Aldouran Wetlands Fun for Leswalt P1-3!

For the past three Monday afternoons P1-3 have headed along the road to the Wetlands.  Mrs Sloan met us there and had organised some fun activities for us to do.  We spent time helping to make the Wetlands beautiful for all to enjoy by weeding and tidying up.  We learned about squirrels and tried hard to be quiet to see if we could spot any, we weren’t successful!
We got taken on a bird hunt to learn the names of birds often seen at the Wetlands.  The highlight was getting to see newly hatched Moorhens up close, this was very cool!
On route back to school we managed to find time to squeeze in a little play at the park.
A perfect way to spend a Monday afternoon!

Hello to the Leswalt Newbies!

What a brilliant few days we have enjoyed with our new Leswalt crew 😀 The fabulous P7s Brandon, Kaiden, Hamish, Mark, Faye, Carys, Cara and Katie headed off to sample the adventures of S1 at Stranraer Academy, whilst we welcomed Rebecca into P6 and the fabulous quintet to Erin, Ada, Betty, Jessica and Gregor as the new P1s!
They all made very welcome additions to their classes and their schoolmates really enjoyed their company! Just look at these smiley faces…

We can wait to welcome you back in August!

Bon Appetit Leswalt P6/7!

Today the brand new P6/7 class enjoyed a Fun French Day! This kicked off their three -day mini-project about the Paris Olympics 2024 with their Day 1 looking at France; Day 2 will be researching the Ancient Olympics to present day and Day 3 will focus on sports and hosting their very own Leswalt Olympics!

Fun French Day meant lots of learning French vocabulary through actions, games and songs; using their Geography skills to locate places in France and its bordering countries; computer research skills to find key facts about France and making (and eating) crepes with delicious toppings such as sugar, syrup, strawberries and Nutella with the assistance of Mrs Kyle.

The verdict was tres bien all round! 

Roll on day 2…

Primary 1 welcome book –

We are very much looking forward to having our new Primary 1 pupils starting in school . 

And, thanks to the digital skills of Mrs Mc Harg and the House captains we have an amazing  electronic book that will help explain more about Leswalt Primary.  It is just so good we had to share it with all of our parents. 

Click on the link here and I am sure you will be impressed with the information, photographs and videos – all about life at Leswalt Primary.



On your marks, get set go ! For Sports day!

After a night of very heavy rain , it did finally dry up to allow us to have our Sports day at Leswalt. Cheered on by classmates, friends and family everyone tried their hardest and displayed a very sporting attitude.

Many thanks must go to David Kirkpatrick and Angus Brown who helped transport all the equipment across to the park. Thank you also to Natasha for the kind gesture of a sweetie mixture which every child got at 3pm, and the Parent council for the ice lollies at the end to cool everyone down.

Results will follow soon – with the winning house announced in the last week of term. It was a successful sporting afternoon – have a look at all the athletes in action!

Digital skills Scotland award!

After taking part in a verification assessment yesterday, we are delighted to announce we have been awarded the new Digital Schools Scotland Accreditation.

Portpatrick, Kirkcolm and Leswalt are the first schools in Dumfries and Galloway to achieve this recognition for our ongoing commitment to digital technology learning and teaching.

Have a read of the report to see for yourself all the excellent work which has been recognised –

Dumfries & Galloway – Kirkcolm, Leswalt and Portpatrick Schools Validation Report 11.06.24 (1).pdf

UNCRC Rights of the Child – 28 Access to Education, 29 – Aims of Education

P7 hoodies

Our Primary 7 pupils were delighted earlier this week to be presented with their official Leswalt leavers hoodies.  Thanks to the Parent council, each pupil got a new personalised hoodie – so they can forever be resplendent in red!

It was decided to give them early this year, so the P7 pupils can wear them with pride for the final month of Primary school – and then beyond!


Masterchefs in the Making – Part 2!

As part of their Health and Wellbeing lessons learning about different dietary requirements, it was the turn of the final 3 groups to make their recipes into real-life delicious creations!

On the menu this week we had – a vegan chocolate cake, a gluten free pizza and a diabetic curry! Yum!!

Huge thanks to Mrs Kyle for lending her culinary skills to help the groups. See them in action below!

UNCRC – article 24 right to healthy food

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