Yesterday, Leswalt School travelled to their local beach of Larbrax to take part in a beach clean as part of their Eco-Schools development in caring for their community and local surroundings.
Pupils were prepared with their wellies, gloves, black bags and litter pickers. A huge amount of litter was bagged up and some very random items were found including a car bumper, odd shoes, tyres and many more weird and wonderful items!
After an hour and half, over 30 bags of rubbish were filled and the beach was left looking beautiful for the community to enjoy. Well done boys and girls! 🙂
As part of their ‘Food and Farming’ Topic in Social Studies and Health and Wellbeing, P1-4 visited Tesco for their ‘Farm to Fork’ workshop. Pupils were taken a tour around Tesco to explore where food comes from and even got to taste some of the lovely items on offer! The children took part in an activity to use food labels and packaging to discover where food came from. They were amazed at the distance some fruit and vegetables travel from around the world, including from Cameroon, Columbia, France and Spain!
A selection of local cheese was offered to the children including a smoked applewood (which wasn’t very popular among the group!) and the daredevils tried a chilli and lime cheese, which was more popular than expected!
Pupils then explored downstairs in Tesco, which they were amazed at as they didn’t know Tesco had a ‘downstairs! They enjoyed testing out how cold the deep freezers and fridges were and learned about how important it is to keep temperatures at the correct level to keep the food safe from going bad.
It was a great educational trip and was enjoyed by all!
Due to the school camera taking a mad turn, some photos have been lost of the trip – we will try hard to get these back on get some more on to the blog!
The gang ready to go on tour!
Getting a sneaky peak in the bakery (and a sneaky donut too!)
The fundraising group of Leswalt Primary recently organised a fete, which incorporated Cream teas, on Sunday 24th May. At the event there was delicious home baking, face painting, nail art, a hairdresser, bottle stall, barbeque and much, much more. The event was on for 2 hours and managed to raise over £800 in that time – a fantastic amount ,
Apologies for the lack of photographs – they were accidently deleted from the camera, after the event! if anyone does have any pictures, please send them in and we will share with all.