What is an incubator for?

In an earlier post we talked about a new arrival in Nursery (see below). The children tried to work out what the new addition might be and then they were to ask at home what an incubator does.
Here are some of the children’s ideas.

Jayden: it’s an egg box. It warms eggs up to help them crack.
Finlay: baby hens can hatch.
Joey: it’s an egg warmer and keeps the eggs cosy.
Simon: a thermometer keeps an eye on the temperature.
Zachary: it’s for hatching eggs.
Brogan: I see a monitor. It checks the time.
Ciaran: chicks come out of the eggs.
Tom: the Mummy chicken isn’t there so the incubator is keeping the eggs warm. They are going to be chicks.
Bethany: it needs electricity.
Rebecca: there is eggs and there is going to be lots of chicks.
Mary: it’s warm to keep the chickens warm and cosy.
Lexi: I think the chicks are going to be in Nursery to say ‘Hello’.
Sophie L.: the incubator is warming the eggs up.

Well done boys and girls. We think that you done good research at home. Thank you also to Simon’s Mum and Dad who have brought us eggs for our incubator. I wonder when they will start to hatch?

Outdoor Learning Is Fun

Now that the children are well settled in after their Easter holiday, they have been spending lots of time in the Nursery garden, having fun in their learning. Many children have been enjoying searching for the flagstones with letters on to match to their alphabet notes and some have been working well in teams to plan and build dens. As you can see they are very well focussed on the task in hand and excited to learn.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

As we began to learn about Spring and growing, the children discussed the seasons and what happens at different times of the year.

Bethany: it snows in Winter and snowflakes come down.
Kailey: in Summer there’s loads of flowers and you get to go outside lots and I always go to Hoddom for a sleepover.
Freya: lambs grow on my birthday.
Theo: you can bash your cars in Autumn ’cause it’s bad weather.
Dan: you get Easter eggs in Spring.
Riley: you see flowers on the trees in Spring.
Zachary: trees grow in Summer.
Ava: flowers start to grow in Spring. We get blossom on the trees.
Ben: the water gets very deep in Winter.

The children are certainly beginning to show an understanding of the seasons. Hopefully they should be able to talk a little at home now about what happens in Spring.

Property Centre

At last the Sunshine Room children got their visit to the property centre on the High Street after the previous visit was cancelled due to bad weather. One of the children found a house for sale in her street and many seemed particularly interested in the huge map, just like the children from the Rainbow Room. The interest in maps continues the children are quite excited that a new map has arrived this week in their Nursery room to extend their learning. We realise that the children have still not had a visit reorganised to the police station and will be in touch with P.C. Leggett soon to see if we can arrange something. In the meantime thank you to the lady in the property centre and all our parent helpers who made our visit possible.

Sunshine Room’s Tesco Visit

Just like the Rainbow Room, the children from the Sunshine Room thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Tesco last week. They also worked well together in teams and carried out the various activities with enthusiasm. Don’t they look good in the hats that they designed themselves? Thank you again to Tesco for providing the hats and such an informative visit. We really appreciate it.

Nursery Visits Tesco

Shoppers at Tesco might have been surprised to see some very young staff working there last week as Nursery children visited the store to learn about what happens in the shop and behind the scenes. They worked very well in teams to solve the shopping puzzles and had to think hard about finding different numbers of fruit and vegetables in various colours as well as the various cereal boxes on their shopping lists.
The visit to the bakery produced lots of interest, as did the tasting session at the cheese and meat counter, although the walk-in freezer was a bit chilly for some.
All the children’s hard work was rewarded with the chance to finish off their own doughnut by dipping it in sugar then enjoying it along with a welcome glass of juice in the staff canteen.
We would like to say huge thanks to all the staff at Tesco who were so patient and kind. The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit and we all appreciate the time you took to show them round the store. Thank you also to those tolerant staff who had their tea break disturbed in the canteen.
You can see the Rainbow Room children busy with the various activities in the photos below.

Paint, Pens and Pencils

Inspired by our visits out to the community and visitors to Nursery, the children have been taking their learning about various jobs into the art and drawing/writing areas. Some very good work has been produced and a colourful selection is now on display in the school corridor. We are delighted that some of the children have shown great interest in adding writing to their work which hopefully you can see from some of the photos below.
Anyone who is coming to our Literacy workshops and parent consultations on Monday 31st March can have a closer look (our display is opposite Mrs.Alexander’s office) but in the meantime here are some examples to enjoy.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Our Local Property Centre

We are delighted to say that we have rearranged the Sunshine Room’s visit to our local property centre on the High Street. The Rainbow Room children enjoyed their recent visit, showing particular interest in the huge map of Dumfries and Galloway and all the pictures of houses for sale. Let’s hope that the weather is kinder this time for the Sunshine Room children who will visit on Tuesday April 1st.

What Happens In A Bakery?

It has been great to have several family members come in to talk to the children about their jobs and our most recent visitor was a Mum who works in a local baker’s. As a member of a family business that has been operating for more than a lifetime in Annan, she was able to explain to the children how all those wonderful cakes, bread and pies reach the shelves.
As a selection of slides appeared on the Promethean board showing the bakery, the children were surprised to see Stan the Star everywhere – he’d obviously thoroughly enjoyed his visit out of Nursery and had been very busy in the bakery. He helped the children to understand the size of the equipment as he looked tiny compared to all the machinery.
We saw the uniform that’s worn by the bakers and the huge flour bag that plays a part in making all the lovely cakes and bread. We learned about the magic ingredient called yeast – some liked the smell and others were not so keen – and how it is used in the baking process. Feeling the dough and seeing the different loaves that it makes certainly brought home to the children the process of making bread.
To top it all, we were presented with a fantastic cake that some of the staff had won in a recent charity fundraising event at the baker’s. We all loved our “Little Minions of Hecklegirth Nursery” cake and can all vouch for its delicious flavour. Thank you for a very interesting visit which certainly captured the children’s attention.

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