The Food Rainbow

We have had so many fun activities during Health Week to help us learn about the importance of looking after our bodies. As well as the physical activities, we had a lovely visitor who helped us think about healthy eating and what it looks like. It was impressive that lots of the children were aware of sugar in foods and that it is not good for their teeth but they were surprised, for example, to learn that tomato sauce has lots of sugar in it.
I wonder if any of the children remembered to talk to their families about the food rainbow? Why not ask them at home what it means?

Busy Times

Joshua and Nancy’s family has been enjoying the photos of the Big Pedal Fun Day and the seed planting and have left us some lovely comments.

“Joshua & Nancy look like they are raring to go. They loved being in the playground on the bikes 😁.”

“Wow Nancy looks like she was concentrating very hard when planting her sunflower seeds. Clever girl, well done 😊.”

“Well done Joshua on concentrating very well planting your sunflower seeds. Your getting very good at planting & flowers 😊.”

It has certainly been a busy time in Nursery lately but the children never seem to be short of enthusiasm for all our activities.

Exciting Parcel

An exciting little parcel arrived in Nursery last week which caused everyone to stop and look carefully. It was our own little tub of caterpillars to help our learning about life cycles. The children are keeping a close eye on them and already they have begun to grow. Why not ask the children to show you them in Nursery and see if they can tell you what is going to happen next to our caterpillars?

Sunflower Art

Having been inspired by discussions about Vincent Van Gogh’s work, the children have had the opportunity to create their own sunflower artwork which has formed a beautiful, bright display in the school corridor. You can see our display if you click then click again on the photo of it below and click on individual photos to see the name of the artist.

Family Learning

Our PEEP sessions with Eileen, the Family Learning Co-ordinator, started again last week and, when I popped in, this little group was enjoying a story and various activities linked to seeds which supported the learning they had been doing in Nursery. They will now have cress as well as a sunflower to look after so they are going to be busy little gardeners.
The first morning session is planned for Tuesday of this week and Eileen will have an afternoon session again on Thursday. We hope that those taking part have lots of fun.

Caring For Our Plants

Amazingly some of the sunflower seeds that we planted have already started to grow so the children are beginning to bring them home where they will be able to care for them. We are checking our little seeds daily and each one will be sent home once they have sprouted so, if you do not have yours yet, hopefully it will not be too long until they are ready for the big move. We are looking forward to hearing about their progress over the next few weeks and months.

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