Digital Leaders present Safer Internet Day 2025!

Today, we participated in Safer Internet Day 2025 – an annual event which explores all the ways in which we can use the amazing source that is the internet in the safest  way possible!

This year’s theme is ‘Too Good to be True’ and gave us all a chance to consider all the offers which we might see online and how to keep ourselves protected from scams.

Our learning this morning was led by our Digital Leaders Rachael and Murray. They presented the whole school with an information powerpoint, held a quiz to check everyone had been listening and set a ‘Design an Cyber Superhero’ competition for all to get to involved in! Working as buddies, older and younger pupils worked together to create their best designs and what wonderful superheroes they all produced!

The Digital Leaders then had the unenviable task of judging the Cyber Superheroes!

And the winners are…

P1 – Gregor                                     Runner-up – Erin

P2 – Jorgie                                      Runner-up – Cameron

P3/4 – Hannah                             Runner-up – Keira

P6 – Rebecca                                 Runner-up – Roman

P7 – Ellie                                         Runner-up – Ela

We all joined the BBC Live lesson at 11am which was a fun 30 minutes of interactive games and top tips about how to stay safe online. P6/7 followed this up by using this theme for their Literacy Comprehension lesson.

A busy Safer Internet Day!


Article 17  – Access to Information

Article 29 – Aims of Education

Meta Skills

Initiative Ivy

Integrity Imani


Rachael and Rebecca’s K’Nex Triumph!

As winners of our in-school K’Nex Challenge before Christmas, Rachael and Rebecca were chosen to represent Leswalt Primary at the Rhins Cluster Creating Engineers Challenge held yesterday at St Joseph’s Primary Stranraer. This exciting K’Nex Challenge is run annually by the Glasgow Science Festival.

The girls were set the task of designing an exercise bike using K’Nex. They needed to sketch their plan, work together and have a finished product ready to be judged – all within a one hour time-scale!

Rachael and Rebecca were super role-models for our school – they were polite and mannerly, listened well and worked together co-operatively. Mrs Kyle, who had accompanied them, was very proud of them.

Two judges took the time to look at all the K’Nex models before leaving the room to discuss their findings.

They then returned to tell the waiting competitors who had won and…drum roll please… Rachael and Rebecca WON!

Next stop…the regional K’Nex finals in Dumfries! Well done girls – you have done our wee school proud!


Article 29 Aims of Education

Article 31 Rest, Play, Culture, Arts


Initiative Ivy,  Adapting Aleksander,  Focusing Fergus

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