Read, Write Count Gift Bags launched

As part of the Scottish Book Week, all P1-3 pupils across Scotland were gifted activity bags to help parents support learning in reading, writing and numeracy.  To launch the bags, P1-4 parents were invited in to a presentation about Read, Write, Count and then given time to explore the activities with the pupils in small groups.  The afternoon was spent playing numeracy games, completing numeracy challenges and reading books.  It was a super afternoon.  Thanks to the parents for coming along… the children loved it and all went home excited about their bags.

Pitch, Pulse and Magic!

On the 18th of November 2016, Primary 5-7 got a visit from Pitch Pulse and Magic, a company from Live Music Now! Two people came, Juliette and Matt. Juliette played the piano and Matt played the flute, both were very talented. They taught us about how music can add emotion, set the scene and be descriptive. They first played a Brazilian Bossa Nova, then they played the Harry Potter Melody, the first part of the melody sounded mysterious, the second part was like a chase.  We sketched what the music made us think of. It was very interesting. We learned about the families of the instruments; the flute is part of the woodwind family, and the piano is part of the percussion family. They also played the Bumble Boogie, which was very fast, a tango and the Dance of Goblins. Euan conducted Juliette and Matt when to start and stop, then Millie conducted them on their volume.  We all really enjoyed the visit from Pitch, Pulse and Magic and we would like to say thank you to Juliette and Matt for coming to visit us. What an interesting morning!

By the P.7s

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Children in Need

The boys and girls of Leswalt Primary raised money fro Children in Need in a variety of different ways this year.  Official Pudsey headbands and wristbands were sold in school all week, pupils had a non uniform spotty dress up day and primary 7 offered all the opportunity to finger paint a Pudsey bandana.  The grand total is still to be calculated – however currently it is standing at well over £120.

The photographs show Leswalt pupils showing their spots ,as well as the spottiest children in school, with their prizes.pb181004 pb181006

Christmas Fair Craft Fun!

On Tuesday, the whole school created a ‘factory line’ to create fantastic little snowmen to sell at Leswalt Christmas Fair on Sunday 20th November.  The snowmen were inspired by beautiful handmade gifts given to the teaching staff from the Gaw Family (Noah, Phoebe and Charlotte).


The staff and children loved the snowmen so much, they decided to make lots to sell so others could enjoy having one too.  Many thanks to Mrs Gael Gaw for coming along and helping the school produce their gorgeous snowmen.  Everyone worked so well together and high quality items were created as a result.

Whole School visit from Police on ‘Emergencies’

On Monday14th November, PC Siobhan Pellet visited Leswalt School

as part of their HWB topic on Emergencies and Basic First Aid.  She talked about the role of the police and other emergency services.  The children learned about what an emergency is and how to call 999 and also learned to call 101 for the Police when it is not an emergency.

The children practised making 999 calls.  They need to know their name, address, mum and dads full names and their telephone number.  We will be practising all of this with the children.

P5-7 Video Conference with Castle Douglas Primary and Mrs Bathgate!

On the 10th of November 2016 P.5-7 of Leswalt video conferenced with P.6 of Castle Douglas Primary school. We exchanged questions and answers. We found out a lot more about Castle Douglas Primary and talked with Mrs Bathgate. They knew a lot about us because they had done their research on our blog. We are maybe going to arrange another video conference soon.

By: The P.7s


P1-4 RME – Role Play of the Diwali Story

P1-4 have been learning about why Hindu’s celebrate Diwali.  It is to remember the story of Rama and Sita where they defeated the evil demon king Ravana.  They then became much loved King and Queen.  They read the story then acted it out.  They then wrote about the main events in the story.

Halloween Hilarity


On Monday 31st October, the whole school dressed up in a variety of wonderful costumes to celebrate Halloween.  There were pirates, minions, witches, werewolves and many more scary sights to be seen!  A fun filled afternoon was had including games such as; Dress the Mummy (with loo roll!), Musical Zombies, Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin, Halloween corners, Best Dancer and Best Dressed.  Best dressed outfits were fantastic home made numbers by Malcolm McGregor, P2 and Megan McIntyre, P6.  Lots of tasty treats were given as prizes, ending with everyone receiving a special treat for their effort with costumes and excellent behaviour on such an exciting day.  The pupils also had great fun ‘dookin’ for apples and learning about the history of Halloween and why it is celebrated.  I think the photos show just what a fun afternoon it was!

School photographs – from long ago

Primary 1-4 have been learning all about school in the past.  As part of this project they looked at lots of old school photographs, from Leswalt Primary.

This afternoon they tried to re-create a school photograph from the past.  What do you think?!

Still beating the street!


Leswalt Primary continues to be the Primary school with the highest average on “Beat the Street”. 

With one day to go, can we hold onto our lead?  Keep on walking folks!  You are all doing a fantastic job!

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