Could the next ‘Calvin Harris’ be a Leswalt pupil?!

What a fantastic morning of music production we had on Tuesday! John Dinning came to deliver the first of four Soundtrap sessions with an initial focus on creating music.

The class listened carefully to the instructions from John then, armed with a laptop between two and headphones each, they set off to start creating some music.

All genres were investigated – and there are literally hundreds of beats, instruments and music categories to choose from. They can even access their work from home, or work on more than one project at a time! And, if they want some expert feedback, they can share their work with John who will use his extensive knowledge (he is a Sound Engineer who often works with bands at gigs and festivals) to add that extra sparkle!

John will also be working on podcasting with the class too over the coming sessions.

Such is the interest in technology in school that our fabulous Digital Leaders Alexander and Hamish have decided to start at lunchtime club to support their fellow classmates in P1-4 and P5-7 with various computer projects! Good for you boys! They might even explore Soundtrap too!

Move Over Steven Speilberg!

Thanks to Ms Whorlow, P6/7 pupils from across the North Rhins trio enjoyed an action-packed day of film-making today! Lights, Camera, Action..

Scott Mackay and Belle Doyle (representing Into Film and the Scottish Youth Film Foundation) led the pupils through this exciting workshop giving them an insight into movie production.

Initially the children discussed movie genres and the many, many jobs linked to the film industry; producer, director, editor, screenwriter, choreographer, makeup, costume design, animator, actors and more…

To make a film, Scott explained that 3 S’s and 3 C’s are followed:

Story                                Character

Setting                            Camera

Sound                              Colour

We then tried some film analysis. Rather than just saying I like a film just because…..!

We listened to a film clip (no visuals) and thought about what we could hear, what is made us think of, what might be happening, why was the music building up….

We discussed this as a class and then… watched the visuals to see if our ideas from sounds matched the reality! John led the pupils in ‘drilling down’ into the details of film production; the precision, the fleeting moments which together create the visuals/sounds for a scene.. All very interesting 🙂

We then watched a Star Wars clip thinking about the 3Cs and the 3Ss and making notes under each heading – a really useful tip for developing out story-writing too!

Differing camera shots are crucial to film-making so the children found out more about establishing, wide, long, mid-shot, close-up, high or low angle camera use.

The afternoon session called on our budding film-makers to work in small groups to shoot a mini-movie. This called for actors, cameraman and director working together to create a short film on a given topic using the knowledge they had gleaned from the morning.

A brilliant opportunity for our children to add new skills to their repertoire, discover more about careers within film-making and develop those technology techniques! Many thanks to Scott and Belle for leading our learning today and to Ms Whorlow for organising this!

Look out for those future film credits for any names you might recognise from the North Rhins Trio!



Party Party at Leswalt!

Show performances done? Tick! Christmas cards written? Tick! It must be time for the Christmas party!!

So, with their glad rags on, the pupils of Leswalt Primary partied all Thursday afternoon. Organised and led by their House Captains Rose and Thomas, the children enjoyed Musical Arms, the Christmas Shopping List game, Do you want to build a Snowman and a tasty half-time snack of juice, crisps and chocolate crispies made by the P5-7 bunch -before it was time to raise the roof with a rousing rendition of Jingle Bells! Sure enough, soon a bell chiming could be heard and the door opened to reveal the man in red himself!

Thankfully, every pupil had made the ‘nice’ list and so Santa gave a present to all. After waiting excitedly for everyone to get their gift, the pupils all opened theirs and there were smiles all round! Santa just knows doesn’t he?!

Just look at the happy party-goers below!

Who Took all the Loo Roll?!!

Can you believe it’s been 3 whole years since our pupils last took to the stage to perform at Christmas time?! Today they were back with a vengeance with their Christmas play ‘Who Took all the Loo Roll?’ The show tells the story of a group of aliens who have been watching us humans from a distant planet and are intrigued by our Christmas traditions, so they decide to visit to learn more.

They are baffled by: the gifting of loo roll (having panic-bought it during covid!); mistletoe (a feeling that is only enhanced when they see great-granny trying to land a smackeroonie on everyone – quite literally as Alexander Clark ran around the audience with some mistletoe!!!) and the most hated vegetable – brussel sprouts! The story culminates in the aliens finding out about why humans celebrate Christmas, with everyone learning that the real hero is actually the donkey – how else would Mary have got to Bethlehem?!

Pupils have been working really hard this term to learn their lines and lyrics and I think anyone who came to watch the show can agree, it definitely paid off! It was lovely to see everyone back together again sharing in the children’s achievements!

The True Spirit of Christmas at Leswalt!

Christmas is a time for giving – and never was that more obvious than over the last few days at Leswalt Primary!

Friday saw the welcome return of Owain Evans from Scripture Union Scotland with ‘Christmas Unwrapped’ to P5-7. This session offered pupils to take part in quizzes, arts and crafts, group discussion and reflection all centred around the Nativity Story and ‘unwrapping’ the message of the birth of the Baby Jesus. Christmas is a time for love, family and friends.

Allan Jenkins from Stranraer Development Trust dropped by today with a delicious treat for every pupil – a bar of chocolate! As he said, it’s a nice gesture to give to others at this time of year, and the SDT decided to gift a yummy gift to every Nursery and Primary pupil in our area. Such a thoughtful thing to do. The children will take this home with them at the end of the week.

Alison Graham from Apex also popped by today to pick up our Reverse Advent Calendar. Over the last few weeks, the pupils have been bringing in various bits and bobs to fill up our ‘Advent Calendar’. But instead of our calendar giving a treat to us – we are giving the treat to the calendar! Alison explained to the children where their kind donations would go – to Wigtownshire Food Bank. Trussell Trust oversees this and offers suggestions as to how to create healthy and nutritional food packs for individuals and families in crisis – whatever their crisis may be. This is a vital service, as this year they have already supported over 700 people (double last year’s number!) Apex work with other agencies to provide support to those who need it (food, clothing, bedding, advice, counselling etc)  and local supermarkets help out  by having a food bank drop-off in their stores. Lidl has also helped out with a Toy bank this year to ensure families get treats too.  It’s all about a community working together to help each other in whatever way possible.

What could possibly illustrate the Christmas message better than these three events?

Leswalt Pupils Perform at Community Concert!

On Friday 9th December, Leswalt Community Council held their annual concert. They’d extended an invitation to us to coma along and enjoy the Christmas fun!

As is often the case at this busy time of year, some pupils who’d have loved to have come along had other family plans – and Hamish, Ela and Daisy were already performing in the Stranraer Drama Club panto! Such a wealth of talent in our wee school!

But…Hannah, Rachael, Mark, Colin, Isla, Rose, Holly, Evan, Alexander, Ewan, Tristan, Brandon, Cara, Ben, Faye and Thomas did give up their time to come along and sing two songs from our upcoming show! They sang beautifully of course. I am sure there’ll be several members of the audience who’ll be keen to come along to the show on the 21st to hear even more!

Ben (who has only been learning to play the drums for about 6 months!) also performed along with the adult ensemble! What a drummer – rock star of the future perhaps?!

Alexander and Tristan even accepted the invitation to take to the floor for a little dance!

It was a lovely evening of Christmas carols and old-favourites, enjoying performances from all ages of the community. Mulled wine, juice and shortbread were offered around the audience during the interval too. Such a feel-good evening.

Huge thanks to the pupils and their families for coming along to support our village’s concert. Thanks also to Alison Thomson for her photos to add to mine. And I’ve also got a great video of the pupils singing and Ben drumming which I will work on uploading to the blog too!

Well done all!

A Fabulous Festive Feed at Leswalt Primary!

For many, it was the first ‘turkey and all the trimmings’ of the season as the pupils and staff of Leswalt Primary sat down to a delicious Christmas lunch today.

Primary 7 pupils set the tables, switched on the Christmas tunes to add to the party atmosphere and welcomed their classmates into the hall. Crackers were pulled, turkey was scoffed and we all enjoyed a fabulous plate of festive food. Judging by those clean plates and big smiles – the meal was a hit!


Leswalt’s Fabulous Christmas Open Afternoon!

The festive tunes were playing, the home baking was ready on the tables; the tea was brewing; handmade Christmas crafts were ready to be sold – yes, Leswalt Primary were ready to welcome friends and family into their school for the afternoon!

And what a wonderful afternoon it was! The children sang their little hearts out giving two performances of their ‘sneak peek’ of show songs – to rapturous applause! P5-7 pupils were busy tour guides; selling crafts for school funds; helping out in the kitchen; welcoming guests into the building and helping out with P1-4 crafts. Busy little elves!

P1-4 were busy making fabulous ‘shaving foam’ snowmen pictures (very cool!) and Christmas tree fir cones!

All afternoon, family and friends streamed through our shiny new door to spend the afternoon with us – all giving generously to the Glasgow Children’s Hospital who are caring for our schoolfriend Emma. Over £300 was raised at the door for this fabulous cause.

The fabulous Parent Council ran a very successful Tombola stall – and photos were also taken of the fabulous playground equipment we now have too. Many thanks to all for their help with this. More of that to follow next week…

It was great to see Mr Brawls and Mrs B who came back to their roots and were amazed at the changes made to Leswalt Primary building!

Special mention must go to Faye Adams who had her own little fund-raising enterprise going. She made woolly hat decorations, which she had sold to family and friends over the last few weeks, baked pancakes and ran a lolly stall at the Open Afternoon – all of which raised £100 for the charity too! Well done Miss Adams (and family!)

Our visitors enjoyed a tour of our school; a chat with pupils and friends; a delicious afternoon tea; the chance to buy some original home-made Christmas decorations and entertainment from the pupils too!

It was so good to see past pupils who dropped by. One of whom even parked his moped in the school carpark and made the teachers feel dreadfully old! Thank you Ethan, Finlay, Kayleigh, Arden, Megan, Logan, Jack, Andrew, Gregor, Chloe, Joshua, Aidan, Malcolm, Auryn and Breagh – we really appreciated you all taking the time to come in and say hello! Our door is always open if you are free to pop in again.

We hope to see you all again on Wednesday 21st December (1:30pm and 7pm) for the school show! Put the date in your diaries…


Preparing to open our doors…

This Friday (2nd December), we are opening our doors to family and friends to welcome them into our shiny, new school and share an afternoon of early Festive fun; all whilst fund-raising to support one of our school friends!

Come along between 1:30pm – 4pm to be in with a chance to purchase one of our homemade Christmas decorations; sit back with a cuppa and some delicious home-baking and enjoy a sneak peak of a few Christmas show songs with some entertainment from Leswalt pupils at 2:30pm!

Plus, you’ll be able to see our refurbished school and all the happy, smiling faces in it!

We have been busy elves for the last few weeks learning our show songs; making Christmas crafts to sell (cue lots of glitter!); designing posters to advertise our Open Afternoon; delivering leaflets around the village; making phone calls to invite special guests along; writing letters to ask for home-baking; making yummy chocolate crispies and organising our sales tables.

Lots of work but very worth it – as all donations collected at the door will be presented to Glasgow Children’s Hospital who are caring for and supporting one of Leswalt Primary pupils.

So, pop the date in your diaries!


  • Friday 2nd December
  • 1:30PM – 4PM (entertainment at 2:30pm)
  • teas, coffees and home-baking
  • Christmas crafts for sale
  • tour of our new school
  • all donations go to Glasgow Children’s Hospital
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