Fantastic fundraising!

The fundraising group of Leswalt Primary recently organised a Cream Teas event, which was held in the school.  Among the attractions there was a barbeque, face painting, book stall, fantastic prize raffle and of course delicious home baking.
At the end of the afternoon the money was counted and over £1000 was raised to boost funds.  Everyone involved with the Cream Teas would like to pass on their tanks to anyone who supported it.

Easter Challenge

The pupils of Leswalt and Portpatrick Primary recently came together to take part in a fun Easter challenge “Mission Possible”.  the aim of this challenge was for pupils to work creatively in mixed teams to create a structure to allow their eggy super agent to drive a set distance, float across water and finally survive a drop from  great height!  Points were awarded for creativity, teamwork and egg survival skills.

Have a look at our photos of the fun – and see if you can spot  the happy winners at the end!

Music festival trophy winners!

Primary 5, 6 and 7 recently travelled to Newton Stewart cinema to take part in the Galloway Music Festival.  They were competing in the Galloway Music Festival, and every single pupil in the class was both singing and playing a musical instrument.  After the adjudicator had fed back to all of the schools, Leswalt Primary was delighted as they were announced as winners.

As well as the whole class competing several individuals were participating in the piano and cornet classes.

National Cycling winners!

Leswalt Primary has cycled once again to National success.  This week it was announced that we have won the “Big Pedal” competition for the whole of Scotland!  The school was also runner up in the whole of the UK, small schools category.  This is the 4th year in which the school has been in the awards for this initiative.

At Leswalt Primary we are delighted to achieve success in this National competition.  The success of Leswalt Primary was due to the real community effort – from pre school toddlers arriving on trikes to parents cycling over 5 miles to school with their children.  It was a real wee team effort. As headteacher I did not have far to cycle to work, so I really appreciate the effort put in by all of my pupils and parents!  I am so proud of them all.

World Book day

The Boys and girls of Leswalt Primary School really got into the spirit of World Book Day by dressing up as a character from a book for the day.  The also brought in their favourite book to share with others and brought in old books for a book sale.  Throughout the day there were many book related activities such as book speed dating, writing book reviews and designing book marks

Getting to know each other – welcome to our village!

As part of the newly formed partnership between Leswalt and Portpatrick Primary Schools, children have been taking part in some exciting outdoor learning to find out more about each of the school’s communities.

Firstly, Leswalt pupils invited Portpatrick School to visit their community.  The whole school travelled to Leswalt and spent some time getting to know each other in the classrooms.  The pupils then worked in mixed schools teams to solve anagrams.  The answers gave a list of items to be found on a Scavenger Hunt in the local wetlands, Aldouran Glen.  Despite the torrential rain, spirits were high and pupils completed the Scavenger Hunt in their waterproofs and wellies!    All pupils were then treated to a tasty warm snack made by the neighbouring Kirkland Tearoom and farm shop as they dried off inside.

A reciprocal visit was made this week by pupils from Leswalt travelling to Portpatrick.  Luckily, the weather was on their side and all pupils were able to visit the local RNLI lifeboat shed.  The children were split into mixed school groups and were all given a chance to go onboard the brand new state of the art lifeboat, dress up as lifeboat men and women and watch video

s of real life rescues at sea.  The RNLI team involved in the tour were absolutely fantastic and had all children engaged from start to finish.  On return to Portpatrick School, all pupils were treated to some toast and not a crumb was left!  The pupils had a fantastic time and learned a lot about the importance of the lifeboat in the community of Portpatrick.

Pupils from both schools are beginning to form friendships and are always excited about the next joint project they will be taking part in.  A real sense of ‘partnership’ is beginning to take place between both school communities.  Leswalt Pupil Council are currently developing ideas for a joint ‘Easter Egg Challenge’ so watch this space!

Visit of Portpatrick to Leswalt

With the new partnership schools arrangement in place, the pupils of Leswalt primary invited the pupils of Portpatrick Primary to come and join them for a day of outdoor learning.  Unfortunately, it happened to be a very wet and windy day.  All pupils covered themselves up with waterproofs and had a memorable day in the Aldouran Woods.

Back in the school they shared a warm and tasty snack from the Kirkland farm shop and tearoom, and dried out together.

Burns Winners

In January the focus for literacy at Leswalt  has been Scots language.

And, all of the pupils learned some Scots poetry to recite.

Mr Dougie Brawls the Janitor, was give the very difficult job of judging the poetry, artwork and handwriting.  The winners were as follows-






P1 Twa Leggit Mice 1.Phoebe Gaw

2.Finlay Scott

3.Auryn Kirkpatrick& Erin Jamieson

Auryn Kirkpatrick Phoebe Gaw
P2 Dentist 1.Boyd Sloan

2.Charlotte Gaw    3Iona Rickard

Millie Smith Charlotte Gaw
P3 The Crocodile 1.Lewis Dove

2.Kayleigh Williams

3 Ethan Smith

Kayleigh Williams Lewis Dove
P4 The sair finger 1.Jack Rickard

2.Arden Mc Intyre

Arden Mc Intrye Jamie Drennan
P5 Wee Willie Winkie 1. Lauren Anderson & Kathryn Topping

2.Finlay Cowan

3 Kerr Calderwood

Finlay Cowan Finlay Cowan
P6 Cat food rap 1. Aiyanna Wilson

2. Rhona Baillie

3 Freya Bathgate

Aiyanna Wilson Freya Bathgate
P7 Address to the haggis 1.Tommy Kerslake

2. Craig Anderson

3 Erin Topping Abbie Mc Quillan

Abbie Mc Quillan Abbie Mc Quillan
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