Camera Skills

The cameras have been very busy outdoors over the past week or two as the children have searched for signs of Autumn in the garden. It was a bit tricky initially to find leaves which were turning colour but, as the days passed, more and more have appeared. As you can see, the children are now confident to use the cameras and enjoyed sharing their findings with their friends.

A Horse’s Palace

Good teamwork worked wonders to build a den in the garden last week. It started out as “a den” then became “a horse’s palace” and finally “a den for horses and people” but everyone seemed quite pleased with the finished product regardless of the name of it. There’s nothing better than sitting back and relaxing when you’ve made something yourself.
Click on the photos for a clearer view.

Pirates of the Rainbow Room

A group of pirates has been very busy in the Rainbow Room this week. An initial interest in drawing treasure maps resulted in us hunting out some pirate outfits and having our own treasure hunt in the Nursery garden. The children had great fun as they tried to follow the map and were very excited when they found the treasure chest which, of course, was marked with an “X”. They then decided for themselves to work in teams to hide the treasure chest and see if the other team of pirates could find it. Treasure maps also started to appear on the Promethean board as well as paper and there was lots of discussion about what kind of treasure we might find.
The Nursery pirates made a visit to Primary 3 to see what they had been learning about pirates. Mrs. Mahon was delighted to get some special visitors and sent them back with some pirate goodies – you can see the number game in one of our photos. She asked if the children could make some treasure for Primary 3’s treasure chest so they set to their task in the craft area and today they duly delivered their treasure to Primary 3.
Well done you pirates of the Rainbow Room – you have certainly shown yourselves to be successful learners and effective contributors with all your fantastic ideas.

Cooking Crumble

As we have been learning about Harvest and what happens in Autumn, some of the children used apples to make a crumble. It’s amazing how much learning can be developed from a simple cooking activity: the importance of hygiene and safety in the kitchen, fine motor control, counting and chopping skills, using the technology of a microwave and the effect of heat on the apples. Hopefully, you can see from these photos that the children are demonstrating some impressive skills. Most important of all, they had fun as they were learning.

Den Making Continues

Den making remains popular in the Nursery garden but the children continue to think of new ways to create their dens as they grow in confidence. Last week some of them wanted to paint the posts different colours and they decided to use planks of wood rather than a tarpaulin to make walls and a roof. As you can see, they are working well together and producing some fantastic results.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Den Making

Den making is becoming popular with the children in the Nursery garden. They are showing good problem solving skills and are working well in teams to make their dens.
Here you can see some children from the Rainbow Room who decided to make a house for the three little pigs so that they could hide from the big bad wolf. As you can see, they had to work as a team to make their frame then persevered well to position the tarpaulin to make their den. When a group of children from the Sunshine Room came to play in the den they turned it into a home for the three bears which is the story they have been focussing on in their room last week.
Problem-solving, teamwork and imaginative play were all developed from a tarpaulin and some wooden poles which just goes to show how enterprising and creative our children are. Well done boys and girls!

The Great Outdoors

It won’t be long now until we are back in Nursery after our holiday. Let’s hope we get some warmer weather to enjoy outdoors. We thought that you might like to look back on a few memories from last term in the Nursery garden. As you can see, the children are so inventive with the materials we provide and outdoor play seems to really promote teamwork and those problem-solving skills that we try to encourage. Let’s hope that we get some sunshine to enjoy outdoors next term.

Good Teamwork

What a busy morning we had in the garden today. A group of children from each room worked so well together to build their own den with planks of wood. Despite being really excited about their construction, they managed to keep very quiet, hiding in it and when Mrs. Carruthers came out to the garden, she jumped up in the air and gave a huge shout when they shouted “Surprise!” Well done everyone for working so well together and for managing to plan the big surprise. What a team!

Building Materials

Last week we took delivery of a huge pile of wood, thanks to Mr. Raymond Kerr of Kerr’s Sawmill. The children loved being in charge of these new building materials and helped to organise them in the Nursery garden. Almost immediately, several children showed great imagination and started to build their own dens, leading the way in the play and guiding others in good teamwork.
We would like to thank Mr. Kerr for his generous donation and look forward to many happy hours of problem-solving, construction and den building in the Nursery garden.

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