
Leah and Enid have been talking to their families at home about planting seeds this week.

“Leah told us all about planting her seed in compost. She helped her papa plant his his tomato 🍅 plants this week too. She really enjoyed gardening”

“Enid told me all about how she had been planting seeds, she looks every bit the professional in this photo.”

Well done Enid and Leah for sharing your learning at home. You both did very well with your planting. Let’s hope that your seeds start to grow and good luck to Leah’s Papa for his tomato plants. I wonder which will grow bigger, the sunflower or the tomatoes?


This week we planted sunflower seeds as we plan to look at the famous “Sunflowers” painting by Vincent Van Gogh. We talked about what the children will need to do to make their seed grow so hopefully they should be able to look after them when they bring their sunflowers home in a week or two. We look forward to hearing about some super sunflowers or even seeing a photo once they begin to grow. Fingers crossed that they can be planted outdoors and turn into a lovely burst of sunshine in a corner of everyone’s garden. Here are some of the morning children busy with their planting. We will post photos of the afternoon children soon.

Word Of The Week

Last term, as a school staff, we took part in Word Aware training, which is a structured whole school approach to develop the vocabulary of children.
It is estimated that the average child learns 2000 – 3000 words per year every year throughout their schooling which equates to six to eight words a day on average. Children with good vocabulary go on to become good readers and vocabulary has a major impact on all areas of learning.
As part of our work to support the development of the children’s vocabulary, we will be including a “Word of the Week” in our planning and will focus on the appropriate use of that word in the Nursery environment. Sometimes the selected word may arise from a child led discussion and at other times it may be linked to our learning focus. We will share this word on the Nursery blog so that you can share in the fun with words at home.
Our first “Word of the Week” will be compost. I wonder if you can guess what we are planning to do next week?

Proud Parents

Tom’s family is delighted with his recent certificate:

“Tom was so proud to come home and show us his award- it’s now pride of place on the fridge! We’re delighted at how much he is coming on at nursery. Well done Tom! Mummy and Daddy are very proud! X”

We are all proud of Tom too. He thoroughly deserves his certificate. Keep up the good work Tom.


As we began to see some signs of Spring last week and the children noticed things growing outdoors, we decided to fill some of our planters ready for the sunshine. There was no shortage of helpers to fill the tubs with compost and put the plants in, as we talked about how we would look after our plants and help them to grow. Plenty water and sunshine seemed to be the popular answer. We certainly have no shortage of water and hope that we get the sunshine that the children want to help our little garden to grow.

Clever Problem Solvers

Here are some clever little problem solvers busy at work in our garden earlier in the week. We talked about emptying our water butt, as the rainwater had been sitting over the holidays, but we needed to work out how to get the water out without making a massive puddle in the mud kitchen area.
With a bit of a chat about possible solutions and a peek inside to see how much rainwater we were talking about (a lot!), the children decided to hold the hose under the tap to catch the water and then let the water drain away at the side of the fence out of the way of everyone’s play. What a team! They showed good thinking skills and great perseverance as they worked away as a team to get the job done. Now we have an empty water butt waiting for fresh rainwater. Well done all of you!

Chats Round The Fire

Brooke’s family has been enjoying the photos of the children making toast outdoors:

 “Wow, what a great idea, looks like all the kids enjoyed toasting their own snack and all looked like they knew how to keep themselves safe, well done everyone. Can tell Brooke enjoyed it by that big smile on her face 😀 xx”

It’s funny how the toast tastes so much better made on the fire. The children certainly love doing this and have such great chats round the fire.

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