Financing Superheroes!

This morning, both classes at Leswalt Primary enjoyed Financial Education online workshops with Lisa Cope the Financial Wellbeing Officer with Money Advice Scotland. We joined with Kirkcolm for our sessions which had been organised by Mrs McHarg.

P1-4 found out about budgeting for a day out by first of all imagining the very best day out with no budget at all! Lisa then gave them the costings for the zoo or aquarium for example and the pupils then needed to try and stick within their budget of £100 by maybe sacrificing lunch in the cafe for a good old homemade packed lunch! Life lessons indeed!

P6/7 followed next with their lesson based on budgeting for a birthday party. They planned their ideal party choosing from lists for venues, entertainment, decoration packs, food and a birthday cake. After they had chosen, they were given the costings for each and then …. the moment of truth as they found out about the budget they had at their disposal! Had they kept within the budget or were their some savings needing to be made?! Real-life situations as I am sure you’ll agree!

Many thanks to Lisa for such a fun and engaging session this morning – and to Mrs McHarg for organising it.


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