What Do We Know About Winter?

Our learning at the start of this term has been about winter and how it affects our lives. Our initial discussions focussed on what we know about this time of year and we would like to share some of the ideas that the children gave us.

Theo: when I was on the motorway I saw a flood. I saw signs that said Hexham and Newcastle and it was a flood with lots of water.
Zander: there’s no leaves on the trees. They grow in Spring.
Sophie M: Jack Frost comes out. He frosties everything. He flies with a stick.
Jade S.: there’s snow in Winter and in Poland there’s lots and lots of snow.
Ben: you need a coat and wellie boots and gloves.
Keira M: when it snows it’s fluffy on the grass.
Suzie: everything goes white like glass.
Kacey: you need hats, scarves and gloves.
Max L.: you sometimes see the moon at daytime.
Mikey: the sun shines but it’s cold.
Lucas: you’ve got to have a coat on.
Isaac: you can build a snowman.
Lexie: you get snow days.
Effy: socks make your feet warm. It’s like night time when you have your tea.
Armana: the animals go away to hide.
Ewan: if you wear shorts you’ll freeze.
Lewis: the frost makes everything white.

Outdoor Shapes

As we have been learning about shape and pattern recently, the children have been keen to form shapes with the materials available outdoors. They have talked together a lot to work out how to make their shapes and some have taken it to a different area of the curriculum by forming some letters. One little boy even managed to make his whole name from twigs and rope. As you can imagine, making a circle was the trickiest shape but the children showed themselves to be good problem solvers and came up with great ideas.

Water Working

While the afternoon children were showing their creative side last week in their outdoor music making, the morning children were talking about measure when playing in the garden. As you can see, they used a range of containers to develop their understanding of the concept of measure as they poured from one vessel to another. Apart from being great fun, the children were being encouraged to develop the language of measure using vocabulary such as full, empty, bigger, smaller, biggest, more than, less than and much more. They enjoyed working out, for example, if one container of water would fill a different container or if it would spill over and good teamwork was shown by all those taking part.

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Joe’s Dad Is A Star

The children recently met Stan the Star (Rainbow Room) and Steve the Star (Sunshine Room), a little bear and a monkey who go home with the children for a visit. This activity supports listening and talking skills, as they talk to the other children about what they have done at home with their visitor, while it also provides an opportunity for the children to learn to ask questions.
Stan the Star’s first visit was to Joe’s family who have certainly given him a wonderful holiday. He also brought a lovely surprise back with him as Joe’s Dad had made fantastic key-rings for the children to keep as a memento of their time with Stan or Steve. We cannot thank him enough for taking considerable time and effort to make these cute little key-rings and we are sure that everyone will treasure them so thank you Joe’s Dad – we think that you are a star too, thinking of everyone.

Learning English

Those children who have English as an additional language have been working on a programme in Nursery to support their communication in English. We have now added the first three books with sound to our blog to help your child with their learning at home.
Look down the right hand side of this page under “Support Information” and click on “Learning English”. There you will see instructions to help you use this material.
We hope that this is helpful in supporting the children in their learning, as you can use this tool at home and can hear the correct pronunciation. We plan to put more books on in the future.

Musical Moments

We hope that everyone is enjoying their holidays and thought that you might enjoy a little reminder of Nursery life. Last term, as a group time activity, the children learned to play a range of musical instruments and they have continued this experience into their play as they are becoming increasingly confident to play in a little band and perform to friends. Here you can see some of the Sunshine children making music.

Arcimboldo Art

Emma’s family has been looking at our Arcimboldo work where the children used foods to make portraits:

“Looks like Emma’s having fun!! Wonder how much food went missing during this activity hee hee.”

As you can imagine, we needed close supervision in the art area but the children did really respond well to this activity.

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