P1-4 RME – Role Play of the Diwali Story

P1-4 have been learning about why Hindu’s celebrate Diwali.  It is to remember the story of Rama and Sita where they defeated the evil demon king Ravana.  They then became much loved King and Queen.  They read the story then acted it out.  They then wrote about the main events in the story.

Halloween Hilarity


On Monday 31st October, the whole school dressed up in a variety of wonderful costumes to celebrate Halloween.  There were pirates, minions, witches, werewolves and many more scary sights to be seen!  A fun filled afternoon was had including games such as; Dress the Mummy (with loo roll!), Musical Zombies, Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin, Halloween corners, Best Dancer and Best Dressed.  Best dressed outfits were fantastic home made numbers by Malcolm McGregor, P2 and Megan McIntyre, P6.  Lots of tasty treats were given as prizes, ending with everyone receiving a special treat for their effort with costumes and excellent behaviour on such an exciting day.  The pupils also had great fun ‘dookin’ for apples and learning about the history of Halloween and why it is celebrated.  I think the photos show just what a fun afternoon it was!

School photographs – from long ago

Primary 1-4 have been learning all about school in the past.  As part of this project they looked at lots of old school photographs, from Leswalt Primary.

This afternoon they tried to re-create a school photograph from the past.  What do you think?!

Still beating the street!


Leswalt Primary continues to be the Primary school with the highest average on “Beat the Street”. 

With one day to go, can we hold onto our lead?  Keep on walking folks!  You are all doing a fantastic job!

P5-7 at Wigtown Book Festival!

Here are some reports written by the P6s about the Wigtown Book Festival trip. We hope you enjoy reading!


Shoo Rayner

On Wednesday the 28th of September the whole school went to Wigtown Book Festival. When we got off the bus we split in to P5-7 and P1-4 because we were in separate tents and had different authors to listen to.  The wee ones had Tracey Corderoy who talked about her Shifty McGiftey books and the big class had Shoo Rayner (that’s who I’m going to be telling you about).

When we got to the tent, we had a seat and began listening to him. He was telling us about a story he had read and began to get all scared about it! Then he told us about his new book called Scaredy Cats. He drew a picture of one of the cats in it, Dr Catula, and read the story about one of the cats.  There are 9 cat stories in this book. They sounded really good!

They are the new books and honestly I think a lot of people liked it. He was really inspirational and was so good at reading aloud. At the end of it he asked us a few questions and he told us that he has actually written over 200 books – he even illustrates his books as well!  He is just about to start writing the third and final book in his trilogy is about dragon.

He told us his contract had asked him to  write 20,000 words on his last one! I think he is a very good author and illustrator and is doing a very good job. I would definitely buy another one of his books. Overall everyone really liked going to Wigtown Book Festival and listening to Shoo Rayner – it was very much appreciated!

By Kayleigh Williams P6

On Wednesday P1-7 went to Wigtown Book Festival. The P5-7s went to see Shoo Rayner. P1-4 went to see Tracey Corderoy in a different tent and she talked about her Shift McGiftey books.

Shoo Rayner has illustrated and written over 200 books so far. He went to Art College and met a person called Colin McNaughton who inspired Shoo Rayner to become an illustrator…and so he did! Mostly Shoo writes short picture books but recently he tried something a bit different!

One day he got mail which read ‘SHOO RAYNER YOU HAVE TO MAKE A BOOK THAT MUST HAVE AT LEAST 20,000 WORDS!’  It was a contract from his publisher.

He told us that he thought ‘oh no, 20 000 words!’ but he got started quickly because he likes a challenge! He has written two books of that series already – they are about a Welsh dragon. He is about to start the third and final book of the series after the book festival.

He also talked about his experiences of choosing a book in the library. He likes scary books but they were right at the back in a dark area where spiders lived everywhere and if you got near them then they’d BITE! He was great at telling stories and he made us jump by reading an extract of his latest book ‘Scaredy Cat’ . Everybody laughed when he tried to scare us but we tried to scare him back! It was really funny. I bought his book and he signed it for me too. I really enjoyed the session with Shoo Rayner.

Reporters – Finlay and Ethan

P5-7 went to see Shoo Rayner on Wednesday the 28th of September. The whole school went to the Book Festival but p1-4 went to see Tracey Corderoy who wrote the Shifty McGiftey stories.  Shoo Rayner has written over two hundred books. He has written and illustrated picture books and books for older children too. Today was mostly about his new book Scaredy Cats. He told us that his inspiration for writing and illustrating came from the picture book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.

Shoo Rayner went to Art College when he was younger. He was mentored by Colin McNaughton who is a well-known illustrator. He puts roughly 1000-3000 words into his picture books and around 20,000 words into his Welsh Dragon series – he has written two of these already and is about to start writing the third and final one after he has finished at the Book Festival.

I really enjoyed listening to Shoo Rayner and thought he was really funny. Most of the children there bought his new book Scaredy Cats and I think it’s going to be an amazing book to read.

By Alistair Brown and Megan McIntyre



School in the past

The children of P1-4 have been learning more about school long ago with the help of some visitors and a loan box from the museum.

Mrs Buchanan, Mrs Nina Agnew and Mrs Claire Kennedy came in to all tell the boys and girls how life at Leswalt Primary school has changed.  The whole school learned a lot from the question and answer session; like how the toilets used to be outside and children had to bring vegetables to school for their soup at lunchtime!  Old log books and registers from the school long ago were also looked at – along with a big box of fascinating photographs from the past.

The class also tried writing like they did in the past – using chalk boards and ink wells (with varying degrees of success!)

Have a look at the photographs to see how they all got on!

P5-7 and their Carlingwark Adventure!

What do you think of our photos?

Logan and Euan have added their short reports below too.

The weather could have been a bit kinder but we had a mega time! The children were just fantastic – great teamwork, problem solving and willing to give anything a go! They were great fun to be away with 🙂

Reporter – Logan Wilson

We went to Carlingwark on the 8/9/16. We headed off from school at half past eight in the morning. I was with Jack Rickard and Jamie and Euan. We came back on 9/9. I thought it was good fun. I loved the canoeing. I got soaked when we rocked the boat but I didn’t mind. It was cool!

And it was awesome. I cried a bit at night but Jack and Euan left the door open a bit. I got to sleep then Euan closed the door. I woke up at 8:00 in the morning for breakfast – Mrs Ferguson had to give me a shake to wake me up! I had rice crispies and toast. When I found out we were doing land sports, I was really excited! I liked mountain biking the best because I was like Lewis Hamilton fast and speedy! It felt like I was going as fast as lightning. I was getting used to standing up and covering the brakes. I enjoyed working with Kirstie in orienteering and scaring her through the trees! I was so tired after running about the Forest too.

I was glad to get back home to play my Xbox and see my mum, dad and cuddly reindeer. I had so much fun and am looking forward to going away next year! Get ready – here I come…


Reporter – Euan McCredie

I loved the canoeing. Some people had to walk across the wooden pole connecting the two canoes! It was really hard work! The mountain biking was great fun though it was really challenging too!! I was the youngest in my group so I found it hard to keep up.

I loved dinner  – it was lush!  I was sad about the No Fizzy Drinks rule but oh well…

It was a good laugh staying overnight with my friends.

Carlingwark was really great fun! I would love to go back! Maybe next year…


Primary 5-7 angles

On the 14th of September the P5-7 class headed on out to the playground and began to draw angles. Mrs Ferguson took us out to the willow dome and explained the maths we would be doing. After she explained the primary sevens went off to do some recap work and draw an eight point compass. After that they headed back to the willow dome only to see Primary 5/6 measuring their compass angles and writing down their conclusions.

The primary 7s were tasked with giving each other angles to draw accurately. It looked so hard to do; using a protractor to draw an angle with chalk but we managed it. The P5/6s used little figures to work on some position and movement questions too using their 8 point compass. It was good fun working outside in the sunshine!

Reporters – Arden and Jamie

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