‘Nativity’ is “Word of the Week” for the Raindrop Room this week while the Rainbow Room children are having ‘church’ as their focus.
Tag: word of the week
Word Of The Week
The Raindrop Room will have ‘shape’ as their “Word of the Week” while the Rainbow Room will focus on ‘village’ as they continue to work on making their own village.
Word Of The Week
This week’s “Word of the Week” in the Rainbow Room will be ‘hibernation’ while the children in the Raindrop Room will be talking about ‘friendship’.
Word Of The Week
Our “Word of the Week” is ‘healthy’ in the Rainbow Room while the Raindrop Room has chosen ‘included’ as their focus word.
Word Of The Week
“Emotions” is Word of the Week for the Raindrop Room this week while the Rainbow Room will focus on “floating” and “sinking”.
Word Of The Week
With Bonfire Night approaching, “Word of the Week” in both rooms will be ‘safe’ this week.
Start Of Term
We hope that you have had a lovely holiday with your families and look forward to seeing you all tomorrow, Monday 28th October, for the start of the new term. We will be open as normal from 8.00 a.m.
Our “Word of the Week” this week in the Rainbow Room will be ‘graph‘ while the Raindrop Room will use ‘Hallowe’en’ as their focus.
Word Of The Week
Linked to the learning they have planned, “Word of the Week” in the Raindrop Room will be ‘balance’ while the Rainbow Room will focus on ‘artist’.
Word Of The Week
‘Jungle’ is “Word of the Week” in the Rainbow Room while the Raindrop Room is focusing on using the word ‘season’ this week.
Word Of The Week
The Rainbow Room’s “Word of the Week” this week will be ‘bulb’, as they talk about how things grow, and the focus in the Raindrop Room will be ‘Autumn’ as we begin to see the signs of the changing season.