Take a look at these short reports written by our P7s about their Transition experience last Friday. Sounds like they can’t wait to go!
P.7 at the Academy
On Friday the 17th the p7s went to the academy. My mum took us and we were the first school there. There we had some activities: basketball, science and team building.
This was amazing. We worked on shooting and passing and different team games. Someone ran into a wall – oops!
I even got invited to join them to play basketball on a Friday night.
We had to do lots to try to find out who committed the crime. We needed to do an experiment to drop water and pen and impressions on cups, and finding out what substance was put in the coffee and investigating finger prints.
We sat with new friends and old friends and had blether with them and had a snack.
Team building:
Team building – well for this we had a big parachute and played cat and mouse, hungry shark and ball games.
I can’t wait to go to the Academy. I’d like to say a big thank you to Mr Dawson and Mr Law for letting us come and arranging lots of different activities. I was a little unsure about the academy but now I can’t wait to go.
Jack Rickard P7
P7 Transition Day!
On the 17th of February 2017, Leswalt p7 pupils travelled in Ms Anderson’s car into the Academy.
We did a range of activities such as basketball, science and team building. My personal favourite was basketball. Dean was our instructor for it. We had a fifteen minute break in between. I saw some of my friends in other schools who were not in my group and we had a good blether. Our p7’s were in group 3 with some people from Belmont, Sheuchan and Rephad. It was really nice to meet new faces and get to chat about yourself and letting them get to know you.
I was really worried for the induction day but I learned once I was there that I did not need to worry at all. I had a really good time. I got to meet some of the teachers that I might get once I go; for example I met Mrs White the science teacher and the head teacher Mr Dawson. They were very nice and friendly with cheery faces to walk in and see. We also met some of the year one pupils. We got to ask them questions as they went through the same thing as us last year. I was really happy that I met new faces and got to see around. Now I know where three classrooms are so I won’t get lost looking for them in the future. I cannot wait to go on our next set of transitions!
 by Arden McIntyre
P7 day at the Academy
On Friday the 17th of February the P7s set off to the Academy accompanied by Karen Anderson. We went to the cafeteria and got sorted in to our groups. Then went to basketball with the YMCA. We played a warm up game of tunnel tig and then went to do some shooting in groups of 4s and 5s then we did some passing in a group of 3.Then we had races of over and under left and right.
After that we went to do some science with the head of science Mrs White. There was a video about somebody tampering with coffee there was a note and we had 5 pens. We needed to investigate! We dabbed them each on paper 20 times and then put 5 drops of water and did the same with the sample. It was either A B C D E it was C. We also bit in to a polystyrene cup and coloured this in and examine our teeth to compare dental imprints.
We went back to the cafeteria to have a break then headed to the assembly hall to do some team building. We played cat and mouse, life guards and sharks. We got the chance to ask some questions and the 1st years answered them. Then we tried on blazers. At the end we had a speech from Mr Dawson. I thought it was a great morning!
By Jamie Drennan
P.7 at the Academy!
On Friday the 17th of February, the P.7s travelled to Stranraer Academy with Jack’s Mum Karen for a transition event. We met lots of new primary sevens that would be in S1 with us. First of all we went to the gym hall for some basketball with the YMCA. We practiced some shooting and played some tunnel tig.
After that we went to one on the social subjects classrooms for science. In science we had to investigate a crime: Somebody had put something in somebody else’s coffee, left a note, and left a half-eaten pear! We had to figure what pen they used, what they’d put in the coffee, whose fingerprints were on the note, and what teeth marks were on the pear by biting a polystyrene cup to see what our teeth looked like. Once we had figured it all out, we went to the canteen for a break.
After break we all went to the assembly hall and did some team-building exercises with a parachute, then we played some board games. Both of those activities were fun and I really enjoyed them. During the board games we got our blazer sizes taken too.
Just before we left, the deputy head and the head teacher came and talked to us and said they hoped we had enjoyed ourselves.
Thank you to all the staff and helpers that made this possible. I really enjoyed that day and can’t wait to move up!
Emily Cochran