
As the term draws to a close, the morning children have been enjoying their last few lessons with Mrs. Foster, our P.E. teacher. They have had some fun learning experiences and have grown in confidence as the term has progressed.
Here is one group learning how to move in different ways along a bench, showing good balancing skills and body awareness as they move forwards and backwards using different parts of their bodies. Thank you Mrs. Foster for this term’s activities. The afternoon children are looking forward to spending time with you next term.

Afternoon Visit

As promised, here are photos of the children enjoying an afternoon visit to the police station. Just as with the morning children, they behaved beautifully and made us very proud. Thank you so much to the parents and grandparents who came along with us, we hope that you enjoyed a visit out in the community with the children.

Police Station Visit

This week’s visit to the police station was a great learning experience. We were shown round the cells, as well as the rooms in the police station used for interviews and fingerprinting, and we found out what happens when someone is brought in to the police station. Some of the children tried out the hard beds and, although they thought it was great fun to try them out, most agreed that they would not like to sleep there.
The police van, of course, was very popular and most had a turn at sitting in the front and the back of the van. The blue light and siren caused great excitement although some had to cover their ears, the noise was so loud.
Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came with us on this visit – we appreciate your support. Thank you also to P.C. Leggett for answering some tricky questions and making us feel so welcome. These photos provide a taste of the morning children’s visit. We will post photos of the afternoon visit soon.

Road Safety

As part of our recent learning experience at Annan fire station, the children learned about staying safe out and about in our community. As well as finding out about the job of a fire officer, they took on the roles of different vehicles, as well as a police officer and lollipop person, to help them work out the safe way to make a journey. Jane and Jamie were very impressed with the children’s knowledge and we were pleased to hear that they had listened so well to advice from their families and Nursery staff about staying safe.

Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Afternoon Fire Station Visit

As promised, here are photos of the afternoon children visiting the fire station last week. They all enjoyed lots of fun learning just like the morning children. Thank you so much to all the parents and grandparents who came with us on our visit – we appreciate your help and support.

Click then click again on the photos to make them bigger.

Fire Station Visit

As part of learning about different jobs in our community, we had an exciting trip out last week when we visited the fire station. Fortunately the weather was kind, if a little chilly, and we enjoyed a lovely walk there in the sunshine. The children got a close up view of the equipment in a fire engine, as well as the fire officer’s uniform, and put their hands to their ears as the blue lights and siren were turned on. Of course, no visit to the fire station is complete without getting an opportunity to sit up in the fire engine and try out the big hose which was great highlight for everyone.
Huge thanks go to all the fire fighters who looked after us and made our visit such fun as well as to the parents who accompanied us – without parent helpers these trips out would not be possible. We hope that you enjoy these photos of the morning children and will post photos soon of our afternoon visit.

Visit To “The Big School”

Instead of our usual walk with the Primary 6 buddies on Monday, we had a lovely invitation to visit them in their classroom this week. After a long climb up the big stairs, which everyone found very exciting, we finally arrived on the top floor of the school and found Primary 6 all ready for us in a big circle. We joined them in the circle and had great fun learning several songs with our buddy friends.
Here are the morning children having a great time with Primary 6. We have photos from our afternoon visit too which we will post soon. Thank you so much to Primary 6 and Mr. Stevenson for taking the time to plan such a fun activity for us and for making our little children feel so welcome. They were all very excited about their visit to “the big school”.

Tesco Visitors

There were some young visitors at Tesco last week as Nursery children visited the store to learn about what happens in the shop and behind the scenes. They worked well on their shopping task in the fruit aisle and had to think hard about finding different numbers of fruit and vegetables in various colours. The walk-in fridge and freezer were a bit chilly for some but we soon warmed up in the bakery and at the delicatessen. The tills were great fun too.
We would like to say huge thanks to all the staff at Tesco who were so patient and kind. The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit and we all appreciate the time you took to show them round the store. Thank you also to those parents who gave the time to make our visit possible. Here are the morning children busy in the store. Photos of the afternoon children will follow soon.

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