A Special Invitation

Some of the children in the Sunshine Room were very busy this morning making a graduation invitation for Mrs. Alexander. There was some fantastic writing and lovely drawings to make it special and Mrs. Alexander was delighted to get her invitation. The children have been practising their songs and are looking forward to performing them to everyone on Tuesday.

Do You Play, Talk and Read With Your Child?

Education Scotland is highlighting the importance of playing, talking and reading with children. Parents, carers and families make a positive difference to a child’s learning and your support can play a vital role at all stages of your child’s education.

The latest PlayTalkRead campaign, including a television advert to be shown during World Cup games, was launched on Father’s Day.

The PlayTalkRead campaign’s summer activity is part of the Scottish Government’s focus on the early years of children’s lives – encouraging and supporting parents and carers to play, talk and read more regularly with their little ones.

For more information and advice for parents and carers to support literacy at home, please visit our link on the right to the Parentzone website or have a look at the PlayTalkRead website at www.playtalkread.org/

We’re Going On A Minibeast Hunt

The children have become very engaged in their learning about minibeasts over the last few weeks and have become engrossed in searching for them in the Nursery garden. As you can see, they have had the magnifying glasses and bug tubs in action and they worked well together as good detectives. The children quickly learned that underneath the alphabet stepping stones was one of the favourite homes of all sorts of minibeasts.


When we visited Annan library for World Book Day at the end of last term, we were given a colouring competition for the children to complete. These were done at home and returned to the library staff who judged the winner for our Nursery. Here you can see the proud winner with her prize. Congratulations – there were a lot of super entries so you did very well.

A Duckling Hatches In Nursery

There was great excitement in Nursery yesterday as the children were able to see the little duckling that had hatched in our incubator at the week-end. Unfortunately our photos are not very clear but hopefully most children were able to see the duckling before it went to Simon’s home to be looked after. As well as more ducklings, we hope that we may have some chicks soon. I wonder when they will arrive? Remember to keep an eye on the incubator in the Rainbow cloakroom.

Police Station

As promised, we have some photos of the afternoon children when they recently visited the police station. They were just as well behaved as the morning children and made us very proud of them. Thank you again to all the parents who came with us – we really appreciate your help.

Police Station Visit

Recently we were able to take the children to see what the inside of a police station is like and to learn about a police officer’s job. Many of the children tried out the cells and enjoyed using the controls of the CCTV cameras. We also saw the rooms where interviews take place and fingerprints and DNA are taken. The police van, of course, was particularly popular, especially when the children were able to try out the blue light and the siren.
Thank you to all the parents who came with us on our visit and to the police officers for taking time to show us round. We are delighted that they commented on everyone’s super behaviour. Several children thought they would like to be police officers in the future so perhaps we will see them patrolling the streets of Annan in years to come.
Here you can see some of the morning children in action on their visit. We will post photos of the afternoon children soon.

Money Matters

Recently the afternoon children had a visit from the Financial Education Officer to talk about what we do with money and to help them in their work on coin recognition. They loved the story just as much as the morning children had earlier this year and took part enthusiastically in all the actions. Bev’s huge purse held the children’s interest and they enjoyed the magic of coin rubbing which led to further discussion of what each coin was worth. We would like to thank Bev for her visit and look forward to seeing her again next year.

Sunflower Planting

To tie in with our Family Learning growing project and work based on our learning about Vincent Van Gogh, the children have been planting sunflowers as well as painting them. Everyone should now have a little pot with their sunflower seed at home and the children should be able to tell their families what they need to do to look after it. Hopefully, they will be able to bring their plants or a photo back to Nursery later in the term to show us how well they are growing.
In the meantime here are some photos and comments from the planting activity.

Ava T: you put a seed in and some compost inside.
Jade: we were planting sunflowers. We give them sunshine and water and I’m caring for mine.
Teigan: we made our own flowers and gave them water.
Conan: it was Vincent Van Gogh who did the sunflowers.
Suzie: you put soil in then you put the seed in then you water it then you take it home.
Josie: when you make plants you need water and seeds.
Lexi: we were making sunflowers. You put soil in then plant a seed. Water makes them grow.
Logan: we were planting flowers. You need sun and water to make them grow.

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh is the latest artist that the children have learning about and to get a taste of his work we looked at “Sunflowers” and “Starry Night”. The children talked about what they liked in his paintings and which painting they preferred.

Bethany: I like “Starry Night” best ’cause it has lots of stars on it. It’s funny that it’s a yellow moon – it should be white.
Dan: I like “Sunflowers” best ’cause it’s got nice colours.
Riley: I like the vase in the “Sunflowers”
Kailey: “Starry Night” is best ’cause it’s colourful.
Freya: I like the “Sunflowers” one best ’cause I like sunflowers.
Theo: I like the blue bits in the middle of the sunflowers.

The children also produced their own artwork using Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” as inspiration. Have a look in Nursery and you can see their super efforts. We will put photos of their art work here soon.

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