All posts by Mrs Carlyle

Operation Christmas Child

Thank you to everybody who donated a shoe box this year. We collected 60 boxes which is amazing. The boxes will be going to children in Eastern Europe.

Thank you Neil, Edan, Darci and Neil for loading up the van!

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Thank you Neil, Edan, Darci and Dawid for loading up the van!




Term 1 – Celebrating Success

Every week at Assembly we present 2 awards to each class. Each teacher chooses  someone who has made progress in class work or has been a good citizen. They receive a certificate. A medal is also presented to the person in each class who has earned the most house points. We also announce the house of the week for the house with the most points altogether. In term 1 Skiddaw were the winners for the term.img_0012 img_0081 img_0079 img_0028 img_0023 img_0021 img_0013 img_0005 img_0003

Our winners
Our winners

Pupil Council 2016 – 2017


P3 Bethany Mahon and Zach Nixon              P3/4 Carmen Barbour and Jessica Weild

P4 Skye Allen and Isaac Lucas                       P5 Courtney Barbour and Mya Wylie

P6 Anna Jack and Rauri McGauchie            P7 Arran Milburn and Lauren Marshall