Careful Work

As we are learning about Chinese New Year, the children have been developing their fine motor skills in the art area by using fine brushes to attempt painting Chinese words and numerals. As you can see, they have been careful in their work and lots of children have been keen to try out this activity. Click then click again on the photos for a clearer view and to see the name of the artist.

The Sound Of Scottish Music

As part of our learning about Scotland, we put on some Scottish music this week and the children have loved it. They had great fun enthusiastically dancing to the sound of the pipes and pretending to march to the music while playing the drums. I wonder if any of them will take up Highland dancing or be part of a pipe band in the future?

How Do We Know That It’s Winter?

As part of our learning about the changing seasons, we have been talking to the children about how they know it is winter and what happens in winter. Here are a few of their ideas.
Crue: it gets very cold.
Fraser: robins come out. It’s minus one.
Alexa: it’s slippery ice.
Brooke: the water will freeze. We need to wrap up warm. We need a furry coat.
Jasmin: Santa comes and presents.
Annalise: it gets so cold.
Frankie: you can build a snowman. You need two snowballs, a big one and a little one.
Penny: the trees have no leaves.
Emily: the clouds are holding the snow. When the snow gets bigger, it comes out.
Skye: you might slip on your bottom.
Imoen: the snowflakes are on the car when it snows.
Olivia: we should leave bread out for the birds.
Tom: it snows.
Aoife: we need boots. We need to give the birds berries because they are hungry.
James: we need to wrap up warm.
Cali: we can throw snowballs.
Priya: there’s lots of snow on the trees.

We think that the children have some good ideas about the signs of winter. I wonder what they can see coming to Nursery that tells them it is winter time?

Winter Learning

Jack Frost was particularly helpful with our learning today as some of the children tried to work out why they could not dig outdoors as normal. The hard, frozen ground prompted them to try out all kind of tools, including the drill, to break through for treasure but they learned that frozen ground is very hard. There was more mystery when the water would not come out of the water butt tap and they wondered if the birds could possibly have drunk all of it over the weekend. Thank you Jack Frost for providing us with the best learning opportunity about winter that we could have had.

Welcome Back

After the first two days of the new term the children are settling back in to Nursery routines with confidence. As you can see, they are creating their own adventures in our ice cave, exploring the outdoor area and developing their learning in a range of activities.
Thank you to those new families who have returned their forms already – once we have your permission forms completed, the children will be able to make an appearance on our blog for the first time.

Happy Reading

Enid’s Mum was one of the parents who joined in with our reading day:

“I really enjoyed the opportunity to come in and read with the children, it makes me so happy to be able to do these things with Enid especially when I see how happy it makes her.”

We really appreciated all those parents joining us as we try to find different ways to encourage literacy for our children. We hope to offer this opportunity again next term if there is interest from our families. Thank you to all those who took part this term.

Learning With Chocolate

With the school Christmas Fayre on Thursday of this week, we have been making chocolate shapes to sell on our stall. Discussions about what would happen when we put chocolate in the microwave then the fridge developed the children’s learning about science and we also used numeracy skills to count the squares of chocolate as we prepared our chocolate shapes. Of course there was also the opportunity for a little tasting as some of the children enjoyed the age old tradition of “cleaning” the bowl at the end.
We hope that lots of Nursery children and their families will be able to come to the Christmas Fayre on Thursday from 6.30 until 8.00 in school. We can certainly recommend the chocolate shapes to anyone who has a little money to spend – at 50p a bag we think that they are a tasty buy.

Literacy in Nursery

We would like to thank those parents who joined us last week to read stories to their children in Nursery. This is one way that we are trying to promote literacy for our children and we hope that those who participated enjoyed the experience. Here are a few of the parents who took part, enjoying some story telling. We hope that lots of you will be able to join us again after the Christmas holiday when we will arrange another date.

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