Ellie and Sean represent Leswalt Primary at the Rotary Lunch!

Big thank you to Ellie and Sean for representing Leswalt Primary so well at the recent Rotary Lunch. Their polite manners were as expected from this pair and we were delighted to nominate them to attend.

Mr Alec Ross talked about To a Mouse by Robert Burns and gave an excellent recitation  and explanation of this. Ellie and Sean enjoyed the chat with Rotary Club members and other P7 pupils representing our local area. They also enjoyed a slap-up lunch!

A lovely way to start the week – and a chance to thanks 2 very Responsible Citizens for their great behaviour!


Article 31 – Rest, Play, Culture, Arts.

Article 29 – Aims of Education


Primary 1-4 were delighted that their input from Lighthouse musicians today had the added bonus of a special visitor in the form of Mr John Harvey and his bagpipes.

John played some traditional, and not so traditional songs on his bagpipes for all to jig along to.  He also allowed pupils the chance to have a go playing them and try on some kilts.

This musical input ties in perfectly with the current Scots literacy focus we have in school for the month of January.  The children enjoyed the pipes being played – and Mrs Baillie had some explanations to people on the phone to her this afternoon!

Rugby Fun with Niamh!

Today P6/7 enjoyed their first rugby session with Niamh Wilson from the Rugby Development Team. It was a muddy affair – which the pupils loved!- and lots of fun!

They enjoyed a game of SWAP where pupils marked a cone and then swapped over – though others could intercept and take over a cone. A game needing quick movement. They also played ‘Capture the Flag’ which was a team game to encourage dodging the opposition and effective communication.

The session ended with lots of flushed faces (under the mud!) and happy smiles! And they even continued their rugby fun at breaktime too!

Roll on next week!

Article 29 Aims of Education

Article 31 Rest, Play, Culture, Arts

Happy New Year from Leswalt Primary to all of you!


The staff and pupils got together today to toast in the New Year and enjoy some Scottish traditions as it was the first opportunity we’d all had to be together and to wish everyone all the best for 2025!

A toast was raised with some Irn Bru and a piece of shortbread followed by a rousing rendition of Auld Lamg Syne. We also had a chat about the significance of Rabbie Burns – as Scots poems are being issued this week!

Then it was through to the hall for our very own Leswalt Primary Ceilidh!

The Gay Gordons had everyone smiling and a little out of breath then it was on to a birl through the Canadian Barn Dance! We ended with an attempt at Strip the Willow – great fun but we might have a few more shots to get it right!

We have decided to enjoy some Scottish dance throughout January Scots Month as part of our P.E.. We can’t wait for Ceilidh Mondays when we’ll be twirling and jigging like pros in no time!


Article 31 – Rest, Play, Culture and Arts


It’s Chriiiiiistmas! Showtime Extravaganza at Leswalt!

The stage was set, the glitter and fake beards had been applied, the cast were ready and the audience sat in anticipation of the annual Leswalt Primary Christmas Show! It was time to launch ‘It’s Chriiiistmas!”

Friends and family had flocked from far and wide – clearly word had got about as to just how amazing all of our pupils perform. And perform they most certainly did! The roof was well and truly lifted with the sound of their happy singing as they put on their production of ‘It’s Chriiiiistmas’ –  the story of  a Christmas Chart show which retells each step of the Nativity and ends with a rousing and cheery song inviting everyone to sing along and remember the importance of togetherness at this time of year.

We cannot express just how proud we are of each and every one of our performers! They were absolutely AMAZING!

PS – Next stop The Christingle in Leswalt Church on Christmas Eve when you will be treated to another fabulous singing performance! Hope we see you there!

Article 31 – Rest, Play, Culture and Arts


Party Party at Leswalt Primary!

House Captains Daisy and Isla have been planning this event for weeks and today was the day!

Wearing their best togs, the boys and girls were ready for an afternoon of Christmas partying fun – and that’s exactly what they got!

All the favourites were there: Musical Islands, The Grand Old Duke of York, Christmas Corners, Pass the Parcel – a quick refreshment break for juice, crisps and a delicious sweet snack provided by Hannah and Rachael’s mum from Simpson’s Bakery – and then a visit from a very special visitor! You may have an idea who that might have been…

Fortunately – but totally unsurprisingly to the teachers of course! – each and every pupil was on the Nice list and so Santa had a little gift for all! He then headed off to a rousing farewell song of Jingle Bells – he’s a busy man with a lot to do in the next few days!

Check out these lovely photo memories…

Santa Dash done!

The school and community came together for the Parent council organised Santa dash this afternoon, after school today.

To the festive tunes from the brass band, little Santas raced round the village to raise funds for the Parent council.

All entrants were provided with a Santa hat at the start and medal at the end – many thanks to Leswalt village stores for this sponsorship.

At the end, hot chocolate, mince pies and shortbread was on hand for all – many thanks to Lidl for donating this.

Thank you also to the musicians and members of the community association who also helped out.  It was a fun event that spread the Christmas cheer round the streets of Leswalt!  The fundraising total will be announced next week.


Over the last 4 week, we’ve had the pleasure of Stuart Fisher’s company who has taken each class on a weekly basis for 30 minutes of tri-golf. We’ve covered things from hitting long range shots using drivers and irons (in our PJs as it was Children in Need!), target practise with the large sticky target, and putting. We put all of our new skills into practise through lots of fun games and activities that Stuart setup.

Thanks to Stuart for taking the time to come in to Leswalt Primary – we’ve had a fab few weeks!

UNCRC article 31 – we have the right to play.

Festive Lunch Fun at Leswalt Primary!

The scene was set…lights twinkling on the decorated trees, cheery children decked out in their Festive knits, crackers laid on the tables, Christmas tunes pumping and the smell of a delicious dinner wafting around the hall! It was time for Christmas Lunch at Leswalt!

What a delicious lunch was enjoyed by everyone. Such a lovely time to all be together. Just look at these smiling faces…


Christmas Unwrapped with Scripture Union!

This morning we were delighted to welcome back Owain Evan’s from Scripture Union with the fantastic Christmas Unwrapped presentation! Fun games and a thought-provoking quiz got everyone on their feet and engaged. This covered Christmas traditions  and threw up some very interesting answers…

Owain told the class that Jesus’ coming was spoken of over 351 times in the Bible! Each group participated in a chance to work together to share their knowledge of the Christmas Story. They saw examples of a typical 1st Century Hebrew home and heard about some of the ‘prettier ideas’ that the Nativity Story has included over the centuries!
The hands-on activities continued as each group got a sequencing task to work through to some Christmas tunes but it wasn’t quite as straightforward as they might have hoped! It took a bit of figuring out to spot the ‘wild card’ 🤣

The morning continued with a wordsearch including all the key points covered. Super speedy word finding, followed by a video clip re-telling the Nativity dispelling those age-old myths!

The session ended with each pupil getting the chance to create their own commemorative ceramic tile selecting a key message from the Christmas Story – just look at these amazing designs below!

UNCRC Articles 13 Sharing Thoughts Freely, 29 Aims of Education and 31 Rest, Play, Culture and Arts.



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