Chinese New Year

Last week we started to learn about Chinese New Year. We were very lucky to have a special visitor who has had first hand experience of the celebrations in China. Mrs. McGhie had everyone enthralled as she told us the story of the big monster and we were very good at using chopsticks and pans to make a loud noise to scare it away as we helped to tell the story.
We learned that that this is the year of the snake and all about the animals race, about lai see envelopes, fireworks, how children learn to use chopsticks, about a celebration feast, the clothes that people wear… we just learned so much. It was all very interesting to find out from someone who has had personal experience and the children loved seeing and handling all the exciting things in Mrs. McGhie’s basket.
After finishing with a dragon dance, we made Chinese food for snack which included a taste of Chinese tea that Mrs. McGhie had brought for us.
What a marvellous way to learn about someone else’s culture and celebrations. Thank you Mrs. McGhie for bringing Chinese New Year to life for the children. You gave us a fantastic learning experience.

Fun with the Fiddle

As part of our learning about Scottish culture, Primary 2 joined us last week in two visits and we all learned about the fiddle. Mrs. Roberts told us about the different parts of it and how the sound comes out. She played us several Scottish tunes which we all enjoyed clapping along to and then we had a little sing-song when she played a few familiar tunes.
Mrs. Roberts even helped some children hold the little fiddle and they were able to make some sounds with it. Maybe one day they will be able to play like Mrs. Roberts.
Thank you so much to Mrs. Roberts and Primary 2 for sharing this experience with us. We all learned lots and had great fun.
Click then double click on a photo to make it bigger.

Scottish Celebrations

As we started our week of Scottish celebrations, on Monday morning both the Rainbow and Sunshine rooms joined the rest of the school to enjoy entertainment by a band playing Scottish music. We learned about different types of music and soon we were clapping and tapping our feet in time to reels and strathspeys with everyone else. Thank you very much to Mrs. Lewis and her band for taking time to come to our school – we really enjoyed your visit. We are looking forward to a visit later in the week to Nursery from Mrs. Roberts, a band member who works at Hecklegirth, to learn more about Scottish music and in particular the fiddle.

Mischa Impresses Miss Wilson and Mrs. Johnston

Our learning at the start of this term has focussed on Winter and Mischa has impressed both Miss Wilson and Mrs. Johnston from Primary 6 with her story telling and drawing about Winter as well as her excellent talking skills. If you click on the photo you will see Mischa’s super drawing of a penguin and a polar bear about to go into his house.
Mischa showed herself to be a ‘confident individual’ when she talked to Miss Wilson about her drawing, earning herself a Head Teacher’s sticker and her work being displayed on the Achievement Board in the dinner hall. She then spoke with great confidence to Mrs. Johnston who was so impressed that she took Mischa to Primary 6 to borrow some interesting books about icy lands and penguins. Thank you very much Mrs. Johnston for the books which Mischa shared with her group. We hope that you enjoyed Mischa’s guided tour of our ice cave and that you will come back and visit us soon.
Very well done Mischa for some fantastic work. You certainly deserved that Head Teacher’s sticker.

Cooking is Fun!

We like Finlay’s Mum’s comment on the photo of him tasting the cake mixture:
“Finlay was making sure the cakes are going to taste good.Yummy!”

We are also excited to hear about Ollie’s plans for baking tonight:
“Ollie is baking shortbread tonight for all the lucky nursery teachers. He had so much fun this term at nursery,especially in the run up to Christmas. If his shortbread doesn’t work out then we have a box of sweeties on standby.
Thanks again. X”

Thank you Ollie for such a lovely thought. We’ll look forward to tasting your shortbread tomorrow. Have lots of fun making it!

Party Preparations

Tomorrow is party day in Nursery so the children have been busy making all the necessary preparations. They decided that they would like cakes, Angel Delight and jelly at the party so today has been spent making them.
As you can see, some of the children have had a great time in the kitchen, learning lots of different skills and the fridges are now full, ready for tomorrow. We hope that everyone has a great time.

Shay’s Rhymes

Shay’s obviously doing a super job with his rhyming activity.
His Dad says, “Shay is really enjoying finding lots of words that rhyme and thought up all the items that rhyme that he brought into nursery on his own. Well done Shay.”
Thanks for bringing in your rhymes, Shay and well done for thinking of them yourself.

Finlay Enjoys Family Learning

Sounds like Finlay’s having good fun with the Family Learning bags.
“I chose the numbers bag last week and got a game called snail trail, I am very good at it, I have been beating my Mummy,. Daddy and my Brother at it.I wonder what I will choose this week??? I am really enjoying the bags so far. Thanks.”

Remember everyone can get an activity sack on a Thursday from Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator. If you’re not sure where to go, just ask a member of staff or another parent. Tomorrow is also the Diwali activity with Eileen so we hope you all have fun.

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