On your marks, get set go ! For Sports day!

After a night of very heavy rain , it did finally dry up to allow us to have our Sports day at Leswalt. Cheered on by classmates, friends and family everyone tried their hardest and displayed a very sporting attitude.

Many thanks must go to David Kirkpatrick and Angus Brown who helped transport all the equipment across to the park. Thank you also to Natasha for the kind gesture of a sweetie mixture which every child got at 3pm, and the Parent council for the ice lollies at the end to cool everyone down.

Results will follow soon – with the winning house announced in the last week of term. It was a successful sporting afternoon – have a look at all the athletes in action!

Digital skills Scotland award!

After taking part in a verification assessment yesterday, we are delighted to announce we have been awarded the new Digital Schools Scotland Accreditation.

Portpatrick, Kirkcolm and Leswalt are the first schools in Dumfries and Galloway to achieve this recognition for our ongoing commitment to digital technology learning and teaching.

Have a read of the report to see for yourself all the excellent work which has been recognised –

Dumfries & Galloway – Kirkcolm, Leswalt and Portpatrick Schools Validation Report 11.06.24 (1).pdf

UNCRC Rights of the Child – 28 Access to Education, 29 – Aims of Education

P7 hoodies

Our Primary 7 pupils were delighted earlier this week to be presented with their official Leswalt leavers hoodies.  Thanks to the Parent council, each pupil got a new personalised hoodie – so they can forever be resplendent in red!

It was decided to give them early this year, so the P7 pupils can wear them with pride for the final month of Primary school – and then beyond!


Masterchefs in the Making – Part 2!

As part of their Health and Wellbeing lessons learning about different dietary requirements, it was the turn of the final 3 groups to make their recipes into real-life delicious creations!

On the menu this week we had – a vegan chocolate cake, a gluten free pizza and a diabetic curry! Yum!!

Huge thanks to Mrs Kyle for lending her culinary skills to help the groups. See them in action below!

UNCRC – article 24 right to healthy food

Outdoor Classroom Afternoon

The official Outdoor Classroom Day may have been rained off last Thursday, but that didn’t stop us from celebrating it a week later! This afternoon, we split into 3 groups and rotated around 3 different activities on offer – gardening (which included letting P5-7 pupils loose with a pair of secateurs on the willow dome!!); creating ‘grass heads’ using tights, grass seed, compost and plastic cups; and a village litter pick so we can see whether our litter posters make an impact when they go up this weekend!

We had a fabulous afternoon in the sunshine!

UNCRC article 24 – mental well-being and protecting our environment

Litter Posters in Leswalt

We were visited this morning by 2 members of the Community Safety Team who brought some exciting news! A few months ago, all pupils were tasked with designing a poster encouraging people to put their litter in the bin. 20 of these posters were selected by the Community Wardens and turned into weather-proof versions. They will be distributed on lamp posts all around the village this weekend, to encourage everyone in our little community to be responsible (and avoid an £80 fine if caught dropping litter!).

Have a peek below to see the 20 selected pupils with their posters! Everyone has been tasked with finding all of the posters in the community this weekend – we’d love to see any photos if you manage to come across any!

A huge thank-you to the Community Safety Team for their hard work in producing our posters and hanging them around Leswalt to hopefully keep it litter-free!

UNCRC – Article 24 right to a safe environment; Article 12 right to be listened to.

Operation Safety

Our Primary 6 pupils headed off to Stair Park today to participate in Operation Safety – a whole day session involving different workshops provided by various agencies, including the emergency services.

Pupils had inputs from –

  • Police Scotland, learning about drug and alcohol awareness and vandalism
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, learning about home safety
  • Youth Work on internet safety
  • Coastguard on water safety
  • Scottish Ambulance Service on First Aid
  • Community Safety Team, learning about anti-social behaviour
  • and SP Energy Networks, learning about electrical safety

They learned a range of life skills to help keep them safe and healthy and had a brilliant time! Thank-you to everyone who helped to organise this very worthwhile day!

UNCRC Article 2 – Survival; Article 16 – Protection of Privacy; Article 17 – Access to Information; and Article 33 – Harmful Drugs

Masterchefs in the making!

Using the new food technology resources that all primary schools in our cluster now have, our senior pupils have been making a wide variety of different dishes this week with Mrs Kyle sharing her expertise and  helping the all with those vital life skills.

On the menu this week were – sticky toffee muffins, pasta carbonara and chocolate brownies – yum!

Pupils all enjoyed cooking, and eating the different foods.  Have look at them all in action –  and the end products (before it was all eaten!).

UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 24 Health, Water, Food, Environment

Speak out. Stay safe with Buddy NSPCC

This morning, Tony from NSPCC joined P5-7 to lead them through the Speak out.Stay safe workshop. This followed this online assembly and activity which the class worked on last week.

The workshop began by introducing the mascot Buddy – a speech mark designed to encourage all pupils to talk about what is on their mind. Tony talked to them all about different types of abuse in a sensitive and age-appropriate manner. The main focus was to ensure pupils are all aware of their rights; know what is and isn’t acceptable and what to do about it. Discussion was key as the pupils worked together to talk about a variety of scenarios. The workshop linked directly to our school’s work on UNCRC Children’s Rights and gave all the pupils an opportunity to consider different situations and their feelings about them.

Tony played the pupils an animated video about Guy – a young boy who was hungry, lonely, living in a rundown house, looked unkempt and so found it very difficult to get to school and concentrate. He wasn’t being properly cared for – he was neglected. The pupils considered what he could perhaps do to make things better and thought about how he might feel. After chat, they watched the end of the animation which showed Guy contacting Childline and getting the support he needed.
The class did talk about the ways in which scenarios can be perceived but, essentially, to talk is the main message. Speak out to someone who makes you feel safe is the main message.
Everyone was provided with a booklet – a Speak out. Stay safe kit – a resource for them to use to think about their own safe places and safe people. They also made their own ‘fortune tellers’ and bookmarks to recap the main message from this morning.

Visit the Childline website below to check out the games on offer
Every child has the right to feel safe UNCRC


New minister

Today we welcomed our new Minister, Rev Marlene Cash into school to take her first ever assembly with all the boys and girls of Leswalt Primary.

Marlene is the new minister for Leswalt and Kirkcolm and hopes to link up a lot with us in school.

Today we learned why geese are not really that silly, and the importance of all working together.

We also learned that before she was a Minister, Marlene worked in Asda. 

We will look forward to having her in school again.


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