Strawberry Snack

The children in the Raindrop Room were learning about the changing state of solids and liquids recently when they made jelly. As they had strawberry jelly, they decided to add some tasty strawberries to their little snack and, as you can see, the children who chopped them showed great concentration and super fine motor control when using the chopping knives. I wonder if we have any chefs of the future here?

Learning Is Fun

Baking provides so many opportunities for learning and the children love taking part in it. Apart from turn-taking, sharing, good listening and working as a team, the children can develop their knowledge and skills in several other areas of the curriculum.
Counting and measuring, essential when following a recipe, are “Numeracy and Mathematics” skills while prediction, observation and discussion about the potential changes to their ingredients, as they are mixed and cooked, is an area of “Sciences”. The children are also developing their understanding in “Technologies” as they learn how to use a mixer and the cooker.
Here the children were making chocolate chip cookies and it was wonderful to see their excitement and enthusiasm as they went through the process and then enjoyed tasting what they had produced. Learning can be such fun!

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Learning With Jelly

Apart from being great fun, making jelly develops the children’s understanding of solids and liquids and the processes we go through for solids to become liquids then back to solids. Science activities provide the ‘hands on’ approach to help the children to remember what they have learned having seen it in front of their own eyes. Just to add to the excitement of the activity, the children then had jelly to enjoy as part of their snack in the afternoon and nothing tastes better to the children than a snack they have prepared themselves.

Problem Solving

Sometimes it can be the simplest of activities that are the most effective and this area produced lots of enthusiasm from the children to try something new. As you can see, the children’s focus and concentration was impressive as they developed their fine motor skills by using tongs to select a pompom and place it on the golf tee.
Although most of the children had predicted that the bigger pompoms would be easier to use, they discovered that the smaller ones balanced more easily on the tees and they then preferred to practise with them. Great problem solving and fine motor skills boys and girls!

Tennis Time

Wednesday afternoons have provided the opportunity to develop the children’s skills with Mike, the tennis coach, who has organised lots of fun activities to help the children begin to learn control of a tennis ball. Each room will have two sessions in the school playground with Mike this term and the children have shown great enthusiasm for all his activities, listening well and showing good concentration. I wonder if we have a budding tennis star in our Nursery?
We would like to share a gallery of the Raindrop Room’s first tennis session last week.

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Tracks Big And Small

The Rainbow room took art outdoors recently as they used various vehicles to experiment in making patterns. Trucks, bikes, diggers and scooters all made different tracks on the card and the children loved trying out the various wheels. Some preferred the little vehicles on the table while others liked to “drive” along or walk on the card to make their pattern. The children were certainly proud of their finished work and showed themselves to be responsible and independent by cleaning up all the materials at the end of their artwork. What a great day’s work!

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