Cool Computing Science Week!

This week is Computing Science Week – a chance for us all to investigate, discuss and explore different aspects of the Computing Science world.

From chatting about the HUGE variety of jobs under the Computing Science umbrella, watching and talking about women in engineering (hopefully we have a few budding male and female engineers of the future in our class!), exploring coding using Spheros at our college campus day and using ipads, laptops and PC.s to create video games through the Microsoft MakeCode website ( a session led by Morna Fisken from My World of Work) we have enjoyed a very busy few days!

Today, Morna joined us in-person (we have already enjoyed two online sessions in previous weeks). She led the pupils step-by-step through the Microsoft website. Using a wide range of employability skills; problem-solving, working to deadlines, learning to adapt and self-evaluate and following instructions – the pupils were then able to create their own interactive video game creating backgrounds, sprites as their main character and coding instructions to design projectiles to be fired at in their game! They also set up a number of lives for their sprite and the ability for it to ‘fight back’ and destroy the projectile!

All good fun but learning too as the class were reading, listening, using their numeracy and maths positional skills to name just a few – I just don’t think they realised they were actually working! Computing Science week has been a huge hit at Leswalt Primary!




Learning Day at DGC Stranraer Campus is a HUGE Hit with Pupils!

Well, just take a look at those photographs… what a fabulous day! Huge thanks to Ms Whorlow, Fiona Herron Stranraer Campus manager, Susan Boland  Early Education and Childcare Lecturer and Mrs Hall and Miss Creighton from DG STEM Team for organising this fantastic DYW/STEM day at Dumfries and Galloway College Stranraer Campus.

The pupils enjoyed an action-packed day of activities from Childcare games and art and craft activities to Technology Sphero coding (mini robots controlled using instructions coded by the pupils) to Construction work planning, designing and creating a marble run in small groups by measuring and sawing wood. Phew!

Whether the pupils believe it or not, they were actually using SO many employability, Literacy and Numeracy skills today – co-operating, negotiating, measuring, working within deadlines, problem-solving, communicating, listening and respecting to name just a few!

Furthermore, by enjoying these wonderful new experiences, we were also using our North Rhins Partnership school values – Norah Nurture, Ronnie Respect and Percy Perseverance as well as ensuring the children were experiencing UNCRC Article 4,13 and 28 (Making Rights Real, Sharing Thoughts Freely and Access to Education). Brilliant!

Many thanks must also go to Kaiden’s mum Natasha for coming along with us and, of course, thanks to DGC Stranraer Campus for having us! The pupils thoroughly enjoyed their day with exclamations of…

” That was brilliant!”    “Can we do that every Thursday?”

“It wasn’t like school work at all!”

” I really love going to the campus to learn”

…to paraphrase just a few pupils!

A jam-packed day of fun learning!



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