Our Growing Project

The next stage of our growing project organised by Eileen Johnstone, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, is now underway and the sun came out in celebration as we planted seeds in our raised beds in the garden.
The children talked about the tiny seeds and what they would have to do to help them grow to look like the ones in Eileen’s pictures.They then very carefully prepared the compost and planted their seeds. Each Nursery room has a bed of their own to tend and our kind parent volunteers will take turns each week to help the children look after their vegetables. Today the Sunshine Room planted carrot seeds and the Rainbow Room planted beetroot. I wonder which bed will show signs of growth first?
Thank you very much to Eileen and to those parents who have offered to be part of our work. This project provides opportunities to develop several areas of the curriculum and is a fantastic learning experience. The children are excited about it and we look forward to watching progress in the garden for the rest of this term.

Hecklegirth Nursery Street

Learning about road safety can be fun. At the end of last week we made a road with road signs in the garden to help the children learn about staying safe. We talked about what the different traffic lights mean and about how to cross the road safely. As you can see, traffic became a little congested at times but the children enjoyed using the traffic lights and the “Stop” sign. We will be looking at this topic again this week in Nursery as part of our whole school Health and Wellbeing focus.

Learning About The Seasons

To help us learn about Spring, we have been talking about our previous learning about the seasons. We talked about what happens in each season and what sort of clothes we wear. Some of the children gave some good answers in these discussions and we thought you’d like us to share some of them with you.

Mischa: Autumn’s the windy one. Kailey: the leaves fall off in Autumn.
Grace: you get conkers in Autumn. Kyle: when it’s windy you need a coat.
Nate: we wear water suits when it’s rainy and things are wet and muddy.

Emily: you need warm clothes, hats, scarves, gloves and boots in Winter.
Liam: Santa comes in Winter Ava: you need a warm coat to keep cosy.
Imogen: you need your wellies in Winter and scarves, hats and gloves.
Shay: we see snow in Winter. Katie: the icicles come.

Ollie: you get your paddling pool out in Summer.
Adam J.: you wear T-shirts and hats when it’s hot.
Mischa: you wear dresses in Summer and you can get your goggles out.
Ava: you need swimming wear.

Malachi: trees grow. Isaac: flowers pop out.
Joseph: all the bulbs grow and the leaves go back on the branches.
Grace: the baby sheep are born and blossom trees grow.
Scott: baby lambs come out of the mummy’s tummy.
Rohan: trees grow and I planted one at my Dad’s.
Summer: you get Easter eggs.
Neve: baby chicks are born and blossom comes on trees.
Hannah: the trees get leaves.
Dawid H.: the flowers grow.

What an exciting time Spring is!

Stars of the Week

Miss Wilson was delighted to present four Nursery children with Star Awards this week and our winners look rightly proud of themselves. Some of our stars got a certificate for being very helpful towards others and some were for being good listeners to help their learning. Congratulations to this week’s stars! Keep up the good work – we are all proud of you.

Our Lowry Street

Towards the end of term we were learning a little about the artist, L. S. Lowry. We compared the scenes in his paintings to Annan and talked about his life. We tried to make some street scenes for display just like Lowry and here are some of our efforts. Can you spot your painting?
Click then click again for a bigger picture.


Heckie’s Happy Healthy Week brought lots of different competitions which many of you entered. It was great to see your wonderful ideas for a sports person made out of fruit and vegetables, the poster competition and the healthy packed lunch design. Thanks to all the family members who helped the children enjoy these activities at home. We also had certificates for being the best Junior Fire Officer and for giving the best effort at the Keep Fit activity.
Primary 6 were very impressed with the Nursery entries and several children won prizes and certificates. Well done to all who entered and congratulations to those who were winners. Thank you again to Primary 6 for being so organised with awarding your prizes and for making Nursery children feel special.

What Clean Teeth You’ve Got Monkey!

As part of our Health Week, Claire from Childsmile visited us to talk to the children about the importance of cleaning our teeth and a good diet to keep our teeth healthy. As you can see, everyone enjoyed having a turn at cleaning monkey’s teeth although we think he would need more than the pea-sized blob of toothpaste that Claire told us we should use. What clean teeth you’ve got Monkey!

Fire Fighting Fun

The afternoon children got their visit from Ian, the fire fighter, this week to help them find out about his job and how to stay safe in a fire. As you can see from the photos, they enjoyed the visit as much as the morning children, especially when Ian had them escaping from the fire by crawling along the ground. We think that by the end of the visit the children were very clear on what they should do in the event of a fire. Thank you again, Ian. We appreciate you taking the time to teach the children in such a fun way.

Growing Families

Lots of children and their families have been taking part in the growing project organised by Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator. They have enjoyed the story of “Oliver’s Vegetables”, made placemats, planted cress and made scarecrows with wooden spoons. Now some of the children have gone home with bags to grow carrots and onions which should be interesting and before you know it, we will have raised beds in the Nursery garden to grow our own vegetables. We look forward to the Sunshine Room and the Rainbow Room having a raised bed each. I wonder which room will grow the most vegetables?
Thanks Eileen for your great ideas and organisation as always. We look forward to the next stage of our growing project.

Firefighters of the Future?

As we continue to learn about jobs in our community, Ian the firefighter kindly visited the morning children last week to talk about his job and about how to stay safe in a fire. The message was very clear to the children to stay low in a fire as they had to crawl under makeshift smoke in the form of a billowing parachute. They also learned about Ian’s equipment, why he needs it and they had good fun trying it out. Some thought it was very heavy to carry but others seemed confident that they would be strong enough to be firefighters and carry all the equipment on their backs. They may have to grow in to the jackets a little but I wonder if we have any firefighters of the future here?
Thank you very much to Ian for his visit. The children learned lots about staying safe in a fire and about your job. We look forward to your visit later this week to talk to the afternoon children.

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