Rugby Fun

Sadly today saw the end of our three week rugby coaching sessions. Huge thanks to Nick and Campbell for their teaching input. Warmup sessions, training drills, mini games and lots of top tips helped the pupils to develop their rugby skills. The class thoroughly enjoyed this sporting input.

Remember rugby sessions are held on Sunday mornings at 10.15 at the Transit Camp in Stranraer for primary school aged children £1 a session or become a member for £20 and every session is free!



Today we had a visit from Mr Kerr who introduced us to learning a little Spanish. We sang a song which had lots of new vocabulary in it to say Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night, hello, how are you and more…

Mr Kerr also showed us a map of Europe and we did some country spotting; Thomas found Spain very quickly! We had a go at a quiz about Spain too to develop our knowledge about the country, its geography and its culture.

Gracias Mr Kerr!

First Class First Aiders!


Huge thanks to Tanya Ellis; paramedic and retained fire-fighter, for coming to visit us as part of our HWB topic. She was full of brilliant information about the role of the emergency services and the things we can do to help.

The pupils worked on putting one another in the recovery position, the dos and don’ts of making a 999 call, how the pager system works and the basics of CPR.

It was really interesting to get a closer look at some of the careers available in our community too.

The P7 pupils each typed and emailed their reports to me as an attachment, so I could upload them to GLOW. They show the insight the pupils got!


Paramedic Visit

By Erin

On the 23RD of September 2019 P4-7 got a input on First Aid from Tanya Ellis. Tanya is a retained Fire Fighter and a full time Paramedic. Tanya came to the school to give the input because P4-7 is learning about First Aid in HWB. Tanya got in to this job because she always wanted to be a fire fighter; she became a paramedic six years ago and decided to do full time paramedic and part time fire fighter. Tanya told us is someone has an allergy to something they will have an Epi-Pen; they stab the Epi-Pen in to the back of their thigh or their butt because they are big muscles. We also learned if someone is conscious the person who is with them would put them into the recovery positon. If they were un-conscious the person was with them would have to phone 999 and give them CPR. Tanya became a fire fighter when she was twenty.


Paramedic Visit

By Finlay

On 23rd September, Tanya Ellis came to give an input the Leswalt class of p4-7. Tanya Ellis is a part time firefighter and part time paramedic. She came to demonstrate first aid stuff. She showed us the recovery position, how to do CPR, what to do if someone has an asthma attack and about epi pens.


Paramedic Visit!

By Auryn

On the 23rd of September p4-7 Tanya Ellis a paramedic and a retained fire fighter came to Leswalt to tell us a bit about her job. She had always wanted to be a fire fighter and just became a paramedic six years ago. She told us how to put people in the recover position and where to put a epi-pen. You also need to stay came when you are going to call 999.And when if you are doing CPR you need to keep doing it till the ambulance comes to your help. I think this is important because if someone you know is hurt than you know what to do and how to help them.

And maybe you could save someone’s life one day.


Paramedic Visit

By Phoebe

On the 23rd of September p4 to 7 got a visit from Tanya Ellis, who is a retained fire fighter and a paramedic. She gave us lots of really good information about how to put someone in the recovery position, where to put and eppypen, how to do CPR , how to help someone who has an asthma attack and how to handle burns . She became a fire fighter when she was twenty and became a paramedic six years ago . She taught us a lot and we even had to put someone else in the recovery position . I think it was really good that she came to talk to us because it was really important for kids to know this because one day you might have to save someone’s life.





Move Over Calvin Harris!

Today P4-7  had the pleasure of John Dinning who is a Sound Engineer and Music Producer. He led us all through the fantastic digital music platform ‘Soundtrap’ and will be coming along every alternate Wednesday for 6 sessions to lead us all in the wonders of composing and collaborating in the creation of digital music.

The class LOVED it! Lots of impromptu dance moves ensued as they listened to the demo; then started to create their own musical masterpieces. The children can access this from home too ( and the pupils then log-in with their GLOW email address and our shared Soundtrap password of Leswalt1.

Watch out for these names in the future – Leswalt could well be the starting block for budding musicians/DJs and could be gracing the music decks of the White Isle for summers to come!


Fun in the Sun at Heads of Ayr Farm Park!

What a wonderful day we had yesterday on our whole school Summer trip!

The sun shone, the children squealed with laughter and great fun was had by everyone! Between visiting lots of animals, playing on the bouncy pillows, slides, zip wires, quad bikes, water bombs, the fortress and so much more; the children had a fantastic day with their friends.

Many thanks must go to the Parent Council for their help in funding this trip!

Primary 1 on Tour!

If you had been heading into town on the service bus yesterday morning, you’d have noticed a happy, smiling bunch of P1s, accompanied by Mrs Smith and Mrs Dinsmore, who were off into town to spend their earnings from their very popular tuck shop!

The boys and girls (and ladies!) enjoyed a lovely morning in Stranraer; visiting the museum, choosing some sweeties, playing at the the park and enjoying an ice cream. Just look at the pictures to see how happy their wee faces are!

Well done P1! You had worked hard to collect your earnings- we’re glad you had a great time spending it!

Cream Tea is the Crème de la Crème!

Yesterday Leswalt Parent Council held an extremely successful Cream Tea fundraiser. Stalls ranged from face painting to BBQ, bottle stall to a 50/50 raffle, baking stall filled with yummy treats to a fabulous raffle. The P6/7 pupils mucked in and helped to run stalls too; Beat the Goalie, Guess the Number of Sweets, Glitter tattoos and Nail Painting, Lollystick Game and Pre-Loved Toy stall. A bouncy castle and of course, the delicious Cream Teas were a huge hit!

Friends and family from far and near came to enjoy the afternoon and over £900 was raised. What a fabulous team effort! Huge thanks to all members of the Parent Council and all parents, staff and pupils who came along to lend a hand.

Report added by our Digital Leaders!

Sports Day in the Sunshine!

The weather was kind to us for a dry but breezy Sports Day. We all headed over to Leswalt Park and cheered each other on for a great afternoon of sprinting, sack, egg and spoon, distance, obstacle and skipping races and the bean bag throw. Add in some ice-cream tubs (thanks Parent Council), free bottles of water (thanks Leswalt Village Store), ice poles (thanks Logan’s family) and even more fun watching mummies, daddies and little ones race and it all made for a lovely afternoon. Have a look through the photos above…

Thanks to those parents and Mr Brawls who helped in transporting equipment to and from the park.

See you all at the Partnership Sports on Tuesday 25th June!


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