showing they are truly responsible citizens.
Attached is a picture of the pupils of Leswalt Primary on their non-uniform day.
As part of their science learning and teaching Primary 5-7 have been busy making Ice cream – looking at changes in state. There was a great variety of flavours created in the classroom;
Kathryn and Lauren made very refreshing apple and mango sorbet. Rhona and Freya created a super fruity pink raspberry and strawberry ice cream. Arden and Aimee used banana yogurt and meringues in with their fruit to make a tasty dessert.
Mrs Baillie popped into the class for some time, as she had to have a taste!
However, Jack and Jamie were not so impressed with their “sludge” ice cream! Using brambles, blueberries, milk, honey, maple syrup, sugar and meringue their ice cream ended up a not so appetising looking grey colour.
In his written response to the question “how did your ice cream look, feel and taste?” Jamie wrote “it looked like sick, it felt chunky and it tasted like turnip. It was like swallowing an old tyre”.
The next question asked “Is there anything you might change about your manufacturing method for future batches?” Jamie answered “We would change everything – the colour, taste, amounts and flavour!”
Great effort for honesty Jamie – but not quite Masterchef material yet!
Mrs Bathgate has been busy delivering a series of cycle training lessons to her Primary 5-7 class this week. As part of the Health and well being learning and teaching, the class will be focussing on risk taking behaviour. And, they have all been bringing their bikes to school so they can learn how to cycle safely while out and about in the community. Hopefully you will see pupils out and about demonstrating what they have learned!
Primary 1 had fun with Mrs Smith, making some chocolate Easter nests today. They worked well together and created enough of the tasty treats to give everyone in the school one! Have a look at how busy our youngest pupils were.
On Wednesday 25th March the school opened it’s doors to parents and grandparents for an open afternoon. Everyone had the chance to come along and learn alongside their children. Activities on offer included healthy cookery, making electrical circuits, designing wonderful ancient Egyptian jewellery and even dancing along to “Walk like an Egyptian” on Wii dance!It was a fun filled afternoon in which all were able to get into the classrooms , and also have a look at the learning which has taken place.
The whole of Leswalt Primary went outside to try and see if they could catch a glimpse of the Solar Eclipse – but sadly the rather dreich day, meant the sun was hidden from view already – behind clouds! The pupils did experience the phenomenon of it getting noticeably darker – at 9.30am in the morning, as our photographs show.
Primary 4-7 recently enjoyed a visit from “Generation Science”. As part of Science week, pupils all participated in an interactive workshop which focussed on keeping their homes warm and well insulated – and how not to waste energy.
Well done to all the little people of Leswalt Primary who came to schools on bicycles and scooters as part of the National Big Pedal competition. They showed great teamwork, perseverance, and most importantly, road safety. After the final results were calculated we finished up 2nd in the whole of Scotland – a tremendous result!