With the approach of Valentine’s Day, we have been talking about who we love. As a home activity, the children drew someone they love and told us why they love them. The children’s work is displayed in the corridor and it has certainly put a smile on our faces so please take the time to have a look at them all. We thought that we would share a selection with you.
Isaac: I love Mummy and Granny. Mummy because she gives me lots of cuddles and Granny buys me cakes.
Emma: Grandma and Grandad because we bake cakes together.
Fearne: my Nana Lorna because she gives me good cuddles.
Orla: Mollie, Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Emma because they are all my friends.
Darcy: Daddy and Mummy because they are my best family.
Ewan: Mummy because she always plays with me.
Willow: Summer and Devon because they are nice to me.
Sophie M.: Nana, Papa, Daddy, Mummy, Neve and Jarvis because they are my favourite. They are my family.
Zander: Sophie and my family. Sophie as she has nice hair, Daddy because he’s fun to play, Mummy – best cuddles, Katie – best sister and Hector – best dog.
Joe H.: my Daddy because he takes me on adventures, plays football with me and we visit the horses.
Finlay G.: my Mummy because she’s my best friend.
Kacey: Mummy, Daddy, Niamh, Hayden and Jasper and Milo, my pet cats, because they are my favourite people ever.
Lucas: Mummy and Daddy – they are the best in the world.
Paulina: my Mum and Dad because they love me and buy me a lot of toys.
Julia: all my family because family is the most important.