P5-7 at Leswalt Primary School recently paid a visit to Leswalt Parish Church. This trip was part of their RME in school, as they are currently learning all about “Christianity in our community”.
Merryn Walker in Primary 6 provides an insight as to what they learned-
“Leswalt Church is a Parish church because it serves everyone in Leswalt Parish. On Sundays on average, 45 people come to church. There are 300 members of the church.
Christenings happen in the church. Some people think that the holy water is special water from the holy ground, but in Leswalt Church it comes from a tap!
Audrey Buchanan runs the Sunday school. She meets the children in the vestry at one side of the church. They do different projects about Easter, Christmas and studying the bible.
The Church is quite an old building. It was built in 1825. So, the building is 188 years old. The steps outside of the church take you into the balcony upstairs in the church. The seats in the balcony are very different to the pews downstairs.
In Leswalt Church there is a mixture of modern and old artefacts. In the corner of the church is a cabinet with Communion silver ware. There are silver plates and cups which are used when the congregation get bread and wine, just like in the last supper.
I enjoyed going across to the church and learned a lot about the building and contents.