Visits to the Sorting Office

The sorting office is the next place on our visits to the community: all the children will get the opportunity tomorrow to find out what happens there and what a postal worker does in their job. They are enjoying finding out about lots of different places and jobs in Annan. Lewis’ Granny left a comment last week:

“Lewis certainly looks as if he enjoyed the visit to the Police Station. It’s great to give the children different ways to learn and they all look really happy.”

Those who haven’t visited the police station yet will be going at the end of the week so let’s hope they enjoy it as much the Rainbow morning children did.

Library Visit

To celebrate World Book Day last week, we made three visits to Annan Library with different groups. The morning children from the Rainbow Room can be seen here on their outing. For some it was their first visit to the library and for others it was obviously a familiar place. Everyone enjoyed a super selection of stories read by the librarian and the children seemed enthusiastic to revisit the library in the future with their families. We have some application forms to join the library in Nursery so please ask staff if you would like one.
Click on the photo to make it bigger.

Fantastic Work Neve!

As we continue to learn about our community, Neve decided to design her own street which we’re sure you’ll agree is fantastic. As well as producing a wonderful drawing, she has taken her time to carefully write the names of her buildings. Miss Wilson was as impressed as us and decided that Neve’s work should be displayed on the school achievement board. Well done, Neve! We hope you are as proud of your work as we are.
If you click on the photo you’ll get a better view of Neve’s super street.

Star Award Winners

Well done to this week’s Star Award winners. As always, Miss Wilson was very impressed with our Nursery children. This week two of them received certificates for being helpful and for always trying their best. Well done to you both. We hope your families are proud of you.

Our “Special Books”

Thank you to those of you who have returned the children’s “special books” and for taking the time to provide us with feedback on your child’s progress. Finlay’s Mum has left us a lovely comment on the blog:

“We thought Finlay’s special book was really good and it tells us that Finlay is progressing well at nursery, keep up the good work Finlay and well done to the nursery staff as his book is very detailed we really enjoyed reading it.”

We hope that you have all enjoyed sharing the children’s “special books” with your families and ask that those who have not yet returned them, do so early next week so that we can continue to record your child’s achievements. Please remember that you can look at your child’s book at any time in Nursery – they are on display in the book area in each room.

Learning About the Past

Recently both the Sunshine and Rainbow Rooms were lucky to have visits from children’s grannies who gave us a fantastic insight into life in the past.
Rohan’s Granny is an expert on how life used to be in Hecklegirth School because she was a teacher here for a long time. It was great to be able to compare school life then with now and the children certainly didn’t like the sound of “the belt” which was used in her time.
Katie’s Granny talked to the children about how the buildings in Annan had changed and brought in some pictures of the shops from years ago. The children also compared their favourite toys with the ones she had played with and talked about school life.
Thank you so much to both Katie and Rohan’s Grannies for providing first hand insight into the past for the children, especially when it was so relevant and local for us. Your stories certainly captured the children’s imaginations and brought the past to life.

When I Was a Boy in Hecklegirth …

As we are learning about our community, Rory’s Dad kindly came in to Nursery this afternoon to tell us what life in Annan was like when he was a boy. He was a Hecklegirth pupil and told us about walking to school on his own when he was five which the children
didn’t think they would be doing when they go to Primary 1. We even saw photos of him in Hecklegirth School a long time ago and learned lots about his life as a child in Annan.
We want to thank Rory’s Dad for showing us all his super photos and for taking time to share his experiences.

Summer’s Daddy’s Special Visitors

As we are now beginning to learn about our community and the jobs we might do when we grow up, Summer’s Daddy kindly spent a morning last week with the children in both the Rainbow and the Sunshine Rooms, teaching them about his work on a farm.
However, he didn’t come alone but brought a calf and two lambs which were all less than a week old, as well as the Mummy sheep, which were the best teaching resources possible. The children learned so much about what the animals eat, where they stay and how they are looked after. They learned about animal cake, which they were disappointed to find did not have cherries or chocolate, and smelt silage as well as getting plenty opportunities to stroke the animals.
The children also found out lots about the farm from all the fantastic photos Summer’s Daddy brought and left in Nursery for us. These will be very useful to help us to talk about working on a farm, especially with the helpful captions on the back explaining everything.
We want to say a huge thank-you to Summer’s Daddy for taking time to help us in this way. You provided a wonderful experience for the children which they will remember for a long time.

Recent Comments

It’s good to see that you are enjoying our blog at home. We have had two recent comments on our Chinese New Year learning.

Lewis: “I really enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. I really liked eating my noodles with chopsticks.”

Neve’s Mummy: “Neve has really enjoyed learning all about the Chinese New Year, she has loved coming home showing us her writing of numbers in Chinese. Great topic for the children to learn about. X”

Roxy’s Mum also left her a lovely comment when she was recently awarded a Hecklegirth Star Award:
“Im so proud of my little girl , well done xxx”

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to leave a comment. We really appreciate it.

How Many Ways Can We Use Snow?

What fun we had when the snow arrived yesterday. The children seemed to find so many different ways to enjoy it and many spent nearly the whole session out in the Nursery garden.
They tried to build snow mummies, snow babies and snow dogs but they discovered that the snow was a bit too soft. Some lay down to make snow angels and others were very inventive and used the tyres to make a snow bin where they stored “special snow for special things”. A bucket with a little water in the bottom provided a useful experiment as they tried to work out what was happening when they put snow in and it changed appearance. One group spent ages in a taxi, talking about getting the heating on and hoping that they would get to Carlisle safely as the weather was bad for driving. There were so many wonderful ideas happening everywhere.
It was hard to capture good photos because the children didn’t stay still for long in their excitement but hopefully these will capture some of the moments of our lovely snowy day.

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