Counting For Callum The Cat

Callum the Cat came to visit Nursery recently as he needed help to count his fish. It was just as well that the boys and girls were good at counting because he had lots of fish to sort into his number buckets. Everyone had to check that we had got it right and we did thumbs up or down to say if we thought the correct number of fish was in each bucket. Keep on practising your counting everyone in case Callum needs more important work done.

Den Making Continues

Den making remains popular in the Nursery garden but the children continue to think of new ways to create their dens as they grow in confidence. Last week some of them wanted to paint the posts different colours and they decided to use planks of wood rather than a tarpaulin to make walls and a roof. As you can see, they are working well together and producing some fantastic results.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Arcimboldo Takes Shape In Cream and Yoghurt

Both Ava and Bethany have impressed their families with their Arcimboldo work:

“wow what a fantastic picture Ava, very creative!”

We agree – this was a brilliant effort from Ava.

“Well done to all involved in the excellent Arcimboldo Project. It certainly held Bethany’s attention. Cara, her dog, also found her painting of special interest. She sniffed around the sweets until she was moved on! Keep up the good work.”

We’re glad that Cara appreciated Bethany’s work. Maybe you should display your picture up high on the wall Bethany just in case Cara fancies another look at it?

As promised, we thought we’d share the portraits that the children decided to make with different foods that they suggested – cream, yoghurt, bread and various fruit and vegetables. Obviously these choices of food could not really be glued very easily so the children each took their own photo of their work. We hope that you agree that they’ve done a very good job with their art work and photography.

Arcimboldo Autumn Artists

As part of our learning about Autumn we have looked at some of the work of the artist Arcimboldo. We looked closely at his “Autumn” portrait to see how he used food to depict the seasons as faces then we used food to make our own portraits. Here are some our comments on Arcimboldo’s painting of “Autumn”:

Reagyn: that’s awesome. I can see leaves and they’ve got berries joined on – it’s like tadpole eggs.
Logan: it’s a funny face ’cause it’s got fruit.
Roxy: there’s leaves and it’s like they’re falling off the tree like Autumn.
Lexi: he’s got an apple face
Rebecca: I think it’s funny ’cause he did it all himself.
Darcy: there’s a pumpkin on his face.

The children were very enthusiastic to make their own Arcimboldo style portraits. We hope that you enjoy our Arcimboldo gallery.
Click on a photo to make it bigger.

Den Making

Den making is becoming popular with the children in the Nursery garden. They are showing good problem solving skills and are working well in teams to make their dens.
Here you can see some children from the Rainbow Room who decided to make a house for the three little pigs so that they could hide from the big bad wolf. As you can see, they had to work as a team to make their frame then persevered well to position the tarpaulin to make their den. When a group of children from the Sunshine Room came to play in the den they turned it into a home for the three bears which is the story they have been focussing on in their room last week.
Problem-solving, teamwork and imaginative play were all developed from a tarpaulin and some wooden poles which just goes to show how enterprising and creative our children are. Well done boys and girls!

Real Life Decision Making

The children have had some big decisions to make recently as we had the wonderful problem of deciding what to buy with a very generous donation from a kind grandparent.
They were given three choices of how to spend the money and, after a discussion about each, all the children voted for their favourite. As you can see from the photos, each child added their vote to the graph and watched carefully to see which option came out the winner. Although it was a close vote, the winning choice was for a bed, table and chairs for the role play area. There was great excitement when the parcels arrived and some of the children did a super job of helping us put our new furniture together. As you can see, they are all delighted with their choice and experienced lots of valuable learning along the way.
Children and staff are extremely grateful for this donation from a very kind and generous grandparent. The children are already having great fun with the additions to our role play area and will continue to do so for many years to come.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Bring A Bear Day

We had some very special visitors to the Sunshine Room one day last week as Miss Murray asked the children to bring in their favourite bears as part of a Listening and Talking activity. The children were excited to tell us about their bears and the bears certainly seemed to enjoy their time in Nursery.
We thought that you would enjoy some of the children’s comments and photos of our special visitors.

Deryn: it’s Gizmo. I got it on holiday.
Ava: it’s George. He’s on the tele’. He stays on my bed.
Logan: Barney sleeps on my bed. We’ve got bunk beds. I like him ’cause he can dance.
William: his name’s Patch because he’s got his name on his collar. He can do flips.
Robbie: I love her. She’s called Sky.
Roxy: I love her ’cause I can cuddle her. She’s called Lucy and she’s got glasses, clothes and a hat.
Fearne: he’s Neville. He sleeps in my bed and plays with me in the morning. He sits on my pillow.
Rebecca: I got it when I was a baby. I cuddle up with it in my bed.

A Mud Park For Dogs

Last week saw many of the children investigating the digging area in the garden for the first time. This is a place where the children often show super imagination in developing their ideas. This little group transformed a patch of soil and some rainwater into a “mud park for dogs”, using stones, mud and some bits of wood, showing good teamwork and communication skills. Perhaps we have some engineers of the future here?
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

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