Eco Schools Award Achiement

Leswalt Primary has yet again been successful in achieving Eco School Status!







In order to achieve our eco-flag renewal, the boys and girls had to demonstrate ecology and sustainability on the elements of Litter, Water and Food & The Environment. Even prolonged periods of remote learning couldn’t hold our pupils back, as they continued to work on these targets with home challenge projects set by Mrs McHarg.

Eco Schools Scotland were particularly impressed with the evidence presented by the children and praised their initiative.  We are very proud of our Eco Heroes.

See below to read extracts from a copy of the letter we received from Eco Schools Scotland:

Congratulations to everyone at Kirkcolm Primary School for achieving your 2nd Eco Schools Scotland Green Flag. I really enjoyed reading your application this morning and it was great to see the fantastic range of evidence that you submitted to support your application – I really liked the fact that you had planned your actions to ensure that they had a clear link to not only your chosen Sustainable Development Goal but also, many others. You have really thought about this and your evidence clearly demonstrates what you have achieved. Your evidence is something that we would be keen to share with other schools as an example of good practice.

I appreciate that it will have been a very challenging year and it was great to see how you adapted your plans to be able to keep working towards renewing your Green Flag.

We also noticed aspects of your work as being examples of good practice. We may use these on our website and social media as case studies to support other schools with their EcoSchools Scotland work. While reviewing your action plan and supporting evidence there are lots of things that have gone very well and that you should be very proud of.

I like the examples you provided of how you carried out your environmental review and then selected you action points, this was a great way to let us see that everyone was involved. I enjoyed the work that the p4-7 class did while they were studying water, the work that the pupils produced looks fantastic and I’m sure will have a very positive impact. I love your rainwater collection system and what a great idea to have pupils keep a water diary. I bet a few people were surprised by their results.

Like many schools you made the decision to add Eco Schools tasks to your home learning activities during lockdown, this is a really great way to keep everyone involved and to have an impact out with the school grounds.

The work that you have taken forward in your food and environment topic is very impressive. Your school garden development looks fantastic and It was great to see that you were also thinking about where the food we consume comes from and the food miles associated with this and then exploring how food could be produced more sustainably. Also, great to see you enjoying your One Planet Picnic.

Our team may use aspects of your work as examples of good practice on our website and social media to support other schools during their applications.

Congratulations once again, on behalf of the whole of the Education and Learning Team, we wish you every success as you move on to your next application.

Daniel Barrie
Keep Scotland Beautiful
Education and Learning Manager
Keep Scotland Beautiful

Our pupils will now continue our eco journey by selecting new elements to work on for the next two years.  As part of our commitment to articles 12, 13, 15 & 29 of the Rights of the Child and Global Goals, our newly elected Eco Committee will help steer the way forward.

# Effective Contributors & Responsible Citizens

Democracy In Action at Leswalt

The boys and girls of Leswalt Primary used and applied a democratic process to elect our new House Captains yesterday.  Fitting with our Social Studies topic of Democracy in Scotland, our candidates wrote their own manifesto speech to present to their audience.

Each applicant demonstrated a very high standard of professionalism and confidence as they outlined their personal skills and attributes.  Everyone spoke with clarity about the ideas and initiatives they had for the role of House Captain. We were all very impressed with the standard of each candidate’s talk, be it in person or as a virtual presentation.

The whole school then carried out an electorate voting process by selecting the candidate they felt would best represent them for the year ahead.  Everyone filled out a voting slip and posted it in our ballet box to be counted privately.








It was a VERY closely run campaign with the results as follows:

Lochnaw – Malcolm

Soleburn – Breagh


I am sure both House Captains will represent their houses well in the coming year.  Our thanks to all of our candidates who really did themselves proud.  We can’t commend the quality of each candidate’s presentation highly enough!  Each of them has earned a merit for their house team.

The activity helps support our learning as part of our curriculum and as part of a wider context; helping develop the Skills for Life, Learning and Work.  It also supports our drive towards our Rights Respecting Schools award and applies UNICEF’s Rights of The Child (articles 4, 12, 15, & 25)

# Effective Contributors/Responsible Citizens/Confident Individuals/Successful Learners


P5-7 Topic Visitor – Local and National Government

Today we welcomed Emma Currie into our class. She is a local student studying at Glasgow University who has been involved in many areas of politics and she’s still only 21!

Her interest stemmed from when she applied to be on the Pupil Council in P5 (take note folks – as those applications for Leswalt positions are due in next Monday!) and it grew from there! She has enjoyed many wide and varied experiences through her political passions including being a member of the SYP (Scottish Youth Parliament), working as an intern for Alister Jack, being a member of the A77 Action Group, organising the campaign for a politician who was subsequently elected, visiting Estonia and Taiwan as part of her political involvement and volunteering with many organisations – including at Stranraer Academy where she supported Modern Studies students – phew quite a list! And she’s only just beginning!

The pupils learnt lots from her powerpoint which gave a breakdown from councillors to Scottish Parliament to the UK Parliament. Emma also covered lots of interesting points such as why we should vote, how to get involved, what it all means for our area and, most importantly of all, the need for respect for all regardless of political leanings.

What an interesting afternoon – I’m sure she’s inspired quite a few to be the next Scottish First Minister or Prime Minister!

Thanks Emma!

Beach Art with Buddies!

What a lovely get-together Leswalt pupils enjoyed this afternoon when we all headed down Fisher’s Lane to the beach. Older and younger pupils buddied up and chatted on the walk down to the shore where they were put into teams of 4 and given the design task of creating the school name using natural materials! Well, what an imaginative bunch we have; from sandcastle letters to shells, driftwood to razor shells depicting the school badge – our team of intrepid designers came up trumps! Have a look at our beach fun below… A top afternoon of Eco art and design with friends!


Welcoming Our New Pupils To Leswalt Primary

Leswalt Primary are delighted to welcome our new additions to the Leswalt school team.  We are joined by two little ladies and and a young gentleman : Emma, Ellie & Bobby who had their very first day in Primary 1 today.

They  looked very smart in their school uniform, as you can see from the photographs:











Our P1’s enjoyed getting to know their new teacher, Mrs McKnight, and they had plenty of opportunities to make lots of new friends.


Emma, Ellie and Bobby have a had a busy time enjoying stories, art, P.E., yoga and more.  We think they may be tired tonight!

Leswalt Prize-giving and Au Revoir P7!

It was a sad farewell we said today to our 6 Primary 7s – Andrew, Chloe, Gregor, Jack, Joshua and Luke.

But we sent them away with lots of happy memories of their years at Leswalt Primary. My my – did we have a plethora of photos to choose from for their P7 slideshow! Look out for its premier on Youtube as it is well worth a watch!

We also celebrated  all pupils at our end-of-term celebration today. Unfortunately Covid-19 restrictions meant we couldn’t invite parents along to this, however we all made sure that the pupils had a great morning reminiscing over the fun learning experiences they have enjoyed this slightly unusual year; celebrating success and sharing memories.

Such fabulous celebration stories!

End of term awards Leswalt 2021

100% attendance awards

Ellie Bennewith, Rachael Drummond, Cara Jamieson, Chloe Kennedy, Struan Scott

Accelerated reading star readers

P2  Colin Mc Gregor

P3   Ela Chang

P4   Cara Jamieson

P5 Struan Scott

P6 Breagh (most books), Malcolm (most points)

P7 Andrew (most books) Jack (Most points)

Responsible citizen


Lily – confident little lady who will stand up for herself and others when required.  A force to be reckoned with!


Ruby – kind, caring little girl who always looks out for others.


Holly – never sets a foot wrong.  Sets a great example to others.


Carys – super helpful and a great support to younger pupils.


Alexander – helpful and very hard-working


Breagh – empathetic and caring classmate. Encourages others.


Andrew – fundraising efforts/initiative , always  wanting to help attitude


Mini walk medals        

Ben Thomson, Rachael Drummond, Mark Drummond,  Thomas Agnew

Sports champions certificates

P2-Murray Reid

P3- Hamish Scott

P4- Mark Drummond

P5 – Fraser Reid

P6 – Murray Williams

P7 – Chloe Kennedy and Gregor Reid (shields)

 House points shield

Soleburn – 116 (sports) + 144 = 260

Lochnaw – 74 (sports) + 189 = 263 – very close!!


 Who has passed Platinum rainbow tables this year?

Hamish Mc G, Alexander, Tristan, Struan, Murray, Joshua, Gregor, Rose

Who has passed platinum rainbow spelling this year?

Rose, Chloe, Aidan, Jack , Luke, Malcolm

P1-4 P5-7
Literacy award Hamish Mc Gregor – sets himself high standards. Reads novels that are pretty advanced, written work is entertaining and imaginative.  Super listener and always makes interesting contributions during class discussions. Aidan Adams – superb vocabulary range and uses this to great effect in his writing work and reading comprehension!
Numeracy award Ewan Clark – Clark the Calculator!  Quick accurate recall of number facts and bonds.  Loves to share strategies when learning is shared and is super enthusiastic and determined about all new learning. Thomas Agnew – Loves his number work! Working super hard on all maths tasks. Gets the bit between his teeth and won’t give up until he’s cracked a question!
HWB award Faye Adams – strong moral compass, shows great empathy for others.  Will help and support anyone who needs it.  A kind caring individual. Gregor Reid – super duper athlete! Excellent distance runner too. Great House Captain for this year too. A good friend and classmate who is fun company and fair.
REACH award (you might want to consider resilience, effort or positive attitude during lockdown learning?) Sean Mc Credie – Has worked his little socks off this year and made super progress in his P3 year.  Showing a real determination to do well.  Excited to see what he will achieve! Rose Santangeli – smiley, friendly and hard-working. Worked well throughout lockdown and always tries her best. Joined us here at Leswalt less than a year ago but feels likes she been with us forever. A real asset to the class.

Nina Agnew

Creativity award – Gregor Reid, for Scots poetry achievements

P5-7 Award for Endeavour – Jack Cloy, for making us smile in all he did!

 Finally, do enjoy browsing through our photos below and check out the Youtube slideshow (Mrs Baillie has emailed the link)

Youtube – Leswalt P7 Leaver’s slideshow


One Planet Picnic

Leswalt & Kircolm Primaries held a combined One Planet Picnic in the fresh air today as part of our last day fun.  The theme is ‘Good For You, Good For The Planet‘. This year, we worked very hard on reducing our single use plastic waste and snacking in a more environmentally way.

The initiatives we undertook were:

  • We packaged our lunches in recyclable paper bags
  • Our healthy fresh fruit offering was unwrapped to reduce waste
  • Our milk was supplied with paper straws instead of plastic
  • Children bought their reusable water bottles
  • Our take-away burger rolls were packed into recyclable paper bags.

Everyone enjoyed the alfresco social time as part of our last day.  There was lots of chatter and smiles from the boys and girls.

The children sorted our waste into three recycling tubs: food, paper and plastic, making sure there was no litter left behind.

Look at the different amounts.

Rachel, Ruby & Ellie recycle






The first, smallest bag on the left is food waste to be put on our compost heap, the second largest bag is paper waste to recycle and the third, smaller bag is plastic waste which we can also recycle. You can see from the photographs how little plastic and food waste there was compared to recyclable paper material.

We then placed the waste into the correct bins to be processed by Dumfries and Galloway Council.

Ellie sorts the paper for recycling






# Responsible Citizens

Marvellous Mabie!

It didn’t rain!! To be honest, expectations for a dry day were pretty low as we headed off to the east of the region and the fabulous Mabie farm Park. Not that the weather really bothers children! But our luck was in – we had the most perfect day! No rain, no wind; just smiling children pedalling boats, laughing on trampolines and bouncy pillows, scooting downhill on grass sledges, hopping on-board the quad bike ‘Choo Choo train’, petting the farm animals, jumping in the hay barn, clambering on the adventure play area and eating ice cream! Sounds like a pretty perfect school trip to me.

The North Rhins trio schools were the only schools there and the staff at Mabie were on-hand to ensure they had the best day out possible. Take a look at the fun photos below. Wish you had been there too? It comes highly recommended by us all!

Highland Show Success for the Clark Boys!

Last week, the Clark family headed up to the Royal Highland Showcase to show sheep – with great success!
Alexander showed and got 1st with a ewe lamb; then he, mum and Ewan achieved 1st again with a ewe and two lambs. Alexander was then awarded with a 1st and a Reserve Champion in the Young Handlers with the ewe lamb – and Ewan got 2nd!!
Well done Team Clark 😀



Sports fun for Leswalt Pupils!

It was sports fun in the sun today for Leswalt pupils at their new temporary home at Kirkcolm Primary! To make things even more exciting, the Leswalt and Kirkcolm pupils got together and enjoyed a joint sports day (our lone P1 pupil got to run with buddies her age from Kirkcolm!) This was made possible as we are all operating in a bubble together – with pupils lunching and playing together at break times. Unfortunately, Covid-19 restrictions meant we weren’t able to invite parents to cheer along but our classmates and staff made lots of encouraging noise from the sidelines!

Pupils participated in everything from traditional egg and spoon races to the bean bag throw; sprints to the sack race; skipping to a challenging distance race! All done with good fun as a priority and top sportsmanship skills on display. Full sports results to follow later, but in the meantime please enjoy these happy snaps!

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