Welcome Back

We are looking forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow after our holiday. Please remember that our Hallowe’en parties are during the Nursery sessions on Thursday this week when the Sunshine and Rainbow Rooms will join together for fun and games. Fancy dress is optional.
Staffing will stay the same in each room this term and the children will keep the same key workers as previously although Miss Awde, our Modern Apprentice, will now be moving to the Sunshine Room. No doubt the Sunshine children will be delighted to have the opportunity to play with Miss Awde and we are certainly all looking forward to a fun term ahead.


We hope that our three new children feel as happy as we do that they have joined us. It can be daunting joining a class of children who are already settled and familiar with the Nursery environment and rules but these children have taken it in their stride. Thank you to all the other boys and girls for making them feel so welcome. We hope that our new families enjoy using our blog to get a taste of life in Hecklegirth Nursery.

Our New Children Settle In

We are nearly at the end of our second week of the term already and our new children are settling in well in each room. As you can see, they are beginning to find out where everything is and are enjoying a range of activities. Thank you to all the other boys and girls for making them feel welcome. We hope that our new families enjoy using our blog to get a feel for life in Hecklegirth Nursery.

Happy New Term

Our new term starts for the children on Tuesday 8th January when we look forward to seeing everyone again. We will also be meeting lots of new children and feel sure that you will make them feel welcome in our Nursery. They will be excited to be starting Nursery and looking forward to making new friends so we hope that this is the beginning of a happy experience for them.

Staffing will stay the same in each room this term and the children will keep the same key workers as previously. However, rather than alternating weeks in each room, Miss Awde, our Modern Apprentice, will be working in the Sunshine Room up to the February break and will finish the term in the Rainbow Room.

We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

Welcome to Miss Awde

We would like to welcome Miss Zara Awde to our Nursery. She is a Nursery Nurse Modern Apprentice and will be undergoing her training with us. Miss Awde will be full-time in Nursery for the rest of the year, spending time in both the Rainbow and Sunshine Rooms. We hope that Miss Awde enjoys her time in our Nursery – the children have certainly given her a warm welcome since she started on Friday.

Not Long Now

As our summer holidays draw to a close, we hope that the children are beginning to get excited about the start of a new year in Hecklegirth Nursery, whether they are returning or it’s the beginning of their time with us.

Our increased roll means that we will have two Nursery classes this year and children have been allocated a place in either the Rainbow Room or the Sunshine Room.

We would also like to remind parents and carers that the children will attend for one hour only on the first two days, Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th of August.

You will find details of your child’s time and room on the letter you received, allocating your child a place. If anyone is unsure of their child’s details, staff will be in Nursery on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd August and we will be happy to take your call to confirm this.

Settling In

Already we have had our first full week of the new term and, as always, we’ve had lots of fun in our learning. The ice cave has been very busy: furry rugs and sleeping bags, maps, hot water bottles and flasks seem to produce lots of imaginative role play. In the garden Jack, Finlay and their team have been making lots of plans to build a tunnel to the Forth Road Bridge. They were having problems with their maps tearing outdoors but they seem to have resolved the problem so good progress is being made. We’ve produced a wall display of winter collages and paintings and have been scientists testing raincoats for teddies and finding out about what happens to ice in different temperatures.  We even had a visit from a lady who was teaching us about money.

Our new children have done so well settling in to our busy Nursery and are beginning to follow the rules and routines. We hope that they continue to grow in confidence and have lots of fun in Nursery. As you can see here, some of them are looking very settled.

Start of term

As our holidays begin to draw to a close, we want to remind you that when the children return on Monday they will have a different key worker. The children will remain in the same groups but the staff will change to help us get to know all the children and their families well.

To help you prepare your child for this change, these are the  key workers for our second term. This change rarely causes the children a problem but we thought that it might be useful to know before Monday.

Red Group:    Miss Kerr

Blue Group:   Mrs. Kirkpatrick (a.m.)     Mrs. Carruthers (p.m.)

Yellow Group:  Mrs. Gray (a.m.)      Ms. Paterson (p.m.)

Green Group:  Mrs. Carruthers

 We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 24th October.

What can you expect at Hecklegirth Nursery?

As we start our new year, we are looking forward to getting to know all our new children and their parents/carers. This poem was given to us by a parent last year to thank us for her son’s experience in our Nursery. We will try our very best to live up to her kind and very generous comments this year and hope that you and your child have a similar experience with us.









Real good fun






Really fantastic



Really fab

Yipee for Hecklegirth Nursery!

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