Outing Reminder

We would like to remind everyone that tomorrow (Monday 10th June) is our outing for the afternoon children. We look forward to seeing you at the cinema at 9.30 and children can be collected from Farmer’s Den at 1.45. Please remember that there will be no morning Nursery session tomorrow but morning children can look forward to their outing on the 17th so it’s not long to wait.

Up the Muddy Hill on Ollie’s Adventure

Everyone is learning so much about growing this term and the latest venture for the morning children was to visit Ollie’s allotment. We donned our wellies and went on an adventure up the muddy hill and through the secret path to the little corner of Annan where Ollie’s family grows their vegetables.
Ollie’s Mum, his auntie and his cousins were there to meet us but really Ollie was the main guide of our tour. He showed us how to dig the soil (good teamwork there with Reilly to use that tricky tool) and where he likes to climb trees. We saw lots of different vegetables that they have planted and Ollie showed that he knew what he was doing when he pulled out two leeks which his Mum was going to use to make soup.
Ollie’s Mum had very kindly brought several different types of potatoes so that everyone could plant their own and we all put them in their own little hole and covered them up. Let’s hope we did a good job and that Ollie and his family have a big crop this year. We all had such a lovely time on our Ollie adventure that we didn’t think it could get any better. However, when we got back to Nursery, he even had a tasty little cake waiting for us all which he’d made at home. Thank you so much to Ollie and his family for your kind invitation. We had a brilliant time and I think some of us might pop back to your sunny little corner in a week or two to see if our potatoes have started to grow.

Police Officer Finlay

Finlay’s Mum enjoyed our recent visit to the police station:

“Thank you for letting me take part in the visit to the police station, it is always fun to help out with outings. Finlay really enjoyed the police station, Finlay said his favourite part was sitting in the police van pretending to drive. Finlay says he now wants to be a police man when he is older.”

The van was really popular wasn’t it? I hope we didn’t disturb the neighbours too much when we kept trying out the siren. Good luck Finlay with becoming a police officer – we think that you’d be very good at looking after us when you are older.

Wellies at the Ready

Can we please remind all morning children that we would like them to bring their wellies to Nursery tomorrow, Thursday 30th May? We have been invited to visit Ollie’s allotment and his Mum tells us that wellies would be best for our visit. We’re looking forward to seeing how Ollie’s vegetables are coming on as ours are now starting to grow.

Police Station Visit

Severe weather at the end of last term meant that we had to postpone some of our visits to the police station as part of our work in the community. Last week we were able to take the Sunshine morning children and all the afternoon children to see what the inside of a police station is like and to learn about a police officer’s job.
As you can see, many of the children tried out the cells although they weren’t too keen on the hard beds or the clothes that some prisoners have to wear. We also saw the room where interviews take place and got our fingerprints taken. The police van, of course, was particularly popular, especially when the children were able to try out the blue light and the siren.
Thank you to all the parents who came with us on our visit and to the police officers for taking time to show us round. As always, the children behaved so well and several came back to Nursery with thoughts of a future career so maybe we will see them patrolling the streets of Annan in years to come.

Ollie’s Allotment

Further to a recent comment about Ollie’s allotment, his family have sent us a reply telling us what he grows there:

“We grow lots of things at our allotment, potatoes, onions, leeks, onions and lots more. Just let us know when you would like to visit. A Thursday and Friday are good for us.
On another note- it was very exciting to come home from work yesterday and hear all about safety with electric. Ollie totally understood all the reasons for being safe when around electric. Well done nursery staff- great work with little children as usual.”

Ollie’s allotment sounds like a brilliant place to visit especially with us having our own growing project in the Nursery garden. Hopefully we will be able to arrange a visit soon – our diary is at the ready and we will speak to Ollie’s Mum or Dad about it soon.
We’re glad that our learning about safety around electricity has also been successful. The children were very interested in this topic and we hope that this should show in their everyday lives.

Visits to the Sorting Office

The sorting office is the next place on our visits to the community: all the children will get the opportunity tomorrow to find out what happens there and what a postal worker does in their job. They are enjoying finding out about lots of different places and jobs in Annan. Lewis’ Granny left a comment last week:

“Lewis certainly looks as if he enjoyed the visit to the Police Station. It’s great to give the children different ways to learn and they all look really happy.”

Those who haven’t visited the police station yet will be going at the end of the week so let’s hope they enjoy it as much the Rainbow morning children did.

Visit to the Police Station

Rainbow morning children’s recent visit to the police station was a fantastic learning experience. PC Leggat showed us round the cells, which seemed to be the highlight for many, as well as the different areas of the police station used for interviews, CCTV and fingerprinting. Some of the children thought it was good fun to close the door on the cell but most agreed that they would not like to sleep there. The police van was very popular and PC Leggat was so patient at letting everyone try out the blue light, the siren and sitting in the back of the van. He even tried to answer tricky questions such as “How do you be good?” which got us all thinking.
Thank you to all the parents who came with us on this visit – we appreciate your support. Thank you also to everyone at the police station, especially PC Leggat, for making us feel so welcome. PC Leggat praised the children on their excellent behaviour so well done to you all. The Sunshine morning children and the afternoon children from both rooms can look forward to their visits soon so that’s something to look forward to.

Library Visit

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who have been helping us with our outings to our community lately. Kyle’s Mum left a comment to say how she had enjoyed being part of one of our visits:

“Was a good day at the library all the kids done good at walking from nursery to the library and on the way back as well. i was impressed with the kids as they all listiend and sat nicely. As a parent helper i enjoyed myself aswell xx”

Well done boys and girls. Kyle’s Mum is right – your behaviour was excellent.

Library Visit

To celebrate World Book Day last week, we made three visits to Annan Library with different groups. The morning children from the Rainbow Room can be seen here on their outing. For some it was their first visit to the library and for others it was obviously a familiar place. Everyone enjoyed a super selection of stories read by the librarian and the children seemed enthusiastic to revisit the library in the future with their families. We have some application forms to join the library in Nursery so please ask staff if you would like one.
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