Break-time Cupcakes from Kaiden and Aria-Rose!

How lucky are we? Kaiden and Aria-Rose brought in cupcakes for everyone to have at playtime as an end of term treat.

Huge thanks to their family for being so thoughtful – as pupils have  enjoyed a number of treats from them over the course of this year and previous ones too.
Such generosity is much appreciated! 

Thank you Kaiden, Aria-Rose and family ❤️

Book Donation from Community Reuse Shop

At our most recent Pupil Council meeting, it was highlighted that we don’t have many non-fiction books in the school library. So our responsible pupils wrote to the Community Reuse Shop to enquire about donations of books. They very kindly invited us to pop into the shop to look through the books and pick a selection for our school.


Olivia from Kirkcolm, Alexander from Leswalt and Jack from Portpatrick all went on Wednesday morning to browse the huge range of books available. After an hour of hunting (some were hunting more than others – there were times where pupils were lounging on the floor engrossed in a book they found!!), they each left with a bag of books for their school.


Thank-you to the Community Reuse Shop for your generosity. We are looking forward to getting our new books into our school library for pupils to enjoy.

Goodbye Rev. Clare!

This afternoon, the ever popular Rev. Clare joined us for a chat about life as a minister. This was the final event in our Careers in the Community focus. It was SO good to see her and talk about different aspects of her work (listening, praise, leading, prayer and most importantly…love). She was able to give an insight into the many roles of a minister – the job isn’t just an hour on a Sunday! The pupils also took the opportunity to ask her lots of questions too.

Moreover, it gave us the chance to say a HUGE thank you to her as she is retiring as a minister and so won’t be leading church services for us in school or across the road in Leswalt Church. She did however promise to come and visit us sometime with her gospel choir – so at least it’s just a goodbye for now.

Alexander and Fraser presented her with a handmade card designed and created by Leswalt Primary pupils, a bouquet of flowers, a Leswalt Primary pen and an extra-special certificate ‘Pride of Leswalt’, thanking her for being such a good friend to us all at school!

Looking forward to seeing you again soon Rev. Clare!



Goodbye and Good Luck Evan!

Today marked the end of Evan’s primary school years as he’s off on holiday next week.

But we didn’t want him just to slip out of the door at 3pm, so we had an afternoon of celebration for him!

We enjoyed juice, biscuits, sweets and crisps and watched a power point  of the cutest photos all about the main man Evan!

Have a fabulous holiday Mr S and all the very best for S1 at Stranraer Academy.

Don’t be a stranger 🙂

Fri-Yay Fun for Leswalt!

Today was possibly the most perfect Friday EVER! Why? Because we all went to the beach!

When teachers were thinking about where to go for our summer school trip, they came up with the idea of all heading the short bus ride to Sandhead beach.

That sounded pretty amazing in itself but there was even more fun to be had as we met and fed farm animals and alpacas at Golden Sands Sandhead; had the pleasure of pony rides along the beach (thanks Isla’s mum Iona and her big sister Breagh for providing this); enjoyed ice creams from Alison McKeen’s van; munched our picnic lunch with our buddies in the sunshine; played in the park and then splashed in the sea!

“That was the best trip ever!” said one P5 and I am sure that everyone (pupils and staff) would absolutely agree!

Just take a look at these photo memories…


Hello to our new classes at Leswalt Primary!

How lovely it was to welcome Jorgie, James, Cameron and Beathan into P1 this morning – and to say a cheery hello to our brand new P1-4 and P5-7 classes!

From measuring our own heights to team games outside; enjoying lunch with new friends to mini den building at the Wetlands – it was a day of cheery faces and smiles.

We can’t wait to have you all back again tomorrow…

Renita Boyle Story-telling Session!

Aren’t we the lucky ones? Renita Boyle – resident story-teller with Wigtown Book Festival offered to come along and share one of her wonderfully interactive story-telling sessions with us at lunchtime today!

After we’d eaten lunch, we excitedly found a spot on one of the picnic rugs and listened avidly as Renita shared her enthusiasm with a fun warm-up song of Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (with a bit of a twist! We did this ‘Renita-style!) and then kept us all enthralled as she relayed the story of ‘The Strange Visitor’. We all took part in the actions as the story unfolded. Who was the ‘Strange Visitor’?!

This fabulous story comes from a book called ‘Strange Visitor’ by Renita and illustrated by Mike Abel. It takes an old Scottish tale and shares it in both English and Scots. We all LOVED it that’s for sure!

Thank you Renita. It’s always a joy to see you!

Leswalt Achieves 3rd Eco Flag Renewal and RSPB Gold Award!

We are proud to announce that Leswalt Primary has achieved yet another Eco Schools flag, representing another two years of fantastic eco-friendly action from our highly motivated pupils.  This achievement recognises all the hard work, dedication and drive from our pupils, our staff and our wider community.  Our action targets for 2021 – 2023 focussed on:

  • Litter and Waste
  • Healthy Living
  • Biodiversity

Many congratulations to everyone!

The Education and Learning Team from Keep Scotland Beautiful have written to us with this message:

A big congratulations to everyone for this great achievement that reflects so much hard work and commitment. You have demonstrated a fantastic whole school approach to your Green Flag award, with everyone in your school involved. It is great to hear how many local organisations you have worked with to help you with your actions. Overall, you have done a fantastic job and are highly deserving of this Green Flag Award.

Not only did we achieve our Eco Flag, but we have also achieved our RSPB Wild Challenge Gold award after completing a series of challenges to help nature and experience nature.


We won’t stop there as we’re already thinking ahead to our next action plan for 2023 – 2025!









UNCRC Rights of the Child: Article 24 – Health, Water, Food & The Environment.

Sustainable Development Goal: 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing, 15 – Life on Land

Fire Safety Session

Robert McCrorie Community Safety Advocate with the local Fire Service, visited us P5-7 this morning to give a presentation all about keeping ourselves safe with regards to fire hazards.

Each group had a picture of a room in the home showing many potential dangers. Discussion ensued and the pupils were able to spot the issues – and think of ways in which they could avoid these. This got them thinking about their own homes and bedrooms; might there be any instances in which they could make sure they were doing things in a safer way. One thing Robert mentioned was charging mobile phones in your room overnight – something Mrs F is guilty of too! It’s always better to charge your phone when you’re around the house and awake. I’ll be doing that from now on!

Robert also talked about new fire alarms in the home and left contact details in case any family would like a free Home Fire Safety visit.

In addition, Robert told the pupils about the app What3words which is extremely if ever you do need help from the emergency services as it can pinpoint within a 3m radius your exact location! Did you know that Leswalt Primary’s 3 words are cooked.jogged.moves? You could check out the 3 words for your house and members of your family might want to check out the app too!

Keeping yourself safe is THE most important thing (even more important than x tables!) And now we know more about avoiding any fire hazards too.  A good learning session this morning!

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