Move Over Steven Speilberg!

Thanks to Ms Whorlow, P6/7 pupils from across the North Rhins trio enjoyed an action-packed day of film-making today! Lights, Camera, Action..

Scott Mackay and Belle Doyle (representing Into Film and the Scottish Youth Film Foundation) led the pupils through this exciting workshop giving them an insight into movie production.

Initially the children discussed movie genres and the many, many jobs linked to the film industry; producer, director, editor, screenwriter, choreographer, makeup, costume design, animator, actors and more…

To make a film, Scott explained that 3 S’s and 3 C’s are followed:

Story                                Character

Setting                            Camera

Sound                              Colour

We then tried some film analysis. Rather than just saying I like a film just because…..!

We listened to a film clip (no visuals) and thought about what we could hear, what is made us think of, what might be happening, why was the music building up….

We discussed this as a class and then… watched the visuals to see if our ideas from sounds matched the reality! John led the pupils in ‘drilling down’ into the details of film production; the precision, the fleeting moments which together create the visuals/sounds for a scene.. All very interesting 🙂

We then watched a Star Wars clip thinking about the 3Cs and the 3Ss and making notes under each heading – a really useful tip for developing out story-writing too!

Differing camera shots are crucial to film-making so the children found out more about establishing, wide, long, mid-shot, close-up, high or low angle camera use.

The afternoon session called on our budding film-makers to work in small groups to shoot a mini-movie. This called for actors, cameraman and director working together to create a short film on a given topic using the knowledge they had gleaned from the morning.

A brilliant opportunity for our children to add new skills to their repertoire, discover more about careers within film-making and develop those technology techniques! Many thanks to Scott and Belle for leading our learning today and to Ms Whorlow for organising this!

Look out for those future film credits for any names you might recognise from the North Rhins Trio!



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