Partnership Fun!

As the boys and girls are somehow full of energy on the final week of school, we have tried to squeeze in as much fun as possible. So this morning, Kirkcolm Primary headed across to Leswalt Primary for a morning of inter-school sports. ♥️ 👬
We competed in the sprint, skipping, egg and spoon, the sack and the long distance races in the following groups (thankfully the wind died down and so Mrs Baillie did not have to chase sacks across the field!) 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️ 🥄 🥚

It was so lovely to see the boys and girls cheering each other on with a bit of friendly competition and team spirit! The highly anticipated relay race was the final race of the day – we had a four way race between each of Leswalt and Kirkcolm’s houses – Corsewall, Loch Connell, Soleburn and Lochnaw! The boys and girls positioned themselves round the track – and set off to the sound of their school mates cheering them on! 🙂 Corsewall and Loch Connell took the lead and finished joint first, followed by Soleburn and Lochnaw – but a huge, big well done to all 4 teams for all of the practise they have been putting in at break and lunchtimes over the past few weeks! 🏆 🥇

After the sports we headed to Leswalt School for a well-deserved snack and break, before we headed back outside for a Leswalt vs Kirkcolm game of football rounders – which was taken very seriously from both teams!! 🏐

Another thank-you to all of the parents who came along to watch and show their support (you even managed to avoid a Mum/Dads race!) and to those who helped to transport equipment across to the playing field.
And a well done to all of the competitors who showed fantastic sportsmanship and team spirit!
See below for the results of each race

SPRINT                 P 1 all                    1st          Beathan               2nd        Cameron                             3rd         James/Parker

SPRINT                 P 2 Girls                1st          Hannah                2nd        Eilidh/Sally                          3rd         Thea

SPRINT                 P 2 Boys               1st          Scott                      2nd        Henry                                    3rd         Ewan

SPRINT                 P3 all                      1st          Freddie                2nd        Ian                                          3rd         Joey

SPRINT                 P 4 all                    1st          Paige                     2nd        Rebecca/Cameron          3rd         Callum

SPRINT                 P 5 all                    1st          Murray                 2nd        Lyle                                        3rd         Rachael

SPRINT                 P 6 Girls                1st          Daisy                     2nd        Holly                                      3rd         Phoebe

SPRINT                 P6 Boys                1st          Ivan                       2nd        Sean                                      3rd         Archie

SPRINT                 P 7 Girls                1st          Sally                       2nd        Lydia                                      3rd         Cara

SPRINT                 P 7 Boys               1st          Alfie                       2nd        Mark                                     3rd         Danny


SKIPPING            P 1 all                    1st          Parker                   2nd        Jorgie                                    3rd         Beathan

SKIPPING            P 2 Girls                1st          Hannah                2nd        Sally                                       3rd         Eilidh

SKIPPING            P 2 Boys               1st          Henry                    2nd        James                                   3rd         Ewan

SKIPPING            P3 all                      1st          Joey                       2nd        Freddie                                3rd         Ross

SKIPPING            P 4 all                    1st          Callum                  2nd        Cameron                             3rd         Bryleigh

SKIPPING            P 5 all                    1st          Lyle                        2nd        Colin                                      3rd         Rachael

SKIPPING            P 6 Girls                1st          Holly                      2nd        Amelia                                  3rd         Phoebe

SKIPPING            P6 Boys                1st          Ivan                       2nd        Sean                                      3rd         Ewan

SKIPPING            P 7 Girls                1st          Carys                     2nd        Sally                                       3rd         Cara

SKIPPING            P 7 Boys               1st          Mark                     2nd        Jack                                        3rd         Steven


SACK                     P 1 all                    1st          Parker                   2nd        Harlow                                  3rd         Cameron

SACK                     P 2 Girls                1st          Hannah                2nd        Sally                                       3rd         Eilidh

SACK                     P 2 Boys               1st          Ewan                     2nd        Scott                                      3rd         Vlad

SACK                     P3 all                      1st          Ian                          2nd        Joey                                       3rd         Freddie

SACK                     P 4 all                    1st          Cameron             2nd        Callum                                  3rd         Paige/ Rebecca

SACK                     P 5 all                    1st          Murray                 2nd        Rachael                                3rd         Lyle

SACK                     P 6 Girls                1st          Daisy                     2nd        Phoebe                                3rd         Holly

SACK                     P6 Boys                1st          Ivan                       2nd        Sean                                      3rd         Alistair

SACK                     P 7 Girls                1st          Sally                       2nd        Cara                                       3rd         Faye

SACK                     P 7 Boys               1st          Danny                   2nd        Mark                                     3rd         Jack


EGG & SPOON                   P 1 all                    1st          Orla/ James        2nd        Cameron             3rd         Jorgie

EGG & SPOON                   P 2 Girls                1st          Hannah                2nd        Sally                       3rd         Eilidh

EGG & SPOON                   P 2 Boys               1st          Ewan                     2nd        James                   3rd         Scott

EGG & SPOON                   P3 all                      1st          Joey                       2nd        Lily                          3rd         Ross

EGG & SPOON                   P 4 all                    1st          Paige                     2nd        Cameron             3rd         Bryleigh

EGG & SPOON                   P 5 all                    1st          Lyle                        2nd        Colin                      3rd         Arran

EGG & SPOON                   P 6 Girls                1st          Phoebe                2nd        Ela                          3rd         Daisy

EGG & SPOON                   P6 Boys                1st          Ivan                       2nd        Sean                      3rd         Ben G

EGG & SPOON                   P 7 Girls                1st          Faye                      2nd        Lydia                      3rd         Sally

EGG & SPOON                   P 7 Boys               1st          Mark                     2nd        Jack                        3rd         Danny


DISTANCE            P 1 all                    1st          Cameron             2nd        Parker/ Harlow                  3rd         Orla

DISTANCE            P 2 Girls                1st          Hannah                2nd        Sally                                       3rd         Eilidh

DISTANCE            P 2 Boys               1st          Scott                      2nd        Ewan                                     3rd         Henry

DISTANCE            P3 all                      1st          Freddie                2nd        Joey                                       3rd         Ian

DISTANCE            P 4 all                    1st          Callum                  2nd        Rebecca/ Cameron          3rd         Paige/ Rebecca

DISTANCE            P 5 all                    1st          Murray                 2nd        Rachael                                3rd         Colin

DISTANCE            P 6 Girls                1st          Daisy                     2nd        Phoebe                                3rd         Holly

DISTANCE            P6 Boys                1st          Ivan                       2nd        Sean                                      3rd         Alistair

DISTANCE            P 7 Girls                1st          Sally                       2nd        Lydia                                      3rd         Cara

DISTANCE            P 7 Boys               1st          Jack                        2nd        Mark                                     3rd         Alfie

Loch Connell won the inter-school house relay, with Corsewall in 2nd place, Soleburn in 3rd and Loch Naw in 4th position.

Kirkcolm were the overall winners of the day with a grand total of 192 points, and Leswalt were in 2nd place with 116 points.

Masterchefs in the Making – Part 2!

As part of their Health and Wellbeing lessons learning about different dietary requirements, it was the turn of the final 3 groups to make their recipes into real-life delicious creations!

On the menu this week we had – a vegan chocolate cake, a gluten free pizza and a diabetic curry! Yum!!

Huge thanks to Mrs Kyle for lending her culinary skills to help the groups. See them in action below!

UNCRC – article 24 right to healthy food

Outdoor Classroom Afternoon

The official Outdoor Classroom Day may have been rained off last Thursday, but that didn’t stop us from celebrating it a week later! This afternoon, we split into 3 groups and rotated around 3 different activities on offer – gardening (which included letting P5-7 pupils loose with a pair of secateurs on the willow dome!!); creating ‘grass heads’ using tights, grass seed, compost and plastic cups; and a village litter pick so we can see whether our litter posters make an impact when they go up this weekend!

We had a fabulous afternoon in the sunshine!

UNCRC article 24 – mental well-being and protecting our environment

Litter Posters in Leswalt

We were visited this morning by 2 members of the Community Safety Team who brought some exciting news! A few months ago, all pupils were tasked with designing a poster encouraging people to put their litter in the bin. 20 of these posters were selected by the Community Wardens and turned into weather-proof versions. They will be distributed on lamp posts all around the village this weekend, to encourage everyone in our little community to be responsible (and avoid an £80 fine if caught dropping litter!).

Have a peek below to see the 20 selected pupils with their posters! Everyone has been tasked with finding all of the posters in the community this weekend – we’d love to see any photos if you manage to come across any!

A huge thank-you to the Community Safety Team for their hard work in producing our posters and hanging them around Leswalt to hopefully keep it litter-free!

UNCRC – Article 24 right to a safe environment; Article 12 right to be listened to.

Operation Safety

Our Primary 6 pupils headed off to Stair Park today to participate in Operation Safety – a whole day session involving different workshops provided by various agencies, including the emergency services.

Pupils had inputs from –

  • Police Scotland, learning about drug and alcohol awareness and vandalism
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, learning about home safety
  • Youth Work on internet safety
  • Coastguard on water safety
  • Scottish Ambulance Service on First Aid
  • Community Safety Team, learning about anti-social behaviour
  • and SP Energy Networks, learning about electrical safety

They learned a range of life skills to help keep them safe and healthy and had a brilliant time! Thank-you to everyone who helped to organise this very worthwhile day!

UNCRC Article 2 – Survival; Article 16 – Protection of Privacy; Article 17 – Access to Information; and Article 33 – Harmful Drugs

Easter Egg-Stravaganza!

Our House Captains and Vice Captains have been busy over the last few weeks, organising an Easter egg-stravaganza for the final day of term!

Firstly, we had our decorate a hard-boiled egg competition. We had lots of wonderful entries which made the judging a tricky decision! So much so that the House Captains ended up awarding 2nd and 3rd place to each class (and Miss Gordon had to run up to the shop to buy extra prizes!!). Our winners were –


  • 1st = Eilidh Ramsay
  • 2nd = Emma Shirley
  • 3rd = Jorgie Paton


  • 1st – Colin McGregor
  • 2nd = Isla Kirkpatrick
  • 3rd = Amelia McHallum

A huge thank-you to everyone who participated – it was a fab effort from all!

In the afternoon, pupils paired up for an Easter scavenger hunt outside. Each pair were given a sheet of clues to help them find the next egg. They had to write down the colour of each egg that they found to prove that they had indeed completed the hunt! The final egg led them to a gigantic plastic egg full of chocolate!

Thank-you to our House Captains and Vice Captains for a final day full of fun!

UNCRC Article 14 (freedom of belief and religion) and article 31 (right to play and participate in art activities). 

Litter-Free Leswalt!

As part of our Eco Schools work, the whole school headed out on Friday morning fully armed with gloves, biodegradable bags and litter pickers for our annual village Spring Clean!

We split into 5 groups and each group went to a different area of the village – Monument View, Church Grove, the main street up to the cemetery, the park and the Wetlands. We collected a whole array of things, including a golf club and ball, and 4 mini-wine bottles from the park!!

Our responsible citizens gathered 5 bags of litter in total, helping to make our village sparkly clean!

Leswalt does Red Nose Day

The pupils dressed up in as much red clothing as they possibly could today, in return for a small donation towards Comic Relief. Our House Captains have been busy selling official merchandise all week and some of our families made a donation towards the worthy cause when they came in for our science afternoon.

We also held our assembly on Friday, where we explored how Comic Relief helps children to get their rights. We listened to how the charity helps homeless people, those with disabilities and those living in poverty. Everyone realised how much of a difference their pennies will make to people around the world.

We raised a fantastic grand total of £73.64! Thank-you to everyone who donated!

UNCRC article 26 – social and economic help

Super Science Afternoon

To celebrate British Science Week, we held an open afternoon today where several family members joined us for some science fun!

We had lots of science stations on offer to put our STEM skills to the test, including: making a hovercraft; building spaghetti bridge; designing a parachute to get the Lego man to safety; creating fireworks in a glass; growing a rainbow; and by far the 2 most popular/messiest experiments – making a volcano and cornflour slime! Mrs McKnight was having heart palpitations due to the mess on her carpet and was seen several times throughout the afternoon walking up and down the corridor with various cleaning supplies!!!

Pupils worked in small groups, accompanied by an adult or two, to work their way around the stations and enjoy the various challenges on offer. We had a brilliant afternoon, and thank you to all the adults who joined us!

UNCRC Articles 5 (family guidance as children develop) and 29 (aims of education).

Have a keek at the photos below, including one of a very young visitor for whom it was all too much for!!

Music for All

Primary 5-7 headed off to the Ryan Centre this afternoon for a musical extravaganza, provided by the Stranraer Music for All team. House Captains Hamish and Carys provided a report of their time away –

This afternoon we went to the Music for All workshop at the Ryan Centre. When we got off the bus, we went into the theatre and sat down. There were two people playing instruments: Ron playing the guitar and Rachael playing the clarsach (a small harp).

They started with a few tunes then Rachael told us about her clarsach – she told us that it was made of Canadian wood and that the strings were made from cows guts. Then Ron and Rachael played some traditional Scottish songs while we played air harps along with them!

They finished off with some questions from the audience then a final song. We had a great afternoon!

UNCRC Article 31 – Right to take part in cultural and creative activities.

Unfortunately, we weren’t allowed to take any photos during the performance, but here is a photo of Rachael with her clarsach on the way out!

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