Book Fair Visit

Some of the children paid a little visit to the Book Fair in school this week and enjoyed having a look at all the super books on display. It was great to see the children enthusiastic about stories and some told their families about the books they were interested in. Well done boys and girls for your super behaviour and manners in the wider school environment.

Building For Bugs

The children and staff in the Raindrop Room are continuing to develop their new environment and recently began work on a bug hotel. Some of the children remembered making the bug hotel earlier in the year in the Rainbow Room garden and were keen to make one for their new garden. We think that they must have made a good job of their hotel as we have seen so many ladybirds in their garden over the last week. Let’s hope that the ladybirds tell all their friends about this super hotel.
Here are a few quotes from the children and photos of them busy at work making their new bug hotel.
Anthony: I put water on the cardboard. It made it wet for the bugs. I don’t like spiders.
Finlay: we made houses for ladybugs. We used bricks and sticks.
Matthew: we made a home for all the bugs. We used sticks, bricks, straw and cardboard. The bricks have lots of holes in for the bugs to live in.
Alisha: we made a home for the bugs. I’m rolling the box up for the bugs to sleep in. I love bugs. Purple bugs are my favourite.
Emily B.: we made a home for the bugs. We put straw in it. It keeps them warm.
Archie: we made a bug hotel. Bugs like little holes to live in. I put damp cardboard in the holes so it was wet for the bugs.

Engineers Of The Future?

I wonder if we have some engineers of the future here in Hecklegirth Nursery? The children in the Raindrop Room have been very busy investigating an old TV to find out what is inside it and to build confidence using tools. We thought that we would share a few of their comments and photos of them busy at work.
Louie: I’m fixing this bit.
Matthew: I screwed it in.
Ellie: I’m fixing the screen.
Finlay: I’m trying to get these parts out.
Kai: I see another screw.
Leah: we’re screwing some nuts on.
Archie: it’s electricity.

Story And Rhymes

We would like to remind you about our Story and Rhyme sessions starting back this Thursday 14th February from 9.15 – 10.00. Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, is looking forward to meeting you in the Family Room every Thursday from this week. All parents/carers and younger siblings are welcome.

Word Of The Week

“Graph” will be “Word of the Week” for the Rainbow Room this week as they develop their skills at recording data. The children have begun to record the weather recently on a chart and will now be looking at making graphs linked to snack choices. The Raindrop Room will be learning to use the word “lantern” as they continue to talk about Chinese New Year. I wonder if anyone will be able to make a lantern in the Raindrop Room?

Chinese New Year Learning

Just like the Raindrop Room, those in the Rainbow Room have been learning about Chinese New Year and have enjoyed a range of activities. There has been a focus on developing fine motor control with the use of chopsticks to paint and write on paper and in glittery sand while the sand tray turned into a big noodle sensory experience. We have sequenced numbers and tried to copy the Chinese versions, discovered where China is on the globe and danced along with the dragons as we watched them on the big screen. Chinese New Year certainly provides lots of opportunities for learning.

Which Animal Are You?

Jasmin’s family has told us about her discussions at home about Chinese Year.

“Jasmin really enjoyed asking all her family what animal represented their birth year according to Chinese tradition, google to the rescue!”

Well done Jasmin for talking about your learning at home. It’s certainly handy to have Google for tricky questions at times.

Chinese New Year

With Chinese New Year being celebrated around the world this week, both Nursery rooms have experienced a range of activities as part of their learning about this special celebration. This little gallery shows the children in the Raindrop Room developing their fine motor skills through the use of tongs and chopsticks to pick up rice which was a fun and challenging activity. Some also made “lai see”, the lucky red envelopes, and attempted to copy some Chinese numbers. We will share photos of the children in the Rainbow Room soon as they too experienced a range of activities linked to Chinese New Year.

Click then click again on photos to make them bigger.

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