Camera Skills

The cameras have been very busy outdoors over the past week or two as the children have searched for signs of Autumn in the garden. It was a bit tricky initially to find leaves which were turning colour but, as the days passed, more and more have appeared. As you can see, the children are now confident to use the cameras and enjoyed sharing their findings with their friends.

Artists At Work

As part of our learning about Autumn we have looked at some of the work of the artist Arcimboldo. We looked closely at his “Autumn” portrait to see how he used food to depict the seasons as faces then used food to make our own portraits. As you can see, some of the children have been inspired learning about this artist and have produced some super work.
Click then click again to get a bigger photo and see the artist’s name.

Who Looks After You When You’re Ill?

After reading and discussing the book “Bear Feels Ill”, we talked about who looks after us when we are ill.
Zander: my Dad gives me a bandage
Niamh P.: my Mummy – she gives me an apple.
Jade S.: my Dad. He lets me snuggle on the couch with the cuddly blanket and watch tele’.
Keira M.: my Daddy gives me Calpol.
Callum: I get a drink of Summer Fruits off my Mummy when I’m not well.
Ava: Grandma and Mummy look after me.
Cian: Mummy, Daddy, Granny and Grandpa look after me when I’m ill. They phone the doctor in the night.
Julia L.: I stay inside and keep in my bed.
Effy: my Granny gives me hot milk.
Torrin: everyone looks after me. I get medicine so I don’t cough.
Ayda: Mummy cuddles me and kisses me. She gives me chewy sweets.
Charlie: my Mummy gives me apples. I give Mummy biscuits when she’s got a cold.
Max L.: Paige makes medicine to make me feel better.
Isaac: Mummy tells me to have a wee sleep then she gets me a drink.

Scissor Skills

The craft area has been particularly busy this week as our learning has focussed on developing fine motor control, particularly when using scissors. The children are all at different stages of development but most have shown great motivation to work on holding the scissors correctly and to control them when cutting. We hope that they will enjoy further developing those skills at home. Here is a selection of their work from this week.

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor play continues to be very popular, particularly with the wonderful September weather we have been getting. Some of the children managed to work out how to make their own see-saw and everyone seemed to want a turn. Others enjoyed “buying” their snack at the outdoor shop which was selling cups of water and different types of fruit. Some children simply enjoyed sitting in the willow tunnel for a chat. As you can see, they all look happy and busy in their learning.
Click on the photos for a clearer view.

Thank You Joe

We had a lovely surprise this week when Joe W’s family brought us in lots of apples from their tree so we decided to make crumble. The children were able to develop their learning in lots of areas – learning about the importance of hygiene and safety in the kitchen, fine motor control, counting and chopping skills, using the technology of a microwave and the effect of heat on the apples.
Hopefully you can see the children demonstrating some of their new skills in our photos. Mrs. Alexander was certainly pleased with the crumble we took her as a surprise and we hope that the children enjoyed theirs too. Thank you very much to Joe’s family for bringing in the apples – you provided us with a great opportunity for fun learning.
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Counting, Counting Everywhere

Outdoor play has involved a lot of counting skills this week. We have been busy counting shells, counting the stones on our mud pies and counting the number of balls we can roll down a pipe.
Setting the pipes up so that the balls would roll successfully down the pipe was another challenge in itself but the children are beginning to work well together in a team and they solved this problem for themselves.

Growing Project

Those who helped to plant vegetables last term as part of a Family Learning project may have noticed our crop in the raised beds in the Nursery garden. Some of the children harvested the carrots at the start of term and they seemed pleased with their efforts. Well done everyone who helped in this project and thanks to Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for her work last term to make this project happen.

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